Calculate End Time and Field, Convert Time Field and Convert Time Zone Tools
Calculate End Time
How to Calculate End Time Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Calculate End Time |
Path to access the tool
End Time Tool, Fields Toolset, Data
Management Tools Toolbox
Calculate End Time
Calculates the end time
of features based on the time values stored in another field.
End Time Field values
are calculated using the time values from the Start Time Field. The end time
value for a record is equal to the start time of the next record.
For the last
record in the table, the end time will be equal to the start time.
1. Input Table
The feature class or
table for which an End Time Field is calculated based on the Start Time Field
2. Start Time Field
The field containing
values that will be used to calculate values for the End Time Field. The Start
Time Field and the End Time Field must be of the same type. For example, if the
Start Time Field is of type LONG, the End Time Field should be of type LONG as
3. End Time Field
The field that will be
populated with values based on the Start Time Field specified. The Start Time
Field and the End Time Field must be of the same format.
4. ID Fields (optional)
The name of the field or
fields that can be used to uniquely identify spatial entities.
These fields are
used to first sort based on entity type if there is more than one entity. For
instance, for a feature class representing population values per state over
time, the state name could be the unique value field (the entity). If
population figures are per county, you would need to set the county name and
state name as the unique value fields, since some county names are the same for
different states. If there is only one entity, this parameter can be ignored.
Calculate Field
How to Calculate Field Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Calculate Field |
Path to access the tool
Field Tool, Fields Toolset, Data
Management Tools Toolbox
Calculate Field
Calculates the values of
a field for a feature class, feature layer, or raster.
1. Input Table
The table containing the
field that will be updated with the new calculation.
2. Field Name
The field that will be
updated with the new calculation.
3. Expression
The simple calculation
expression used to create a value that will populate the selected rows.
4. Expression Type (optional)
Specifies the type of expression that will be used.
- VB—The expression will be written in a standard VB format. This is the default.
- PYTHON—The expression will be written in a standard Python format. Use of geoprocessor methods and properties is the same as creating a 9.2 version geoprocessor.
- PYTHON_9.3—The expression will be written in a standard Python format. Use of geoprocessor methods and properties is the same as creating a 9.3 version geoprocessor.
Field calculations with
a VB Expression type are not supported on 64-bit products, including ArcGIS
Pro, ArcGIS Desktop—Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)—and ArcGIS Server.
successfully use Calculate Field in these products, expressions should be
converted to Python, or in the case of Background Geoprocessing (64-bit),
background processing can alternatively be disabled.
5. Code Block (optional)
A block of code that
will be entered for complex expressions.
Convert Time Field
How to Convert Time Field Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Convert Time Field |
Path to access the tool
Time Field Tool, Fields Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Convert Time Field
Converts time values
stored in a string or numeric field to a date field. The tool can also be used
to convert time values stored in string, numeric, or date fields into custom
formats such as day of the week and month of the year.
1. Input Table
The layer or table that
contains the field containing the time values that need to be converted.
2. Input Time Field
The field containing the
time values. May be of type short, long, float, double, text, or date.
3. input Time Format
The format in which the
time values were stored in the input time field. Either a standard time format
can be selected from the drop-down list or a custom format can be entered.
The format strings are case sensitive.
- If the data type of the time field is date, no time format is required.
- If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list.
- If the data type of the time field is string, a list of standard string time formats is provided in the drop-down list. For string fields, you can also choose to specify a custom time format. For example, the time values may have been stored in a string field in one of the standard formats such as yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss or in a custom format such as dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. For the custom format, you can also specify the a.m., p.m. designator. Some commonly used formats are listed below:
- yyyy - Year represented by four digits.
- MM - Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
- MMM - Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
- dd - Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
- ddd - Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
- hh - Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
- HH - Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
- mm - Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
- ss - Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
- t - One character time marker string, such as A or P.
- tt - Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.
4. Output Time Field
The name of the output
field in which the converted time values will be stored.
5. Output Time Type (optional)
The data type of the output time field.
- DATE—Date and/or time
- TEXT—Any string of characters
- LONG—Whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
- SHORT—Whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767
- DOUBLE—Fractional numbers between -2.2E308 and 1.8E308
- FLOAT—Fractional numbers between -3.4E38 and 1.2E38
6. Output Time Format (optional)
- The format in which the output time values will be saved. The list of output time formats depends on the output data type specified for the output time field. A custom format can also be used when the data type of the output time field is not Date. For a list of custom formats, see the explanation of Input Time Format.
- If the data type of the output time field isn't long enough to store the converted time value, the output value will be truncated.
Convert Time Zone
How to Convert Time Zone Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Convert Time Zone |
Time Zone Tool, Fields Toolset, Data
Management Tools Toolbox
Convert Time Zone
Converts time values
recorded in a date field from one time zone to another time zone.
Converting time values
from one time zone to another helps normalize temporal data from different time
zones. This improves display and query performance for visualizing temporal
data from different time zones using the Time Slider.
1. Input Table
The input feature class
or table that contains the time stamps that will be transformed to a different
time zone.
2. Input Time Field
The input field that
contains the time stamps that will be transformed to a different time zone.
3. Output Time Field
The output field in
which the time stamps transformed to the desired output time zone will be
4. Output Time Zone
The time zone to which
the time stamps will be transformed. By default, the output time zone is the
same as the input time zone.
5. Input time field values are adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (optional)
Indicates whether the
time stamps were collected while observing Daylight Saving Time rules in the
input time zone.
When reading the time values to convert the time zone, the
time values will be adjusted to account for the shift in time during Daylight
Saving Time.
By default, this option is checked and the input time values are adjusted to account for the shift in time due to the Daylight Saving Time rules observed in the input time zone.
- Checked—The input time values are adjusted for Daylight Saving Time.
- Unchecked—The input time values are not adjusted for Daylight Saving Time.
6. Output time field values will be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (optional)
Indicates whether the
output time values will account for the shift in time due to the Daylight
Saving Time rules observed in the output time zone.
By default, this option is checked and the output time values are adjusted to account for the shift in time due to the Daylight Saving Time rules observed in the output time zone.
- Checked—The output time values are adjusted for Daylight Saving Time in the output time zone.
- Unchecked—The output time values are not adjusted for Daylight Saving Time in the output time zone.
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