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Feature to Point and Polygon, Vertices to Points, Geodetic Densify and Minimum Bounding Geometry

Feature to Point and Polygon, Vertices to Points, Geodetic Densify and Minimum Bounding Geometry Tools

Feature to Point

How to Feature to Point Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature to Point Tool
Feature to Point

Path to access the tool


Feature to Point Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Feature to Point

Creates a feature class containing points generated from the representative locations of input features.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be multipoint, line, polygon, or annotation.

2. Output Feature Class

The output point feature class.

3. Inside (optional)

Specifies whether to use representative centers of input features or locations contained by input features as the output point locations.

  1. Unchecked—Uses the representative center of an input feature as its output point location. This is the default. This location may not always be contained by the input feature.
  2. Checked—Uses a location contained by an input feature as its output point location.

Feature to Polygon

How to Feature to Polygon Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature to Polygon Tool
Feature to Polygon

Path to access the tool


Feature to Polygon Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Feature to Polygon

Creates a feature class containing polygons generated from areas enclosed by input line or polygon features.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be line or polygon, or both.

2. Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class.

3. XY Tolerance (optional)

The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates, and the distance a coordinate can move in X, Y, or both during spatial computation. The default XY tolerance is set to 0.001 meter or its equivalent in feature units.

4. Preserve attributes (optional)

This is parameter is no longer supported.

5. Label Features (optional)

The optional input point features that hold the attributes to be transferred to the output polygon features.

Feature Vertices to Points

How to Feature Vertices to Points Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature Vertices to Points Tool
Feature Vertices to Points

Path to access the tool


Feature Vertices to Points Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Feature Vertices to Points

Creates a feature class containing points generated from specified vertices or locations of the input features.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be line or polygonOutput Feature Class The output point feature class. Point Type (optional) Specifies where an output point will be created.

2. Output Feature Class

The output point feature class.

3. Point Type (optional)

Specifies where an output point will be created.

  1. ALL—A point will be created at each input feature vertex. This is the default.
  2. MID—A point will be created at the midpoint, not necessarily a vertex, of each input line or polygon boundary.
  3. START—A point will be created at the start point (first vertex) of each input feature.
  4. END—A point will be created at the end point (last vertex) of each input feature.
  5. BOTH_ENDS—Two points will be created, one at the start point and another at the endpoint of each input feature.
  6. DANGLE —A dangle point will be created for any start or end point of an input line, if that point is not connected to another line at any location along that line. This option does not apply to polygon input.

Geodetic Densify

How to Geodetic Densify Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Geodetic Densify Tool
Geodetic Densify

Path to access the tool


Geodetic Densify Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Geodetic Densify

Creates new features by replacing input feature's segments with densified approximations of geodesic segments. Four type of geodesic segments can be constructed: Geodesic, Great Elliptic, Loxodrome, and Normal Section.

1. Input Features

The input line or polygon features.

2. Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing the densified geodesic features.

3. Geodetic Type

The type of geodetic segment to construct. Geodetic calculations are performed on the ellipsoid associated with the input data's coordinate system.

  1. GEODESIC—The shortest distance between two points on the surface of the spheroid (ellipsoid).
  2. LOXODROME—The line of equal azimuth (from a pole) connecting the two points.
  3. GREAT_ELLIPTIC— The line made by the intersection of a plane that contains the center of the spheroid and the two points.
  4. NORMAL_SECTION—The line made by the intersection of a plane that contains the center of the spheroid and is perpendicular to the surface at the first point.

4. Distance (optional)

The distance between vertices along the output geodesic segment. The default value is 50 kilometers.

Minimum Bounding Geometry

How to Minimum Bounding Geometry Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Minimum Bounding Geometry Tool
Minimum Bounding Geometry

Path to access the tool


Minimum Bounding Geometry Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Minimum Bounding Geometry

Creates a feature class containing polygons which represent a specified minimum bounding geometry enclosing each input feature or each group of input features.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be point, multipoint, line, polygon, or multipatch.

2. Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class.

3. Geometry Type (optional)

Specifies what type of minimum bounding geometry the output polygons will represent.

  1. RECTANGLE_BY_AREA—The rectangle of the smallest area enclosing an input feature. This is the default.
  2. RECTANGLE_BY_WIDTH—The rectangle of the smallest width enclosing an input feature.
  3. CONVEX_HULL—The smallest convex polygon enclosing an input feature.
  4. CIRCLE—The smallest circle enclosing an input feature.
  5. ENVELOPE—The envelope of an input feature.

The CONVEX_HULL, CIRCLE, and ENVELOPE options are only available with an ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license.

4. Group Option (optional)

Specifies how the input features will be grouped; each group will be enclosed with one output polygon.

  1. NONE—Input features will not be grouped. This is the default. This option is not available for point input.
  2. ALL—All input features will be treated as one group.
  3. LIST—Input features will be grouped based on their common values in the specified field or fields in the group field parameter

5. Group Field(s) (optional)

The field or fields in the input features that will be used to group features, when LIST is specified as Group Option. At least one group field is required for LIST option. All features that have the same value in the specified field or fields will be treated as a group.

6. Add geometry characteristics as attributes to output (optional)

Specifies whether to add the geometric attributes in the output feature class or omit them in the output feature class.

  1. Unchecked—Omits the geometric attributes in the output feature class. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Adds the geometric attributes in the output feature class.


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