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Export Replica Schema, Export XML Workspace Document, Import Message and Replica Schema

Export Replica Schema, Export XML Workspace Document, Import Message and Replica Schema Tools

Export Replica Schema

How to Export Replica Schema Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Replica Schema Tool
Export Replica Schema

Path to access the tool


Export Replica Schema Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Export Replica Schema

Creates a replica schema file with the schema of an input one- or two-way replica.

1.    Export from Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase from which to export the replica schema. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

2.    Output Replica Schema File

Specifies the file in which to export schema.

3.    Replica

The replica from which to export schema.

Export XML Workspace Document

How to Export XML Workspace Document Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export XML Workspace Document Tool
Export XML Workspace Document

Path to access the tool


Export XML Workspace Document Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Export XML Workspace Document

Creates a readable XML document of the geodatabase contents.

The XML workspace document is useful for sharing geodatabase schemas or copying geodatabase schemas from one type to another.

1.    Input Data

The input datasets to be exported and represented in an XML workspace document. The input data can be a geodatabase, feature dataset, feature class, table, raster, or raster catalog.

2.    Output File

The XML workspace document file to be created. This can be an XML file (.xml) or a compressed ZIP file (.zip or .z).

3.    Export Options (optional)

Determines if the output XML workspace document will contain all of the data from the input (table and feature class records, including geometry) or only the schema.

  1. DATA—Export both the schema and the data. This is the default.
  2. SCHEMA_ONLY—Export the schema only.

4.    Storage Type (optional)

Determines how feature geometry is stored when data is exported from a feature class.

  1. BINARY—The geometry will be stored in a compressed base64 binary format. This binary format will produce a smaller XML workspace document. Use this option when the XML workspace document will be read by a custom program that uses ArcObjects. This is the default.
  2. NORMALIZED—The geometry will be stored in an uncompressed format, resulting in a larger file. Use this option when the XML workspace document will be read by a custom program that does not use ArcObjects.

5.    Export Metadata (optional)

Determines if metadata will be exported.

  1. Unchecked—No metadata is exported.
  2. Checked—If the input contains metadata, it will be exported. This is the default.

Import Message

How to Import Message Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Import Message Tool
Import Message

Path to access the tool


Import Message Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Import Message

Imports changes from a delta file into a replica geodatabase, or imports an acknowledgment message into a replica geodatabase.

1.    Import to Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase to receive the imported message. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

2.    Import from Delta file

Specifies the file from which the message will be imported.

3.    Output Acknowledgement File (optional)

When importing data changes, this allows you to optionally export a message to acknowledge the import of a data change message. This option is ignored for anything other than a data change message.

4.    Conflict Resolution Policy (optional)

Specifies how conflicts are resolved when they are encountered while importing a data change message.

  1. MANUAL—Manually resolve conflicts in the versioning reconcile environment.
  2. IN_FAVOR_OF_DATABASE—Conflicts automatically resolve in favor of the database receiving the changes.
  3. IN_FAVOR_OF_IMPORTED_CHANGES—Conflicts automatically resolve in favor of the imported changes.

5.    Conflict Definition (optional)

Specifies how you would like to define conflicts:

  1. BY_OBJECT—Detects conflicts by row.
  2. BY_ATTRIBUTE—Detects conflicts by column.

6.    Reconcile with the Parent Version (Check-out replicas) (optional)

Indicates whether to automatically reconcile once data changes are sent to the parent replica if there are no conflicts present. This option is only available for check-out/check-in replicas.

  1. Unchecked—Do not reconcile. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Reconcile.

Import Replica Schema

How to Import Replica Schema Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Import Replica Schema Tool
Import Replica Schema

Path to access the tool


Import Replica Schema Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Import Replica Schema

Applies replica schema differences using an input replica geodatabase and XML schema file.

1.    Import to Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase to which the replica schema will be imported. The geodatabase may be a local geodatabase or a geodata service.

2.    Replica Schema Changes File

Specifies the file which contains the replica schema to import.


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