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Split Line at Vertices, Table to Ellipse, Unsplit Line and XY To Line

Split Line at Vertices, Table to Ellipse, Unsplit Line and XY To Line Tools

Split Line at Vertices

How to Split Line at Vertices Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Split Line at Vertices Tool
Split Line at Vertices

Path to access the tool


Split Line at Vertices Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Split Line at Vertices

Creates a feature class containing lines that are generated by splitting input lines or polygon boundaries at their vertices.

1. Input Features

The input features that can be line or polygon.

2. Output Feature Class

The output line feature class.

Table to Ellipse

How to Table to Ellipse Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Table to Ellipse Tool
Table to Ellipse

Path to access the tool


Table to Ellipse Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Table to Ellipse

Creates a new feature class containing geodetic ellipse features constructed based on the values in an x-coordinate field, y-coordinate field, major-axis field, minor-axis field, and azimuth field of a table.

1. Input Table

The input table that can be a text file, CSV file, Excel file, dBASE table, or geodatabase table.

2. Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing geodetic ellipses as densified polylines.

3. X Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the x coordinates (or longitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

4. Y Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or latitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

5. Major Field

A numerical field in the input table containing major axis lengths of the ellipses.

6. Minor Field

A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the ellipses.

7. Distance Units

The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.

  1. METERS—Meters
  2. KILOMETERS—Kilometers
  3. MILES—Miles
  4. NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
  5. FEET—Feet
  6. US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet

8. Azimuth Field (optional)

A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured clockwise from North.

9. Azimuth Units (optional)

The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.

  1. DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
  2. MILS—Values in mils.
  3. RADS—Values in radians.
  4. GRADS—Values in gradians.

10. ID (optional)

A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the input table.

11. Spatial Reference (optional)

The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system if it is not Unknown.

Unsplit Line

How to Unsplit Line Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Unsplit Line Tool
Unsplit Line

Path to access the tool


Unsplit Line Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Unsplit Line

Merges lines that have coincident endpoints and, optionally, common attribute values.

1. Input Features

The line features to be aggregated.

2. Output Feature Class

The feature class to be created that will contain the aggregated features.

3. Dissolve_Field(s) (optional)

The field or fields on which to aggregate features.

The Add Field button, which is used only in ModelBuilder, allows you to add expected fields so you can complete the dialog box and continue to build your model.

4. Statistics Field(s) (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Text attribute fields can be summarized using first and last statistics. Numeric attribute fields can be summarized using any statistic.

  • Available statistics types are as follows:

  1. SUM—Adds the total value for the specified field.
  2. MEAN—Calculates the average for the specified field.
  3. MIN—Finds the smallest value for all records of the specified field.
  4. MAX—Finds the largest value for all records of the specified field.
  5. RANGE—Finds the range of values (maximum minus minimum) for the specified field.
  6. STD—Finds the standard deviation on values in the specified field.
  7. COUNT—Finds the number of values included in statistical calculations. This counts each value except null values. To determine the number of null values in a field, create a count on the field in question, create a count on a different field that does not contain null values (for example, the OID if present), and subtract the two values.
  8. FIRST—Finds the first record in the input and uses its specified field value.
  9. LAST—Finds the last record in the input and uses its specified field value.

XY To Line

How to XY To Line Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

XY To Line Tool
XY To Line

Path to access the tool


XY To Line Tool, Feature Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


XY To Line

Creates a new feature class containing geodetic line features constructed based on the values in a start x-coordinate field, start y-coordinate field, end x-coordinate field, and end y-coordinate field of a table.

1. Input Table

The input table that can be a text file, CSV file, Excel file, dBASE table, or geodatabase table.

2. Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing densified geodetic lines.

3. Start X Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the x coordinates (or longitudes) of the starting points of lines to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

4. Start Y Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or latitudes) of the starting points of lines to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

5. End X Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the x coordinates (or longitudes) of the ending points of lines to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

6. End Y Field

A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or latitudes) of the ending points of lines to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.

7. Line Type (optional)

The type of geodetic line to construct.

  1. GEODESIC— A type of geodetic line which most accurately represents the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of the earth. The mathematical definition of the geodesic line is quite lengthy and complex and therefore omitted here. This line type is the default.
  2. GREAT_CIRCLE—A type of geodetic line which represents the path between any two points along the intersection of the surface of the earth and a plane that passes through the center of the earth. Depending on the output coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter, in a spheroid-based coordinate system, the line is a great elliptic; in a sphere-based coordinate system, the line is uniquely called a great circle—a circle of the largest radius on the spherical surface.
  3. RHUMB_LINE—A type of geodetic line, also known as a loxodrome line, which represents a path between any two points on the surface of a spheroid defined by a constant azimuth from a pole. A rhumb line is shown as a straight line in the Mercator projection.
  4. NORMAL_SECTION—A type of geodetic line which represents a path between any two points on the surface of a spheroid defined by the intersection of the spheroid surface and a plane that passes through the two points and is normal (perpendicular) to the spheroid surface at the starting point of the two points. Therefore, the normal section line from point A to point B is different from the one from point B to point A.

8. ID (optional)

A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the input table.

9. Spatial Reference (optional)

The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system if it is not Unknown.


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