Append Annotation Feature Classes, Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index and Default XY Tolerance Tools
Append Annotation Feature Classes
How to Append Annotation
Feature Classes Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??Append Annotation Feature Classes
Path to access the tool
Annotation Feature Classes Tool, feature Class Toolset,
Data Management Tools Toolbox
Append Annotation Feature Classes
Creates a geodatabase annotation feature class or appends
to an existing annotation feature class by combining annotation from multiple
input geodatabase annotation feature classes into a single feature class with
annotation classes.
1. Input features
The input annotation
features that will form an annotation class in the output feature class.
2. Output feature class
A new annotation feature
class that will contain an annotation class for each input annotation feature class.
3. Reference scale
The reference scale set
in the output feature class. Input features created at a different reference
scale will be transformed to match this output reference scale.
4. Create a single annotation class (optional)
Specifies how annotation features will be added to the output feature class.
- Checked—All annotation features will be aggregated into one annotation class in the output feature class.
- Unchecked—Separate annotation classes will be created for each input annotation class in the output feature class. This is the default.
5. Require symbols to be selected from the symbol table (optional)
Specifies how symbols can be selected for newly created annotation features.
- Checked—Restricts the creation of annotation features to the list of symbols in the symbol collection of the output feature class.
- Unchecked—Allows annotation features to be created with any symbology. This is the default.
6. Create annotation when new features are added (Feature-linked only) (optional)
This parameter is only
available with ArcGIS Desktop Standard and ArcGIS Desktop Advanced licenses.
Specifies whether feature-linked annotation will be created when a feature is added.
- Checked—Feature-linked annotation will be created using the label engine when a linked feature is created. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Feature-linked annotation will not be created when a feature is created.
7. Update annotation when the shape of the linked feature is modified (Feature-linked only) (optional)
This parameter is only
available with ArcGIS Desktop Standard and ArcGIS Desktop Advanced licenses.
Specifies whether feature-linked annotation is updated when a linked feature changes.
- Checked—Feature-linked annotation will be updated using the label engine when a linked feature changes. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Feature-linked annotation will not be updated when a linked feature changes.
Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index
How to Calculate Default
Spatial Grid Index Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index
Path to access the tool
Default Spatial Grid Index Tool, feature Class Toolset,
Data Management Tools Toolbox
Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index
Calculates a set of valid grid index values (spatial grid
1, 2, and 3) for the input features. Grid index values will be calculated even
if the input features do not support spatial grid indexing.
1. Input Features
The features for which a
valid spatial grid index will be calculated.
Calculate Default XY Tolerance
How to Calculate Default XY
Tolerance Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??Calculate Default XY Tolerance
Path to access the tool
Default XY Tolerance Tool, feature Class Toolset,
Data Management Tools Toolbox
Calculate Default XY Tolerance
Calculates a default XY
tolerance by examining the spatial reference and the extent of the feature
With geodatabase feature
classes, the value returned by this tool will be identical to the XY Tolerance
property on a geodatabase feature class or dataset,
or the cluster tolerance of
a topology. With non-geodatabase feature classes such as coverage feature
classes, shape files, or CAD feature classes, the value will be based on the
default tolerance of the feature class' spatial reference.
The terms XY Tolerance
and Cluster Tolerance are synonymous. You will see the usage of Cluster Tolerance
in topology, python script, and ArcGIS prior to the 9.2 Release. The name of
this tool (used in scripting) is CalculateDefaultClusterTolerance.
XY tolerance is also
available in scripting through the XYTolerance property of a SpatialReference
object. A SpatialReference object can be created by describing a feature class.
1. Input Features
The feature class for which the default XY tolerance will be calculated.
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