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Import XML Workspace Document, Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages and Synchronize Changes

Import XML Workspace Document, Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages and  Synchronize Changes Tools

Import XML Workspace Document

How to Import XML Workspace Document Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Import XML Workspace Document Tool
Import XML Workspace Document

Path to access the tool


Import XML Workspace Document Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Import XML Workspace Document

Imports the contents of an XML workspace document into an existing geodatabase.

1.    Target Geodatabase

The existing geodatabase where the contents of the XML workspace document will be imported.

2.    Import File

The input XML workspace document file containing geodatabase contents to be imported. This can be an XML file (.xml) or a compressed ZIP file (.zip or .z) containing the XML file.

3.    Import Options (optional)

Determines if both data (feature class and table records, including geometry) and schema are imported, or only schema is imported.

  1. DATA—Import the data and schema. This is the default.
  2. SCHEMA_ONLY—Import the schema only.

4.    Configuration Keyword (optional)

Geodatabase configuration keyword to be applied if the Target Geodatabase is an enterprise or file geodatabase.

Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages

How to Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages Tool
Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages

Path to access the tool


Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Re-Export Unacknowledged Messages

Creates an output delta file containing unacknowledged replica updates from a one-way or two-way replica geodatabase.

1. Export from Replica Geodatabase

Specifies the replica geodatabase from which to reexport the unacknowledged messages. The geodatabase may be a local geodatabase or a geodata service.

2. Output Delta File

Specifies the delta file in which to reexport data changes.

3. Replica

The replica from which the unacknowledgment messages will be reexported.

4. Export options

  1. ALL_UNACKNOWLEDGED—Reexports all changes for which there has been no acknowledgment message received.
  2. MOST_RECENT—Reexports only those changes since the last set of exported changes was sent.

Synchronize Changes

How to Synchronize Changes Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Synchronize Changes Tool
Synchronize Changes

Path to access the tool


Synchronize Changes Tool, Distributed Geodatabase Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Synchronize Changes

Synchronizes updates between two replica geodatabases in a direction specified by the user.

1.    Geodatabase 1

The geodatabase hosting the replica to synchronize. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

2.    Replica

A valid replica with a parent contained within one input geodatabase and a child in the other input geodatabase.

3.    Geodatabase 2

The geodatabase hosting the relative replica. The geodatabase may be local or remote.

4.    Direction

Specifies the direction in which the changes will be sent: from geodatabase 1 to geodatabase 2, from geodatabase 2 to geodatabase 1, or to send changes in both directions. For check-out/check-in replicas or one-way replicas, there is only one appropriate direction. If the replica is two-way, then any of the three choices are available.

  1. BOTH_DIRECTIONS—Changes will be synchronized in both directions. This is the default
  2. FROM_GEODATABASE2_TO_1—Changes will be synchronized from geodatabase 2 to geodatabase 1.
  3. FROM_GEODATABASE1_TO_2—Changes will be synchronized from geodatabase 1 to geodatabase 2.

5.    Conflict Resolution Policy

Specifies how conflicts are resolved when they are encountered.

  1. MANUAL—Manually resolve conflicts in the versioning reconcile environment.
  2. IN_FAVOR_OF_GDB1—Conflicts resolve in favor of geodatabase 1. This is the default.
  3. IN_FAVOR_OF_GDB2—Conflicts resolve in favor of geodatabase 2.

6.    Conflict Definition

Specifies how conflicts will be defined.

  1. BY_OBJECT— Any changes to the same row or feature in the parent and child versions will conflict during reconcile. This is the default.
  2. BY_ATTRIBUTE— Only changes to the same attribute (column) of the same row or feature in the parent and child versions will be flagged as a conflict during reconcile. Changes to different attributes will not be considered a conflict during reconcile.

7.    Reconcile with the Parent Version (Single Generation only)

Specifies whether to automatically reconcile once data changes are sent to the parent replica if there are no conflicts present. This option is only available for check-out/check-in replicas.

  1. Unchecked—Do not reconcile with the parent version.. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Reconcile with the parent version.


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