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Tile LAS

How to use Tile LAS Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Tile LAS Tool
Tile LAS

Tile LAS Tool, LAS Dataset Toolset, Data Management Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox:


Tile LAS

Creates a set of nonoverlapping LAS files whose horizontal extents are divided by a regular grid.

1.    Input LAS Dataset

The LAS dataset to process.

2.    Target Folder

The folder where the tiled LAS files will be written.

3.    Output Base Name (optional)

The name that each output file will begin with.

4.    Output LAS Dataset (optional)

The new LAS dataset that references the tiled LAS files created by this tool. This is optional.

5.    Compute Statistics (optional)

Specifies whether statistics should be computed for the LAS files referenced by the LAS dataset. Computing statistics provides a spatial index for each LAS file, which improves analysis and display performance. Statistics also enhance the filtering and symbology experience by limiting the display of LAS attributes, like classification codes and return information, to values that are present in the LAS file.

· Checked—Statistics will be computed.

· Unchecked—Statistics will not be computed. This is the default.

6.    LAS File Version (optional)

Specifies the LAS file version of each output file. The default is 1.4.

· 1.0—This version supported 256 unique class codes but did not have a predefined classification schema.

· 1.1—This version introduced a predefined classification scheme, and point record formats 0 and 1, and the synthetic classification flag for points that were derived from a source other than a lidar sensor.

· 1.2—This version featured support for GPS time and RGB records in point records 2 and 3.

· 1.3—This version added support for point records 4 and 5 for waveform data. However, waveform information is not read in ArcGIS.

· 1.4—This version introduced point record formats 6 through 10, along with new class definitions, 256 unique class codes, and the overlap classification flag.

7.    Point Format (optional)

The point record format of the output LAS files. The available options will vary based on the LAS file version specified in the Output Version parameter.

8.    Compression (optional)

Specifies whether the output LAS file will be in a compressed format or the standard LAS format.

· NO_COMPRESSION—The output will be in the standard LAS format (*.las). This is the default.

· ZLAS—Output LAS files will be compressed in the zLAS format.

9.    LAS Options (optional)

A list of optional modifications to the output LAS files.

· REARRANGE_POINTS—Orders LAS points according to their spatial clustering.

· REMOVE_VLR—Removes variable-length records that are added after the header and the point records of each file.

· REMOVE_EXTRA_BYTES—Removes the extra bytes that may be present with each point record in the input LAS file.

10. Import from Feature Class (optional)

The polygon features that define the tile width and height to be used when tiling the lidar data. The polygons are presumed to be rectangular, and the first feature's extent is used to define the tile width and height.

11. Tile Naming Method (optional)

Specifies the method used to provide a unique name for each output LAS file. Each file name will be appended to the text specified in the Output Base Name parameter. When input features are used to define the tiling scheme, its text or numeric field names will also be included as a source for defining the file name. The following automatically generated naming conventions are supported:

· XY_COORDS—Appends the X and Y coordinates of the center point of each tile. This is the default.

· ROW_COLUMN—Assigns the tile name based on the row and column it belongs to in the overall tiling scheme. The rows increment from the top down, while the columns increment from left to right.

· ORDINAL—Assigns the tile name based on its order of creation, where 1 is the first tile, 2 is the second, and so on.

12. Target File Size (MB) (optional)

This value, which is expressed in megabytes, represents the upper limit of the uncompressed file size of an output LAS tile with uniform point distribution across its entire extent. The tool defaults to 250, and the value is used to estimate the tile width and height.

The values of this parameter change when the Tile Width and Tile Height parameters are modified. When input features are specified in the Import from Feature Class parameter, this parameter will be disabled.

13. Tile Size Width (optional)

The width of each tile. Specifying a value will update the target file size and point count if a tile height is also present. Similarly, if the target file size or point count is independently updated, the tile width and height will also be changed to reflect the size of the corresponding tile. When input features are specified in the Import from Feature Class parameter, the tile width will be derived from the height of the first feature, and this parameter will be disabled.

14. Tile Size Height (optional)

The height of each tile. Specifying a value will update the target file size if a tile width is also present. Similarly, if the target file size is independently updated, the tile width and height will also be proportionately changed to reflect the size of the corresponding tile. When input features are specified in the Import from Feature Class parameter, the tile height will be derived from the height of the first feature, and this parameter will be disabled.

15. Tile Origin (optional)

The coordinates of the origin of the tiling grid. The default values are obtained from the lower left corner of the input LAS dataset. When input features are specified in the Import from Feature Class parameter, the origin will be inherited from the lower left corner of the first feature, and this parameter will be disabled. 


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