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Data Management Tools (Relationship, Sampling, Subtypes, Table, Tile Cache, Topology, Workspace) Part 5

Data Management Tools

Data Management Tools in ArcToolbox

Data Management Tools

The Data Management toolbox provides a rich and varied collection of tools that are used to develop, manage, and maintain feature classes, datasets, layers, and raster data structures.

The Data Management toolbox consists of groups of tools, they will be explained with an explanation of all the tools as follows:

Relationship Classes Toolset:

Relationship classes define the relationships between the objects in the geodatabase. These relationships can be simple one-to-one relationships, similar to what you might create between a description feature in a table or more complex relationships between features and table classes. Some relationships specify that a particular feature, row, or table is not only related to another feature but that creating, editing, or deleting one will have a specific effect on the other. These are called compound relationships, and they can be used to ensure that the links between objects in a database are maintained and updated. Deleting a feature, such as a power shaft, can delete other features, such as a shaft-mounted transformer or maintenance records in a related table:

This tool creates a relationship class to store an association between fields or features in the origin table and the destination table.

Migrates an ObjectID-based relationship class to a GlobalID-based relationship class. 

Creates an attributed relationship class from the origin, destination, and relationship tables.

Sampling Toolset:

The sampling Toolset provides tools that create features that are used either as sampling sites or as collection areas. For example, the Random Point Generator creates points that can be used as sample locations within the range of a data set. The Generate Tessellation tool creates a grid of triangular, square, or hexagonal polygons within a range that can be used to aggregate other data:

Creates a fishnet of rectangular cells. The output can be polyline or polygon features.

Creates a specified number of random point features. Random points can be generated in an extent window, inside polygon features, on point features, or along line features. 

Creates point features along lines or polygons at fixed intervals or by percentage.

Generates a polygon feature class of a tessellated grid of regular polygons which will entirely cover a given extent. The tessellation can be of triangles, squares, or hexagons.

Subtypes Toolset:

One of the great advantages of using a geodatabase to store geodata is the ability to create subtypes for your own features and attributes. Subtypes provide a way to divide your feature classes or tables into logical groups based on an attribute value. By allowing you to work with a subset of features in a feature class, subtypes make it possible to assign consistent attributes and behaviours to those subsets:

Adds a new subtype to the subtypes in the input table.

Removes a subtype from the input table using its code.

Sets the default value or code for the input table's subtype.

Defines the field in the input table or feature class that stores the subtype codes.

Table Toolset:

A table contains a set of rows and columns, where each row or record represents a geographic feature—such as a parcel of land, a power column, a highway, or a group of lakes—and each column or field describes a specific attribute of a geographic element, such as its area, length, length, and area in square feet. Tables are usually stored in a database or simply in files such as dBASE tables. Tables manage attributes of geographic features, and table tools create and evaluate attributes from a variety of sources:

Updates database statistics of business tables, feature tables, and delta tables,

along with the statistics of those tables' indexes.

Copies the rows of a table, table view, feature class, feature layer, or raster with attribute table to a new geodatabase, .csv, .txt, or .dbf table. If the table or feature layer has a selection, only the selected rows are copied to the output table.

Creates a geodatabase table, INFO, or dBASE table.

Creates an empty table in a database or enterprise geodatabase. The table is not registered with the geodatabase.

Deletes all or the selected subset of rows from the input.

If the input rows are from a feature class or table, all rows will be deleted. If the input rows are from a layer or table view with no selection, all rows will be deleted.

Returns the total number of rows for a table. 

Creates a table from the input table by reducing redundancy in records and flattening one-to-many relationships.

Removes all rows from a database table or feature class using truncate procedures in the database.

Tile Cache Toolset:

The Tile Cache Toolset contains tools for creating, managing, importing, and exporting a tile cache. These tools are able to create a tile cache from a raster, aggregated dataset, or map document locally on your desktop without the need for ArcGIS Server. The tile caches can then be shared as tile packages on ArcGIS Online and published as tile map services:

Exports tiles from an existing tile cache to a new tile cache or a tile package. The tiles can be either independently imported into other caches or accessed from ArcGIS Desktop or mobile devices.

Creates a tiling scheme file based on the information from the source dataset. The tiling scheme file will then be used in the Manage Tile Cache tool when creating cache tiles.

This tool can be used to edit the properties of an existing tiling scheme, such as tile format, storage format, tile size, and so on. In addition, you can also use it to add new scale levels to an existing tiling scheme.

Imports tiles from an existing tile cache or a tile package. The target cache must have the same tiling scheme, spatial reference, and storage format as the source tile cache.

Creates a tile cache or updates tiles in an existing tile cache. You can use this tool to create new tiles, replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, and delete tiles.

Topology Toolset:

The Topology Toolset contains a set of tools that can be used to create and manage the engineering patch within a geodatabase. Engineering correction helps the geodatabase to ensure data integrity. The use of engineering correction provides a mechanism for performing data integrity checks and helps verify and maintain better representations of features in a geodatabase. In addition, geometric correction can be used to model many spatial relationships between features. This allows support for a variety of analytic operations, such as searching for adjacent features, working with identical boundaries between features, and navigating through connected features:

Adds a feature class to a topology.

Adds a new rule to a topology.

The rules you choose to add depend on the spatial relationships that you wish to monitor for the feature classes that participate in the topology.

For a complete list and description of the available topology rules, see Geodatabase topology rules and topology error fixes.

Creates a topology. The topology will not contain any feature classes or rules.

Use the Add Feature Class To Topology and the Add Rule To Topology tools to add feature classes and rules to the topology.

Exports the errors from a geodatabase topology to the target geodatabase. All information associated with the errors and exceptions, such as the features referenced by the error or exception, are exported. Once they are exported, the feature classes can be accessed using any license level of ArcGIS. The feature classes can be used with the Select by Location dialog box or the Select Layer By Location tool and can be shared with other users who do not have access to the topology itself.

Removes a feature class from a topology.

Removes a rule from a topology.

Sets the cluster tolerance of a topology. 

Validates a geodatabase topology.

Validate Topology performs the following operations:

  1. Cracking and clustering of feature vertices to find features that share geometry (have common coordinates)
  2. Inserting common coordinate vertices into features that share geometry
  3. Running a set of integrity checks to identify any violations of the rules that have been defined for the topology 

Versions Toolset:

  1. Versioning allows multiple users to access geodata in a geodatabase. Versioning allows connected users to create multiple, persistent representations of the geodatabase simultaneously without data duplication. The same features or rows can be edited simultaneously without explicitly applying data locking. This framework allows you to create versions of a geodatabase of project states,
  2. And reconciling the differences between versions, update the main version of the geodatabase with the design as built.
  3. Versioning is only supported by the enterprise geodatabase, and the enterprise can use the version to manage alternative architectures, solve complex what-if scenarios without affecting the corporate database, and create timely representations of the database. process. Multiple users can directly modify the database without the need to extract data or lock features and rows before editing:
Add Field Conflict Filter

Adds a field conflict filter for a given field in a geodatabase table or feature class.

Field conflict filters can be applied to versioned tables or feature classes to prevent conflicts from being identified when the same attribute is updated in the parent and child versions. Field conflict filters only apply for reconciles in which conflicts are defined by attribute.

Alters the geodatabase version's name, description, and access permissions.

Each input feature layer or table view will have its workspace modified to connect to the requested version.

Creates a new version in the specified geodatabase.

Deletes the specified version from the input enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabase.

Reconciles a version or multiple versions with a target version. 

Registers an enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabase dataset as versioned.

Removes a field conflict filter for a given field in a geodatabase table or feature class.

Field conflict filters can be applied to versioned tables or feature classes to prevent conflicts from being identified when the same attribute is updated in the parent and child versions. Field conflict filters only apply for reconciles in which conflicts are defined by attribute.

Unregisters an enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabase dataset as versioned.

Workspace Toolset:

The Workspace Toolset includes a set of tools for creating the data storage structures used by ArcGIS. These structures include workspace, folder, two types of geodatabases, feature dataset, and spatial type:

Clears any enterprise geodatabase workspaces from the enterprise geodatabase workspace cache.

Creates a workspace with an INFO subdirectory.

Creates a connection file for ArcGIS-supported cloud storage. It allows existing raster geoprocessing tools to write cloud raster format (CRF) datasets into the cloud storage bucket or read raster datasets (not limited to CRF) stored in the cloud storage as input. 

Creates a file that ArcGIS uses to connect to a database or an enterprise, a workgroup, or a desktop geodatabase.

Creates a feature dataset in the output location—an existing enterprise, file, or personal geodatabase.

Creates a file geodatabase in a folder.

Creates a folder in the specified location.

Creates a personal geodatabase in a folder.

Adds the ST_Geometry SQL type, subtypes, and functions to an Oracle or a PostgreSQL database. This allows you to use the ST_Geometry SQL type to store geometries in a database that does not contain a geodatabase. You can also use this tool to upgrade the existing ST_Geometry type, subtypes, and functions in an Oracle or a PostgreSQL database.

Creates an ST_Geometry, a SpatiaLite, or a GeoPackage database.

      • The same topic is available in Arabic from here:

      Watch this video from the YouTube channel.

      In the same way, as described through this site. Watch the video first, then you can search for any tool by writing its name in the search, the language of the video is Arabic, but English subtitles and any language in the world are available. Good luck and God bless you.


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