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Add Geometry Attributes, Recalculate and Update Annotation Feature Class Extent

Add Geometry Attributes, Recalculate and Update Annotation Feature Class Extent Tools

Recalculate Feature Class Extent

How to Recalculate Feature Class Extent Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Recalculate Feature Class Extent Tool
Recalculate Feature Class Extent

Path to access the tool


Recalculate Feature Class Extent Tool, feature Class Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Recalculate Feature Class Extent

Recalculates the XY, Z, and M extent properties of a feature class based on the features in the feature class.

A feature class has a spatial extent that is based on all the coordinates in the feature class. This spatial extent is used when adding a feature class to a map to recenter and display all the features. Rather than examining every feature in the feature class each time the feature class is added to a map (a potentially long process), a feature class has an extent property containing the last known spatial extent. However, this extent property is not always updated when features in the feature class are edited. This means that the values in the extent property may not contain the actual spatial extent of the features. Executing this tool reads all the features and updates the extent property.

XY, Z, and M extents are not the same as spatial reference domains. The XY, Z, and M domains in a spatial reference define the valid range of coordinate values that can be stored in a feature class. The feature class extents reflect the actual range of coordinate values that exist in the feature class. These extents cannot be larger than the domains.

1. Input Features

The shapefile or geodatabase feature class that will be updated.

Update Annotation Feature Class

How to Update Annotation Feature Class Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Update Annotation Feature Class Tool
Update Annotation Feature Class

Path to access the tool


Update Annotation Feature Class Tool, feature Class Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Update Annotation Feature Class

Updates the input annotation feature class with text attribute fields and optionally populates the value of each new field for every feature in the feature class.

1. Input features

Input annotation feature class to which new fields will be added.

2. Populate Attribute Fields (optional)

Populates the value of each new field for every feature in the feature class.

  1. Checked—Populates the value of each new field for every feature in the feature class. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Do not populate a value for the fields.

Add Geometry Attributes

How to Add Geometry Attributes Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Add Geometry Attributes Tool
Add Geometry Attributes

Path to access the tool


Add Geometry Attributes Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Add Geometry Attributes

Adds new attribute fields to the input features representing the spatial or geometric characteristics and location of each feature.

1. Input Features

New attribute fields will be added to the input features to store properties such as length, area, or x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates.

2. Geometry Properties

Determines the geometry or shape properties that will be calculated into new attribute fields.

  1. AREA—Adds an attribute to store the area of each polygon feature.
  2. AREA_GEODESIC—Adds an attribute to store the geodesic area of each polygon feature.
  3. CENTROID—Adds attributes to store the centroid coordinates of each feature.
  4. CENTROID_INSIDE—Adds attributes to store the coordinates of a central point inside or on each feature.
  5. EXTENT—Adds attributes to store the extent coordinates of each feature.
  6. LENGTH—Adds an attribute to store the length of each line feature.
  7. LENGTH_GEODESIC—Adds an attribute to store the geodesic length of each line feature.
  8. LENGTH_3D—Adds an attribute to store the 3D length of each line feature.
  9. LINE_BEARING—Adds an attribute to store the start-to-end bearing of each line feature. Values range from 0 to 360, with 0 meaning north, 90 east, 180 south, 270 west, and so on.
  10. LINE_START_MID_END—Adds attributes to store the coordinates of the start, mid, and end points of each feature.
  11. PART_COUNT—Adds an attribute to store the number of parts comprising each feature.
  12. PERIMETER_LENGTH—Adds an attribute to store the length of the perimeter or border of each polygon feature.
  13. PERIMETER_LENGTH_GEODESIC—Adds an attribute to store the geodesic length of the perimeter or border of each polygon feature.
  14. POINT_COUNT—Adds an attribute to store the number of points or vertices comprising each feature.
  15. POINT_X_Y_Z_M—Adds attributes to store the x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates of each point feature.

3. Length Unit (optional)

The unit in which to calculate length.

  1. FEET_US—Length in feet (United States)
  2. METERS—Length in meters
  3. KILOMETERS—Length in kilometers
  4. MILES_US—Length in miles (United States)
  5. NAUTICAL_MILES—Length in nautical miles (United States)
  6. YARDS—Length in yards (United States)

4. Area Unit (optional)

The unit in which to calculate area.

  1. ACRES—Area in acres
  2. HECTARES—Area in hectares
  3. SQUARE_MILES_US—Area in square miles (United States)
  4. SQUARE_KILOMETERS—Area in square kilometers
  5. SQUARE_METERS—Area in square meters
  6. SQUARE_FEET_US—Area in square feet (United States)
  7. SQUARE_YARDS—Area in square yards (United States)
  8. SQUARE_NAUTICAL_MILES—Area in square nautical miles (United States)

5. Coordinate System (optional)

The coordinate system in which the coordinates, length, and area will be calculated. The coordinate system of the input features is used by default.


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