Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry and Paths, Generate Exclude Area and Collection, Import Mosaic Dataset Tools
Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry
How to Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Export Mosaic Dataset Paths |
Path to access the tool
Mosaic Dataset Geometry Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry
Creates a feature class
showing the footprints, boundary, seamlines or spatial resolutions of a mosaic
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset that
you want to export the geometry from.
2. Output Feature Class
Name the feature class
you are creating.
3. Query Definition (optional)
No description available
4. Geometry Type (optional)
The type of geometry to export.
- FOOTPRINT— Create a feature class showing the footprints of each image.
- BOUNDARY— Create a feature class showing the boundary of the mosaic dataset.
- SEAMLINE— Create a feature class showing the seamlines.
- LEVEL— Create a feature class based on cell size level of features in your mosaic dataset.
Export Mosaic Dataset Paths
How to Export Mosaic
Dataset Paths Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
![]() |
Generate Exclude Area |
Path to access the tool
Mosaic Dataset Paths Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Export Mosaic Dataset Paths
Creates a table of the
file path for each item in a mosaic dataset. You can specify whether the table
contains all the file paths or just the ones that are broken.
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset
containing the file paths to export.
2. Query Definition (optional)
An SQL expression to
select specific rasters for export.
3. Output Table
The table to create. The
table can be a geodatabase table or a .dbf file.
The SourceOID field in
the output table is derived from the OID of the row in the original mosaic
dataset table.
4. Export Mode (optional)
Populate the table with either all of the paths, or only the broken paths.
- ALL—Export all paths to the table. This is the default.
- BROKEN—Export only broken paths to the table.
5. Types of paths to export (optional)
Choose to export file paths from only the source raster, only the cache, or both. The default is to export all path types.
- RASTER—Export file paths from rasters.
- ITEM_CACHE—Export file paths from item cache.
Generate Exclude Area
How to Generate Exclude
Area Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Generate Raster Collection |
Path to access the tool
Exclude Area Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Generate Exclude Area
Masks pixels based on
their color or by clipping a range of values. The output of this tool is used
as an input to the Color Balance Mosaic Dataset tool to eliminate areas such as
clouds and water that can skew the statistics used to color balance multiple
1. Input Raster
The raster or mosaic
dataset layer that you want to mask.
2. Output Raster Dataset
The name, location and
format for the dataset you are creating. When storing a raster dataset in a
geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset.
When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, or a
geodatabase, you can specify a Compression type and Compression Quality within
the Environment Settings.
3. Pixel Type
Choose the pixel depth of your input raster dataset. 8-bit is the default value; however, raster datasets with a greater bit-depth will need to have the color mask and histogram values scaled accordingly.
- 8_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 255. This is the default.
- 11_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 2047.
- 12_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 4095.
- 16_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 65535.
Generate Method
Create your mask based on the color of the pixels or by clipping high and low values.
- COLOR_MASK—Set the maximum color values to include in the output. This is the default.
- HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE—Remove a percentage of high and low pixel values.
5. Maximum Red (optional)
The maximum red value to
exclude. The default is 255.
6. Maximum Green (optional)
The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.
Maximum Blue (optional)
The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.
Maximum White (optional)
The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.
Maximum Black (optional)
The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.
Maximum Magenta (optional)
The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.
Maximum Cyan (optional)
The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.
Maximum Yellow (optional)
The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.
Low Percentage (optional)
Exclude this percentage
of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.
14. High Percentage (optional)
Exclude this percentage
of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.
Generate Raster Collection
How to Generate Raster
Collection Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
![]() |
Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry |
Path to access the tool
Raster Collection Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Generate Raster Collection
Performs batch analysis
or processing on image collections contained in a mosaic dataset. The images in
the input mosaic dataset can be processed individually or as groups.
The rules of processing
can be defined through the Collection Builder parameter and raster function
parameters. It generates a new mosaic dataset of processed images. You can optionally
choose to save the processed images to disk as separate files. The default
condition is to append the input raster function to the mosaic dataset's
existing images' function chain, and add it to the output mosaic dataset.
1. Output Raster Collection
The full path of the
mosaic dataset to be created. The mosaic dataset must be stored in a
2. Collection Builder
The input image
collection. It can be seen as a template that contains arguments such as the
source mosaic dataset path, filters to extract a subset from the input data
source, and so on.
Currently, this tool only supports Simple Collection, which allows you to define a single data source and a query filter, for the data source.
- SIMPLE_COLLECTION—Allows you to define a data source and a query filter.
3. Collection Builder Arguments
The list of arguments to
create a subset collection of the mosaic dataset.
This tool only supports the data source and filter to subset the mosaic dataset. The Data Source and Where Clause values must be completed, otherwise the tool cannot be executed.
- DataSource—The path of the data source.
- WhereClause—The filter used to subset the mosaic dataset
4. Input Raster Function (optional)
The path to a raster
function template file (.rft.xml or .rft.json). The raster function template
will be applied to every item in the input mosaic dataset. The Function Editor
can be used to create the template. If no RFT is defined, this tool will create
the output mosaic based on the Collection Builder Arguments parameter.
5. Raster Function Arguments (optional)
The parameters
associated with the function chain.
For example, if the
function chain applies the NDVI function, set the visible and infrared IDs. The
raster variable name of the RFT should be the Tag field value in the input data
6. Raster Collection Properties (optional)
The output mosaic
dataset key properties.
The key metadata
properties that are available is based on the type of sensor that captured the
imagery. Some examples of key metadata properties include the following:
7. Generate Rasters (optional)
Generate raster dataset files of the mosaic dataset items, after the application of the RFT.
- Unchecked—The processing defined by the raster function template will be appended to the image items from the input data source to produce an image item in the output mosaic dataset. This is the default.
- Checked—Create raster datasets on disk. You will also need to specify the Output Raster Workspace and Format.
8. Output Raster Workspace (optional)
Defines the output
location for the persisted raster datasets, if the Generate Rasters parameter
is checked on.
The naming convention
for the output raster files is oid_<oid#>_<Unique_GUID>.
9. Output Base Name (optional)
Defines the output base
name of the persisted raster datasets, if the Generate Rasters parameter is
checked on.
Multiple raster dataset outputs will have a number alias appended
to their base name.
The resulting mosaic
dataset will reference the CRF directly without maintaining the raster function
10. Format (optional)
The format type of the raster to be generated.
- TIFF—Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
- CRF—Cloud Raster Format. This is the default.
- MRF—Meta Raster Format
Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry
How to Import Mosaic
Dataset Geometry Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry
Path to access the tool
Mosaic Dataset Geometry Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data
Management Tools Toolbox
Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry
Modifies the geometry
for the footprints, boundary, or seamlines in a mosaic dataset to match those
in a feature class.
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset whose geometries you want to edit.
Target Feature Class
The geometry that you want to change.
- FOOTPRINT—The footprint polygons in the mosaic dataset
- SEAMLINE—The seamline polygons in the mosaic dataset
- BOUNDARY—The boundary polygon in the mosaic dataset
Target Join Field
The field in the mosaic dataset to use as a basis for the join.
Input Feature Class
The feature class with
the new geometry.
5. Input Join Field
The field in the Input
Feature Class to use as a basis for the join.
If the Input Feature Class has more than 1,000 records, add an index on this field by running the Add_Attribute_Index tool. If your mosaic dataset is very large and the join field is not indexed, the tool will take much longer to complete.
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