Data Management Tools
Data Management Tools |
The Data Management toolbox provides a rich and varied collection of tools that are used to develop, manage, and maintain feature classes, datasets, layers, and raster data structures.
The Data Management toolbox consists of groups of tools, they will be explained with an explanation of all the tools as follows:
Features Toolset:
The Feature Toolset contains tools for converting features from one geometric type to another, validating features, and tools for this group:
Adds new attribute fields to the input features representing the spatial or geometric characteristics and location of each feature, such as length or area and x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates.
Adds the fields POINT_X and POINT_Y to the point input features and calculates their values. It also appends the POINT_Z and POINT_M fields if the input features are Z- and M-enabled.
Modifies Z-values of 3D features.
Creates a new feature class containing geodetic line features constructed based on the values in an x-coordinate field, y-coordinate field, bearing field, and distance field of a table.
Generates a report of the geometry problems in a feature class.
Valid input formats are shapefile and feature classes stored in a personal geodatabase or file geodatabase. Enterprise geodatabases automatically check the validity of each geometry when they are uploaded; therefore, the Check Geometry and Repair Geometry tools are not for use with Enterprise geodatabases.
For additional information on geometry problems, its impact on the software, and potential sources, see Checking and repairing geometries.
Copies features from the input feature class or layer to a new feature class. If the input is a layer which has a selection, only the selected features will be copied. If the input is a geodatabase feature class or shapefile, all features will be copied.
Deletes all or the selected subset of features from the input.
If the input features are from a feature class, all rows will be deleted. If the input features are from a layer with no selection, all features will be deleted.
Subdivides a feature into smaller features based on a specified vertex limit. This tool is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features that cause issues with drawing, analysis, editing, and/or performance but are difficult to split up with standard editing and geoprocessing tools. This tool should not be used in any cases other than those where tools are failing to complete successfully due to the size of features.
Creates a feature class containing polygons, each of which represents the envelope of an input feature.
Creates a feature class containing lines generated by converting polygon boundaries to lines, or splitting line, polygon, or both features at their intersections.
Creates a feature class containing points generated from the representative locations of input features.
Creates a feature class containing polygons generated from areas enclosed by input line or polygon features.
Creates a feature class containing points generated from specified vertices or locations of the input features.
Creates new features by replacing input feature's segments with densified approximations of geodesic segments. Four type of geodesic segments can be constructed: Geodesic, Great Elliptic, Loxodrome, and Normal Section.
Creates a feature class containing polygons which represent a specified minimum bounding geometry enclosing each input feature or each group of input features.
Creates a feature class containing singlepart features generated by separating multipart input features.
Creates line features from points.
Creates a feature class containing lines that are converted from polygon boundaries with or without considering neighboring polygons.
Inspects each feature in a feature class for geometry problems. Upon discovery of a geometry problem, a relevant fix will be applied, and a one-line description will be printed identifying the feature as well as the problem encountered.
Valid inputs are shapefiles and personal and file geodatabase feature classes.
Splits line features based on intersection or proximity to point features.
Creates a feature class containing lines that are generated by splitting input lines or polygon boundaries at their vertices.
Table To EllipseCreates a new feature class containing geodetic ellipse features constructed based on the values in an x-coordinate field, y-coordinate field, major-axis field, minor-axis field, and azimuth field of a table.
Merges lines that have coincident endpoints and, optionally, common attribute values.
Creates a new feature class containing geodetic line features constructed based on the values in a start x-coordinate field, start y-coordinate field, end x-coordinate field, and end y-coordinate field of a table.
Fields Toolset:
The Fields Toolset contains a set of tools for adding and making changes to fields in feature class tables. A field is a column in a table; Each field contains one attribute values. Any number of fields can be included in a table. Settings can be specified for fields, such as the type of field and the maximum size of data that can be stored in it:
Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class, feature layer, and/or rasters with attribute tables.
Adds a database-maintained ID field to an existing table or feature class in a Dameng, IBM Db2, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL database. A database-maintained ID field is required on all feature classes or tables you plan to edit through a feature service.
Renames fields and field aliases, or alters field properties.
This tool will create a default value for a specified field. Whenever a new row is added to the table or feature class, the specified field will be set to this default value.
Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field.
End Time Field values are calculated using the time values from the Start Time Field. The end time value for a record is equal to the start time of the next record. For the last record in the table, the end time will be equal to the start time.
Calculates the values of a field for a feature class, feature layer, or raster.
Converts time values stored in a string or numeric field to a date field. The tool can also be used to convert time values stored in string, numeric, or date fields into custom formats such as day of the week and month of the year.
Converts time values recorded in a date field from one time zone to another time zone.
Converting time values from one time zone to another helps normalize temporal data from different time zones. This improves display and query performance for visualizing temporal data from different time zones using the Time Slider.
This tool deletes one or more fields from a table, feature class, feature layer, or raster dataset.
Disables editor tracking on a feature class, table, mosaic dataset, or raster catalog.
Enables editor tracking for a feature class, table, mosaic dataset, or raster catalog.
Switch data stored in fields or columns to rows in a new table or feature class.
This tool is useful when your table or feature class stores values in field names (such as Field1, Field2, Field3) that you want to rotate so they're arranged in rows. It lets you switch the field names and the corresponding data values in the fields to rows.
File Geodatabase toolset:
To reduce storage requirements, you can compress vector geodatabase feature classes and tables into a read-only format. Files can be reduced to a quarter of their original size. Once compressed, the same data set in ArcCatalog and ArcMap looks as if it were uncompressed. Also, apart from editing, you work with it the same way. Compressed data is a direct access format, so you don't have to decompress it every time you access it: ArcGIS and ArcReader read it directly, and you can also create file geodatabases that can only be viewed by installing a license:
Compacts a personal or file geodatabase. Compacting rearranges how the geodatabase is stored on disk, often reducing its size and improving performance.
Compress File Geodatabase Data
Compresses all the contents in a geodatabase, all the contents in a feature dataset, or an individual stand-alone feature class or table.
Generate File Geodatabase License
Generates a license file (.sdlic) for displaying the contents in a licensed file geodatabase created by the Generate Licensed File Geodatabase tool. The license file must be installed using ArcGIS Administrator.
Licensing is not supported for geodatabases created earlier than version 10.1.
Generate Licensed File Geodatabase
Generates a license definition file (.licdef) that defines and restricts the display of contents in a file geodatabase. The contents of the licensed file geodatabase can be viewed by creating a license file (*.sdlic) and installing it with ArcGIS Administrator. The license file is created using the Generate File Geodatabase License tool.
Licensing is not supported for geodatabases created earlier than version 10.1.
Recovers data from a file geodatabase that has become corrupt.
Uncompress File Geodatabase Data
Uncompresses all the contents in a geodatabase, all the contents in a feature dataset, or an individual stand-alone feature class or table.
General toolset:
The General Toolset contains tools for performing general data management operations. The Toolkit contains tools for merging feature classes or tables; Rename, copying or deleting data sets; Find or deleting duplicate or identical records; and sorting records:
Analyzes Python scripts and custom geoprocessing tools and toolboxes for functionality that is not supported in ArcGIS Pro.
There are differences between ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS 10.x that may mean changes to some custom tools and scripts so they run successfully in ArcGIS Pro. These changes include geoprocessing tools and environments that are not supported in ArcGIS Pro, the replacement of the arcpy.mapping module with the module, unsupported data formats (such as a personal geodatabase), and an upgrade to Python 3 from Python 2.
Appends multiple input datasets into an existing target dataset. Input datasets can be feature classes, tables, shapefiles, rasters, annotation or dimensions feature classes.
To combine input datasets into a new output dataset, use the Merge tool.
Makes a copy of the input data.
Creates a view in a database based on an SQL expression.
Permanently deletes data from disk. All types of geographic data supported by ArcGIS, as well as toolboxes and workspaces (folders, geodatabases), can be deleted. If the specified item is a workspace, all contained items are also deleted.
Deletes records in a feature class or table which have identical values in a list of fields. If the field Shape is selected, feature geometries are compared.
The Find Identical tool can be used to report which records are considered identical without deleting the identical records.
Reports any records in a feature class or table that have identical values in a list of fields, and generates a table listing these identical records. If the field Shape is selected, feature geometries are compared.
The Delete Identical tool can be used to find and delete identical records.
Combines multiple input datasets into a single, new output dataset. This tool can combine point, line, or polygon feature classes or tables.
Use the Append tool to combine input datasets with an existing dataset.
Changes the name of a dataset. This includes a wide variety of data types, among them feature dataset, raster, table, and shapefile.
Reorders, in ascending or descending order, records in a feature class or table based on one or multiple fields. The reordered result is written to a new dataset.
Generalization toolset:
The tools in the Generalization Toolset can be used to group or remove features:
Aggregates features based on specified attributes.
Eliminates polygons by merging them with neighboring polygons that have the largest area or the longest shared border. Eliminate is often used to remove small sliver polygons that are the result of overlay operations, such as Intersect or Union.
Creates a new output feature class containing the features from the input polygons with some parts or holes of a specified size deleted.
Geodatabase Administration Toolset:
The geodatabase management Toolset contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. The specific geodatabase data management tools as well as geodatabase upgrade, management and maintenance are covered by the tools in this toolkit:
Updates database statistics of base tables, delta tables, and archive tables, along with the statistics on those tables' indexes. This tool is used in enterprise geodatabases to help get optimal performance from the RDBMS's query optimizer. Stale statistics can lead to poor geodatabase performance.
Establishes or changes user access privileges to the input enterprise database datasets, stand-alone feature classes, or tables.
Compresses an enterprise geodatabase by removing states not referenced by a version and redundant rows.
Configure Geodatabase Log File Tables
Alters the type of log file tables used by an enterprise geodatabase to maintain lists of records cached by ArcGIS.
Creates a database user with privileges sufficient to create data in the database.
Creates a database, storage locations, and a database user to act as the geodatabase administrator and owner of the geodatabase. Functionality varies depending on the database management system used. The tool grants the geodatabase administrator privileges required to create a geodatabase, and then creates a geodatabase in the database.
The Create Role tool creates a database role and lets you add users to or remove users from the role.
The Delete Schema Geodatabase tool deletes a geodatabase from a user's schema in Oracle.
Identifies inconsistencies within the system tables used to manage versions and states in a versioned geodatabase.
Identifies inconsistencies in the delta (A and D) tables of a versioned geodatabase.
Creates geodatabase system tables, stored procedures, functions, and types in an existing database, thereby enabling geodatabase functionality in the database.
Export Geodatabase Configuration Keywords
Exports the configuration keywords, parameters, and values from the specified enterprise geodatabase to an editable file. Change parameter values or add custom configuration keywords to the file and use the Import Geodatabase Configuration Keywords tool to import the changes to the geodatabase.
Import Geodatabase Configuration Keywords
Define data storage parameters for an enterprise geodatabase by importing a file containing configuration keywords, parameters, and values.
Moves the data from a binary, spatial, or spatial attribute column of one data type to a new column of a different data type in geodatabases in Oracle and SQL Server. The configuration keyword you specify when migrating determines the data type used for the new column.
After migrating the data type, you must disconnect from and reconnect to the geodatabase to reload the columns. If you do not, subsequent actions executed on the newly migrated datasets may fail.
Rebuild existing attribute or spatial indexes in databases and enterprise, workgroup, and desktop geodatabases. Indexes can also be rebuilt on states and state_lineage geodatabase system tables and the delta tables of versioned datasets. Out-of-date indexes can lead to poor query performance.
Registers feature classes, tables, views, and raster layers that were created in the database using ArcGIS clients with the geodatabase. Once registered, information about the items—such as table and column names, spatial extent, and geometry type—is stored in the geodatabase's system tables, allowing these registered items to participate in geodatabase functionality.
Repairs inconsistencies within the versioning system tables of a versioned geodatabase.
Repairs inconsistencies in the delta (A and D) tables of a versioned geodatabase.
Update Enterprise Geodatabase License
Enterprise geodatabases are licensed through an ArcGIS Server authorization file. The geodatabase stores this authorization information to allow access to the geodatabase.
If your organization licenses ArcGIS Server for a set time period, your geodatabase administrator can run the Update Enterprise Geodatabase License tool with a new ArcGIS Server authorization file to update license information in the geodatabase before the existing license expires. This allows clients to continue working with the geodatabase without interruptions caused by expired licenses.
Upgrades the schema of a mosaic dataset, network dataset, or parcel fabric to the current ArcGIS release. Upgrading the dataset allows the dataset to make use of new functionality available in the current software release.
Upgrades a geodatabase to the latest ArcGIS release to take advantage of new functionality.
You must have the current release of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Server installed on the computer from which you will run the upgrade. For enterprise geodatabases, you must connect directly to the geodatabase to upgrade; you cannot connect through an ArcSDE service.
Upgrades a low precision dataset's spatial reference to high precision.
Input to this tool is a stand-alone feature class, feature dataset, or raster catalog which has a low resolution spatial reference and is stored in a current version personal or ArcSDE geodatabase. The origin and precision of the high precision spatial reference grid will mesh with the existing low precision grid. For each point of the original low precision spatial reference grid there is a point in the new high precision spatial reference grid. Coordinate values will not be affected by the upgrade.
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