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Copy and Delete Features, Dice, Feature Envelope to Polygon and Feature to Line

Copy and Delete Features, Dice, Feature Envelope to Polygon and Feature to Line Tools

Copy Features

How to Copy Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Copy Features Tool
Copy Features

Path to access the tool


Copy Features Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Copy Features

Copies features from the input feature class or layer to a new feature class. If the input is a layer which has a selection, only the selected features will be copied. If the input is a geodatabase feature class or shapefile, all features will be copied.

1. Input Features

The features to be copied.

2. Output Feature Class

The feature class which will be created and to which the features will be copied.

3. Configuration Keyword (optional)

Geodatabase configuration keyword to be applied if the output is a geodatabase.

4. Output Spatial Grid 1 (optional)

The Output Spatial Grid 1, 2, and 3 parameters apply only to file geodatabases and certain enterprise geodatabase feature classes. If you are unfamiliar with setting grid sizes, leave these options as 0,0,0 and ArcGIS will compute optimal sizes for you. For more information about this parameter, refer to the Add Spatial Index tool documentation.

5. Output Spatial Grid 2 (optional)

Cell size of the second spatial grid. Leave the size at 0 if you only want one grid. Otherwise, set the size to at least three times larger than Output Spatial Grid 1.

6. Output Spatial Grid 3 (optional)

Cell size of the third spatial grid. Leave the size at 0 if you only want two grids. Otherwise, set the size to at least three times larger than Output Spatial Grid 2.

Delete Features

How to Delete Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Delete Features Tool
Delete Features

Path to access the tool


Delete Features Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Delete Features

Deletes all or the selected subset of features from the input.

If the input features are from a feature class, all rows will be deleted. If the input features are from a layer with no selection, all features will be deleted.

1. Input Features

The feature class, shapefile, or layer containing features to be deleted.


How to Dice Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Dice Tool
Dice Tool

Path to access the tool


Dice Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox



Subdivides a feature into smaller features based on a specified vertex limit. This tool is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features that cause issues with drawing, analysis, editing, and/or performance but are difficult to split up with standard editing and geoprocessing tools. This tool should not be used in any cases other than those where tools are failing to complete successfully due to the size of features.

1. Input Features

The input feature class or feature layer. The geometry type must be multipoint, line, or polygon.

2. Output Feature Class

The output feature class of diced features.

3. Vertex Limit

Features with geometries that exceed this vertex limit will be subdivided before being written to the output feature class.

Feature Envelope to Polygon

How to Feature Envelope to Polygon Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature Envelope to Polygon Tool
Feature Envelope to Polygon

Path to access the tool


Feature Envelope to Polygon Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Feature Envelope to Polygon

Creates a feature class containing polygons, each of which represents the envelope of an input feature.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be multipoint, line, polygon, or annotation.

2. Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class.

3. Create multipart features (optional)

Specifies whether to use one envelope for each entire multipart feature or one envelope per part of a multipart feature. This parameter will affect the results of multipart input features only.

  1. Unchecked—Uses one envelope containing an entire multipart feature; therefore, the resulting polygon will be singlepart. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Uses one envelope for each part of a multipart feature; the resulting polygon of the multipart feature will remain multipart.

Feature to Line

How to Feature to Line Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature to Line Tool
Feature to Line

Path to access the tool


Feature to Line Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Feature to Line

Creates a feature class containing lines generated by converting polygon boundaries to lines, or splitting line, polygon.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be line or polygon, or both.

2. Output Feature Class

The output line feature class.

3. XY Tolerance (optional)

The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates, and the distance a coordinate can move in X, Y, or both during spatial computation. The default XY tolerance is set to 0.001 meter or its equivalent in feature units.

4. Preserve attributes (optional)

Specifies whether to preserve or omit the input feature attributes in the output feature class.

  1. Checked—Preserves the input attributes in the output features. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Omits the input attributes in the output features.


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