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Create Database User, Create Enterprise Geodatabase and Create Role

Create Database User, Create Enterprise Geodatabase and Create Role Tools

Create Database User

How to Create Database User Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Database User Tool
Create Database User

Path to access the tool


Create Database User Tool, Geodatabase Administration Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Database User

Creates a database user with privileges sufficient to create data in the database.

1.    Input Database Connection

Specify the connection file to a database or enterprise geodatabase in Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server. Be sure the connection file connects directly to the database (no ArcSDE service) and that the connection is made as a database administrator user. When connecting to Oracle, you must connect as the sys user.

2.    Create Operating System Authenticated User (optional)

Use this only if an operating system login exists for which you want to create a database user. This option is only supported for SQL Server and Oracle databases, as those are the only two databases for which ArcGIS supports operating system authentication.

  1. Checked—Create an operating system-authenticated user. The corresponding login must already exist.
  2. Unchecked—Create a database-authenticated user. This is the default.

3.    Database User

Type a name for the new database user.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, the user name must match the login name. 

Database User

Type a name for the new database user.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, the user name must match the login name.

Database User Password (optional)

Type a password for the new user. The password policy of the underlying database is enforced.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, no input is required.

Role (optional)

If you want to add the new user to an existing database role, specify the name of the role.

Tablespace Name (optional)

When creating a user in an Oracle database, type the name of the tablespace to be used as the default tablespace for the user. You can specify a preconfigured tablespace, or, if the tablespace does not already exist, it will be created in the Oracle default storage location with its size set to 400 MB. If no tablespace is specified, the user's default tablespace will be set to the Oracle default tablespace.

Create Operating System Authenticated User (optional)

Use this only if an operating system login exists for which you want to create a database user. This option is only supported for SQL Server and Oracle databases, as those are the only two databases for which ArcGIS supports operating system authentication.

Database User

Type a name for the new database user.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, the user name must match the login name.

Database User Password (optional)

Type a password for the new user. The password policy of the underlying database is enforced.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, no input is required.

Role (optional)

If you want to add the new user to an existing database role, specify the name of the role.

Tablespace Name (optional)

When creating a user in an Oracle database, type the name of the tablespace to be used as the default tablespace for the user. You can specify a preconfigured tablespace, or, if the tablespace does not already exist, it will be created in the Oracle default storage location with its size set to 400 MB. If no tablespace is specified, the user's default tablespace will be set to the Oracle default tablespace.

4.    Database User Password (optional)

Type a password for the new user. The password policy of the underlying database is enforced.

If you chose to create a database user for an operating system login, no input is required.

5.    Role (optional)

If you want to add the new user to an existing database role, specify the name of the role.

6.    Tablespace Name (optional)

When creating a user in an Oracle database, type the name of the tablespace to be used as the default tablespace for the user. You can specify a preconfigured tablespace, or, if the tablespace does not already exist, it will be created in the Oracle default storage location with its size set to 400 MB. If no tablespace is specified, the user's default tablespace will be set to the Oracle default tablespace.

Create Enterprise Geodatabase

How to Create Enterprise Geodatabase Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Enterprise Geodatabase Tool
Create Enterprise Geodatabase

Path to access the tool


Create Enterprise Geodatabase Tool, Geodatabase Administration Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Enterprise Geodatabase

Creates a database, storage locations, and a database user to act as the geodatabase administrator and owner of the geodatabase. Functionality varies depending on the database management system used. The tool grants the geodatabase administrator privileges required to create a geodatabase, and then creates a geodatabase in the database.

1.    Database Platform

Specify the type of database management system to which you will connect to create a geodatabase.

  1. Oracle—Connect to an Oracle instance.
  2. PostgreSQL—Connect to a PostgreSQL database cluster
  3. SQL_Server— Connect to a Microsoft SQL Server instance.

2.    Instance

For SQL Server, provide the SQL Server instance name. Case-sensitive or binary collation SQL Server instances are not supported.

For Oracle, provide either the TNS name or the Oracle Easy Connection string.

For PostgreSQL, provide the name of the server where PostgreSQL is installed.

3.    Database (optional)

This parameter is valid for PostgreSQL and SQL Server. You can type either the name of an existing, preconfigured database or a name for a database that the tool will create.

If the tool creates the database in SQL Server, the file sizes will either be the same as defined for the SQL Server model database or 500 MB for the MDF file and 125 MB for the LDF file, whichever is greater. Both the MDF and LDF files are created in the default SQL Server location on the database server.

If the tool creates the database in PostgreSQL, it uses the template1 database as the template for your database. If you need a different template—for example, you require a template that is enabled for a PostGIS—you must create the database before running this tool and provide the name of the existing database. Always use lowercase characters for the database name. If you use uppercase letters, the tool will convert them to lowercase.

4.    Operating System Authentication (optional)

Specify the type of authentication to use for the database connection.

  1. Checked—Use operating system authentication. The login information you provide for the computer where you run the tool is the login used to authenticate the database connection. If your database management system is not configured to allow operating system authentication, authentication will fail.
  2. Unchecked—Use database authentication. You must provide a valid database user name and password for authentication in the database. This is the default. If your database management system is not configured to allow database authentication, authentication will fail.

5.    Database Administrator (optional)

If you use database authentication, specify a database administrator user. For Oracle, use the sys user. For PostgreSQL, specify a user that has superuser status. For SQL Server, specify any member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

6.    Database Administrator Password (optional)

If you use database authentication, type the password for the database administrator.

7.    Sde Owned Schema (optional)

This parameter is only active for SQL Server.

  1. Checked—The geodatabase will be created in the schema of the sde user.
  2. Unchecked—You must be logged into the SQL Server instance as a user who is dbo in the instance, and the geodatabase will be created in the dbo schema in the database.

8.    Geodatabase Administrator (optional)

If you are using PostgreSQL, this value must be sde. If the sde login role does not exist, this tool creates it and grants it superuser status in the database cluster. If the sde login role exists, this tool will grant it superuser status if it does not already have it. The tool also creates an sde schema in the database and grants usage on the schema to public.

If you are using Oracle, the value is sde. If the sde user does not exist in the Oracle database, the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool creates it and grants it the privileges required to create and upgrade a geodatabase and disconnect users from the database. If you run this tool in an Oracle 12c or 18c database, the tool also grants privileges to allow data imports using Oracle Data Pump. If the sde user already exists, the tool will grant these same privileges to the existing user.

Beginning with ArcGIS 10.7 and ArcGIS Pro 2.3, you cannot create user-schema geodatabases in Oracle.

If you are using SQL Server and specified an sde-schema geodatabase, this value must be sde. The tool will create an sde login, database user, and schema and grant it privileges to create a geodatabase and kill connections to the SQL Server instance. If you specified a dbo schema, do not provide a value for this parameter.

9.    Geodatabase Administrator Password (optional)

The password for the geodatabase administrator user. If the geodatabase administrator user already exists in the database management system, the password you provide must match the existing password. If the geodatabase administrator user does not already exist, type a valid database password for the new user. The password must meet the password policy enforced by your database.

The password is an encrypted string.

10. Tablespace Name (optional)

This parameter is only valid for Oracle and PostgreSQL DBMS types. For Oracle, do one of the following:

  1. Provide the name of an existing tablespace. This tablespace will be used as the default tablespace for the geodatabase administrator user.
  2. Type a valid name for a new tablespace. The tool will create a 400 MB tablespace in the Oracle default storage location and set it as the geodatabase administrator's default tablespace.
  3. Leave the tablespace blank, and the tool will create a 400 MB tablespace named SDE_TBS in the Oracle default storage location. The SDE_TBS tablespace will be set as the geodatabase administrator's default tablespace.

This tool does not create a tablespace in PostgreSQL. You must either provide the name of an existing tablespace to be used as the database's default tablespace, or leave this parameter blank. If you leave the parameter blank, the tool creates a database in the pg_default tablespace.

11. Authorization File

The path and file name of the keycodes file that was created when ArcGIS Server was authorized. This file is in the \\Program Files\ESRI\License<release#>\sysgen folder on Windows or the /arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License<release#>/sysgen directory on Linux. If you have not already done so, authorize ArcGIS Server to create this file.

You will likely need to copy the keycodes file from the ArcGIS Server machine to a location accessible to the tool.

Create Role

How to Create Role Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Role Tool
Create Role

Path to access the tool


Create Role Tool, Geodatabase Administration Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Role

The Create Role tool creates a database role and lets you add users to or remove users from the role.

1.    Input Database Connection

Specify the connection file to a database or enterprise geodatabase. Connect as a database administrator user. Note that you cannot use an ArcSDE service when connecting to a geodatabase to run this tool.

2.    Role

Type the name of the database role you want to create. If the role already exists, type the name of the role for which you want to add users or remove users.

3.    Grant to or Revoke From User(s) (optional)

Specify whether to add the role to a user or list of users or remove a user or list of users from the role.

  1. GRANT—Grants the role to the specified user or users, thereby making them a member of the role
  2. REVOKE—Revokes the role from the specified user or users, thereby removing them from the role

4.    User Name(s) (optional)

Type the name of the user for which you want to change role membership. To specify multiple users, type the user names separated by commas (no spaces).


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