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Define Mosaic Dataset NoData and Overviews, Delete Mosaic Dataset, Edit Raster Function

Define Mosaic Dataset NoData and Overviews, Delete Mosaic Dataset, Edit Raster Function Tools

Define Mosaic Dataset NoData

How to Define Mosaic Dataset NoData Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Define Mosaic Dataset NoData Tool
Define Mosaic Dataset NoData

Path to access the tool


Define Mosaic Dataset NoData Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Define Mosaic Dataset NoData

Specifies one or more values to be represented as NoData.

1.    Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset where you want to update the NoData values.

2.    Query Definition (optional)

An SQL statement to select specific raster in the mosaic dataset. Only the selected rasters will have their NoData values changed.

3.    Number of Bands

The number of bands in the mosaic dataset.

4.    Bands for NoData Value (optional)

Specify the NoData value for each band. Each band can have a unique NoData value defined, or you can use the same value for all bands. Choose the band from the drop-down list and then enter a value or multiple values. If you choose multiple NoData values, separate each value with a space.

If the function chain for each raster within the mosaic dataset contains the Composite Bands function, or if your raster data was added with a raster type that adds the Composite Bands function to each raster's function chain, then any value you specify will apply to all bands.

5.    Bands for Valid Data Range (optional)

Specify a range of values to display for each band. Values outside of this range will be classified as NoData. When working with composite bands, the range will apply to all bands.

6.    Composite NoData value from each band (optional)

Choose whether all bands must be NoData in order for the pixel to be classified as NoData.

  1. Unchecked—If any band has pixels of NoData, then the pixel is classified as NoData. This is the default.
  2. Checked—All bands must have pixels of NoData for the pixel to be classified as NoData.

Define Overviews

How to Define Overviews Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Define Overviews Tool
Define Overviews

Path to access the tool


Define Overviews Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Define Overviews

Lets you set how mosaic dataset overviews are generated. The settings made with this tool are used by the Build Overviews tool.

1.    Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset that you want to build overviews on.

2.    Output Location (optional)

The folder or geodatabase to store the overviews.

3.    Extent from Dataset (optional)

A raster dataset or feature class to define the extent of the overviews.

4.    Extent (optional)

Manually set the extent using the following minimum and maximum x and y coordinates.

The mosaic dataset boundary will determine the extent of the overviews if you do not define an extent.

5.    Pixel Size (optional)

If you prefer not to use all the raster's pyramids, specify a base pixel size at which your overviews will be generated.

The units for this parameter are the same as the spatial reference of the mosaic dataset.

6.    Number Of Levels (optional)

Specify the number of levels of overviews that you want to generate overviews. A value of -1 will determine an optimal value for you.

7.    Number Of Rows (optional)

Set the number of rows (in pixels) for each tile.

Larger values will result in fewer, larger individual overviews, and increase the likelihood that you will need to regenerate lower level overviews. A smaller value will result in more, smaller files.

8.    Number Of Columns (optional)

Set the number of columns (in pixels) for each tile.

Larger values will result in fewer, larger individual overviews, and increase the likelihood that you will need to regenerate lower level overviews. A smaller value will result in more, smaller files.

9.    Overview Sampling Factor (optional)

Set a ratio to determine the size of the next overview. For example, if the cell size of the first level is 10, and the overview factor is 3, then the next overview pixel size will be 30.

10. Force Overview Tiles (optional)

Generate overviews at all levels, or only above existing pyramid levels.

  1. Unchecked—Create overviews above the raster pyramid levels. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Create overviews at all levels.

11. Resampling Method (optional)

Choose an algorithm for aggregating pixel values in the overviews.

  1. NEAREST— The fastest resampling method because it minimizes changes to pixel values. Suitable for discrete data, such as land cover. If the Key Metadata Data Type is thematic, then nearest neighbor will be the default.
  2. BILINEAR—Calculates the value of each pixel by averaging (weighted for distance) the values of the surrounding 4 pixels. Suitable for continuous data.This is the default, unless the Key Metadata Data Type is thematic.
  3. CUBIC— Calculates the value of each pixel by fitting a smooth curve based on the surrounding 16 pixels. Produces the smoothest image, but can create values outside of the range found in the source data. Suitable for continuous data.

12. Compression Method (optional)

Define the type of data compression to store the overview images.

  1. JPEG—A lossy compression. This is the default, unless the Key Metadata Data Type is thematic. This compression method is only valid if the mosaic dataset items adhere to JPEG specifications.
  2. JPEG_YCbCr—A lossy compression using the luma (Y) and chroma (Cb and Cr) color space components.
  3. None—No data compression.
  4. LZW—A lossless compression. If the Key Metadata Data Type is thematic, then nearest neighbor will be the default.

13. Compression Quality (optional)

Choose a value from 1 - 100. Higher values generate better quality outputs, but they create larger files. Compression Quality (optional) Choose a value from 1 – 100. Higher values generate better quality outputs, but they create larger files.

Delete Mosaic Dataset

How to Delete Mosaic Dataset Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Delete Mosaic Dataset Tool
Delete Mosaic Dataset

Path to access the tool


Delete Mosaic Dataset Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Delete Mosaic Dataset

Deletes a mosaic dataset, its overviews, and its item cache from disk.

1.    Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset that you want to delete.

2.    Delete Overview Images (optional)

Deletes all overviews associated with the mosaic dataset.

  1. Checked—Delete the overviews associated with the mosaic dataset. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Do not delete the overviews.

3.    Delete Item Cache (optional)

Delete the item cache associated with the mosaic dataset.

  1. Checked—Delete the item cache associated with the mosaic dataset. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Do not delete the item cache.

Edit Raster Function

How to Edit Raster Function Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Edit Raster Function Tool
Edit Raster Function

Path to access the tool


Edit Raster Function Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Edit Raster Function

Adds, replaces, or removes a function chain in a mosaic dataset or a raster layer that contains a raster function.

1.    Input Raster

The mosaic dataset or a raster layer. If you use a raster layer, it must have a function applied.

2.    Mosaic Dataset Items (optional)

Applies the function chain to every item in the mosaic dataset individually or to the mosaic dataset as a whole.

  1. Unchecked—Edits affect the functions associated with the mosaic dataset. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Edits affect the functions associated with all of the items within the mosaic dataset.

3.    Edit Options (optional)

Insert, replace, or remove a function chain.

  1. INSERT—Insert the function chain above the Function Name of the existing chain. Specify the function chain below in the Function Name parameter. This is the default.
  2. REPLACE—Replace the existing function chain with the function chain specified in this tool. Specify the function chain below in the Function Name parameter.
  3. REMOVE— Remove the function chain starting from the function specified in the Function Name parameter.

4.    Raster Function Template (optional)

Choose the function chain (rft.xml file) that you want to insert or replace.

5.    Function Name (optional)

Choose where to insert, replace, or remove the function chain within the existing function chain.

If you Insert the function, it will be inserted above the function specified in the Function Name parameter.


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