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Create Replica from Server, Export Acknowledgement Message, and Export Data Change

Create Replica from Server, Export Acknowledgement Message, and Export Data Change Tools

Create Replica from Server

How to Create Replica from Server Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Replica from Server Tool
Create Replica from Server

Path to access the tool


Create Replica from Server Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Replica from Server

Creates a replica using a specified list of feature classes, layers, feature datasets, and/or tables from a remote geodatabase using a geodata service published on ArcGIS Server.

1.    Geodata Service

The geodata service representing the geodatabase from which the replica will be created. The geodatabase referenced by the geodata service must be an enterprise geodatabase.

2.    Datasets

The list of the feature datasets, stand-alone feature classes, tables, and stand-alone attributed relationship classes from the geodata service to replicate.

3.    Replica Type

Specifies the type of replica to create.

  1. TWO_WAY_REPLICA— Changes can be sent between child and parent replicas in both directions.
  2. ONE_WAY_REPLICA—Changes are sent from the parent replica to the child replica only.
  3. CHECK_OUT—Data is replicated, edited, and checked back in one time.
  4. ONE_WAY_CHILD_TO_PARENT_REPLICA—Changes are sent from the child replica to the parent replica only.

4.    Geodatabase to replicate data to

The local geodatabase or geodata service that will host the child replica. Geodata services are used to represent remote geodatabases. The geodatabase can be an enterprise, file, or personal geodatabase. For two-way replicas, the child geodatabase must be an enterprise geodatabase. For one-way and check-out replicas, the geodatabase can be personal, file, or enterprise geodatabase. Personal or file geodatabases must already exist before running this tool.

5.    Replica Name

The name that identifies the replica.

6.    Replica Access Type (optional)

Specifies the type of replica access.

  1. FULL—Supports complex types (topologies and geometric networks) and requires the data to be versioned. This is the default.
  2. SIMPLE—The data on the child is not versioned and must be simple. This allows the replica to be interoperable. Nonsimple features in the parent (for example, features in geometric networks and topologies) are converted to simple features (for example, point, line, and polygon feature classes).

7.    Initial Data Sender (optional)

Specifies which replica can send changes when in disconnected mode. If you are working in a connected mode, this parameter is inconsequential. This ensures that the relative replica doesn't send updates until the changes are first received from the initial data sender.

  1. CHILD_DATA_SENDER—The child replica is the initial data sender. This is the default.
  2. PARENT_DATA_SENDER—The parent replica is the initial data sender.

8.    Expand Feature Classes and Tables (optional)

Specifies whether you will include expanded feature classes and tables, such as those found in geometric networks, topologies, or relationship classes.

USE_DEFAULTS—Adds the expanded feature classes and tables related to the feature classes and tables in the replica. The default for feature classes is to replicate all features intersecting the spatial filter. If no spatial filter has been provided than all features are included. The default for tables is to replicate the schema only. This is the default.

  1. ADD_WITH_SCHEMA_ONLY—Adds only the schema for the expanded feature classes and tables.
  2. ALL_ROWS—Adds all rows for expanded feature classes and tables.
  3. DO_NOT_ADD—Doesn't add expanded feature classes and tables.

9.    Re-use Schema (optional)

Specifies whether to reuse a geodatabase that contains the schema of the data you want to replicate. This reduces the amount of time required to replicate the data. This option is only available for check-out replicas.

  1. DO_NOT_REUSE—Do not reuse schema. This is the default.
  2. REUSE—Reuse schema.

10. Replicate Related Data (optional)

Specifies whether to replicate rows related to rows already in the replica. For example, consider a feature (f1) inside the replication filter and a related feature (f2) from another class outside the filter. Feature f2 is included in the replica if you choose to get related data.

  1. DO_NOT_GET_RELATED—Do not replicate related rows.
  2. GET_RELATED—Replicate related data. This is the default.

11. Replica Geometry Features (optional)

The features used to define the area to replicate.

12. Use archiving to track changes for 1 way replication

Specifies whether to use the archive class to track changes instead of using the versioning delta tables. This is only available for one-way replicas.

  1. Checked—Uses archiving to track changes.
  2. Not checked—Does not use archiving to track changes. This is the default.

Export Acknowledgement Message

How to Export Acknowledgement Message Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Acknowledgement Message Tool
Export Acknowledgement Message

Path to access the tool


Export Acknowledgement Message Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Export Acknowledgement Message

Creates an output acknowledgement file to acknowledge the reception of previously received data change messages.

1.    Export from Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase from which to export the acknowledgement message. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

2.    Output Acknowledgement File

Specifies the delta file to export to.

3.    Replica

The replica from which the acknowledgement message will be exported.

Export Data Change Message

How to Export Data Change Message Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Data Change Message Tool
Export Data Change Message

Path to access the tool


Export Data Change Message Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Export Data Change Message

Creates an output delta file containing updates from an input replica.

1.    Export from Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase from which to export the data change message. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

2.    Output Data Changes File

Specifies the delta file to export to.

3.    Replica

The replica containing updates to be exported.

4.    Switch to Receiver once the message has been exported

Indicates whether to change the role of the replica to that of a receiver. The receiver may not send replica updates until updates from the relative replica sender arrive.

  1. Unchecked—Do not switch replica role. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Switch replica role from sender to a receiver.

5.    Include unacknowledged data changes

Indicates whether to include data changes that have been previously exported for which no acknowledgment message has been received.

  1. Unchecked—Do not include data changes that have been previously sent.
  2. Checked—Include all of the data changes that have been previously exported for which no acknowledgment message has been sent. This is the default.

6.    Include new data changes since last export

Indicates whether to include all data changes created since the last exported data change message.

  1. Unchecked—Do not include data changes created since the last exported data change message.
  2. Checked—Include data changes created since the last exported data change message. This is the default.

Indicates whether to include all data changes created since the last exported data change message.

  1. NO_NEW_CHANGES—Do not include data changes created since the last exported data change message.
  2. NEW_CHANGES—Include data changes created since the last exported data change message. This is the default.


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