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Create and Unregistered Feature Class, Integrate

Create and Unregistered  Feature Class, Integrate Tools

Create Feature Class

How to Create Feature Class Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Feature Class Tool
Create Feature Class

Path to access the tool


Create Feature Class Tool, feature Class Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Feature Class

Creates an empty feature class in an enterprise, file geodatabase, or personal geodatabase; in a folder, it creates a shapefile.

1. Feature Class Location

The enterprise, file, or personal geodatabase, or the folder in which the output feature class will be created. This workspace must already exist.

2. Feature Class Name

The name of the feature class to be created.

3. Geometry Type (optional)

The geometry type of the feature class.

  1. POINT

4. Template Feature Class (optional)

The feature class used as a template to define the attribute schema of the feature class.

5. Has M (optional)

Determines if the feature class contains linear measurement values (m-values).

  1. DISABLED—The output feature class will not have m-values.
  2. ENABLED—The output feature class will have m-values.
  3. SAME_AS_TEMPLATE—The output feature class will have m-values only if the template has m-values.

6. Has Z (optional)

Determines if the feature class contains elevation values (z-values).

  1. DISABLED—The output feature class will not have z-values.
  2. ENABLED—The output feature class will have z-values.
  3. SAME_AS_TEMPLATE—The output feature class will have z-values only if the template has z-values.

7. Coordinate System (optional)

The spatial reference of the output feature dataset. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box, you can select, import, or create a new coordinate system. To set aspects of the spatial reference, such as the x,y-, z-, or m-domain, resolution, or tolerance, use the Environments dialog box.

If a spatial reference is not provided, the output will have an undefined spatial reference.

The spatial reference of the Template Feature Class has no effect on the output spatial reference. If you want your output to be in the coordinate system of the Template Feature Class, set the Coordinate System parameter to the spatial reference of the Template Feature Class.

8. Configuration Keyword (optional)

The configuration keyword applies to enterprise data only. It determines the storage parameters of the database table.

9. Output Spatial Grid 1 (optional)

The Spatial Grid 1, 2, and 3 parameters are used to compute a spatial index and only apply to file geodatabases and certain workgroup and enterprise geodatabase feature classes. If you are unfamiliar with setting grid sizes, leave these options as 0,0,0 and ArcGIS will compute optimal sizes for you. Since no features are written by this tool, the spatial index will be in an unbuilt state. The index will be built when features are written to the feature class such as by the Append tool or editing operations. For more information about this parameter, refer to the Add Spatial Index tool documentation.

10. Output Spatial Grid 2 (optional)

Cell size of the second spatial grid. Leave the size at 0 if you only want one grid. Otherwise, set the size to at least three times larger than Spatial Grid 1.

11. Output Spatial Grid 3 (optional)

Cell size of the third spatial grid. Leave the size at 0 if you only want two grids. Otherwise, set the size to at least three times larger than Spatial Grid 2.

Create Unregistered Feature Class

How to Create Unregistered Feature Class Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Unregistered Feature Class Tool
Create Unregistered Feature Class

Path to access the tool


Create Unregistered Feature Class Tool, feature Class Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Unregistered Feature Class

This tool creates an empty feature class in a database or enterprise geodatabase. The feature class is not registered with the geodatabase.

1. Feature Class Location

The enterprise geodatabase or database in which the output feature class will be created.

2. Feature Class Name

The name of the feature class to be created.

3. Geometry Type (optional)

The geometry type of the feature class. Only relevant for those geometry types that store dimensionality metadata, such as ST_Geometry in PostgreSQL, PostGIS Geometry, and Oracle SDO_Geometry.

  2. POINT

4. Template Feature Class (optional)

An existing feature class or layer to use as a template to define the attribute schema of the output feature class.

5. Has M (optional)

Determines if the feature class contains linear measurement values (m values).

  1. DISABLED—The output feature class will not have m values. This is the default.
  2. SAME_AS_TEMPLATE—The output feature class will have m values if the template has m values.
  3. ENABLED—The output feature class will have m values.

6. Has Z (optional)

Determines if the feature class contains elevation values (z values).

DISABLED—The output feature class will not have z values. This is the default.

SAME_AS_TEMPLATE—The output feature class will have z values if the template has z values.

ENABLED—The output feature class will have z values.

7. Coordinate System (optional)

The spatial reference of the output feature dataset. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box, you can select, import, or create a new coordinate system. To set aspects of the spatial reference, such as the x,y-, z-, or m-domain, resolution, or tolerance, use the Environments dialog box.

8. Configuration Keyword (optional)

Determines the storage parameters of the feature class in an enterprise geodatabase.


How to Integrate Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Integrate Tool
Integrate Tool

Path to access the tool


Integrate Tool, feature Class Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox



Analyzes the coordinate locations of feature vertices among features in one or more feature classes. Those that fall within a specified distance of one another are assumed to represent the same location and are assigned a common coordinate value (in other words, they are colocated). The tool also adds vertices where feature vertices are within the x,y tolerance of an edge and where line segments intersect.

Integrate performs the following processing tasks:

  1. Vertices within the x,y tolerance of one another will be assigned the same coordinate location.
  2. When a vertex of one feature is within the x,y tolerance of an edge of any other feature, a new vertex will be inserted on the edge.
  3. When line segments intersect, a vertex will be inserted at the point of intersection for each feature involved in the intersection.

1. Input Features

The feature classes to be integrated. When the distance between features is small in comparison to the tolerance, the vertices or points will be clustered (moved to be coincident). The feature class or layer with the lower rank will snap to the feature from the feature class or layer with the higher rank (with 1 being a higher rank than 2). Features in the feature class with a rank of 1 may move when a large x,y tolerance is used. For more information, see Priority ranks and geoprocessing tools. 

2. XY Tolerance (optional)

The distance that determines the range in which feature vertices are made coincident. To minimize undesired movement of vertices, the x,y tolerance should be fairly small. If no value is specified, the xy tolerance from the first dataset in the list of inputs will be used. It is recommended that you leave this parameter unset and allow the x,y tolerance to default to the data's spatial reference x,y tolerance.


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