Analyze Mosaic Dataset, Build Boundary and Footprints and Mosaic Dataset Item Cache Tools
Analyze Mosaic Dataset
How to Analyze Mosaic Dataset Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Analyze Mosaic Dataset |
Path to access the tool
Mosaic Dataset Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Analyze Mosaic Dataset
Performs checks on a
mosaic dataset for errors and possible improvements.
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset you
want to analyze.
2. Query Definition (optional)
An SQL statement that
confines your analysis to specific raster datasets within this mosaic dataset.
3. Checks Performed (optional)
Choose which parts of the mosaic dataset you want to analyze for known issues.
- FOOTPRINT— Analyze the footprint geometry of each selected mosaic dataset item. This is checked on by default.
- FUNCTION— Analyze the function chains for each selected mosaic dataset item.
- RASTER— Analyze the original raster datasets. This is checked on by default.
- PATHS— Check for broken paths. This is checked on by default.
- SOURCE_VALIDITY— Analyze potential problems with the source data associated with each mosaic dataset item in the selected mosaic dataset. This is a good way to detect issues that may arise during synchronization workflows.
- STALE— Overviews are stale when the underlying source data has changed. Once the mosaic dataset is analyzed, you can select which items are stale by right-clicking on the error and clicking Select Associated Items on the context menu.
- PYRAMIDS— Analyze the raster pyramids associated with each mosaic dataset item in the selected mosaic dataset. Test for disconnected auxiliary files, which can occur when they are stored in a raster proxy location.
- STATISTICS— Test for disconnected auxiliary statistics files if they are stored in the raster proxy location. Analyze the covariance matrix associated with the raster, when the Gram-Schmidt pan-sharpening method is enabled. Analyze the radiometric pixel depth of a mosaic dataset item against the pixel depth of the mosaic dataset.
- PERFORMANCE— Factors that increase performance include compression during transmission and caching items with many raster functions.
- INFORMATION— Generate general information about the mosaic dataset.
Build Boundary
How to Build Boundary Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Build Boundary |
Path to access the tool
Boundary Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools
Build Boundary
Updates the extent of
the boundary when adding new raster datasets to a mosaic dataset that extend
beyond its previous coverage.
1. Mosaic Dataset
Select the mosaic
dataset where you want to recompute the boundary.
2. Query Definition (optional)
An SQL query to compute
a boundary for select raster datasets. Use this option in conjunction with the
Append to Existing Boundary option to save time when adding new raster
3. Append to Existing Boundary (optional)
Use this option when adding new raster datasets to an existing mosaic dataset. Instead of calculating the entire boundary, it will merge the boundary of the new raster datasets with the existing boundary.
- Checked—Append the perimeter of footprints to the existing boundary. This can save time when adding additional raster data to the mosaic dataset, as the entire boundary will not be recalculated. If there are rasters selected, the boundary will be recalculated to include only the selected footprints. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Recompute the boundary in its entirety.
4. Simplification Method (optional)
The simplification
method reduces the number of vertices, since a dense boundary can affect
Choose which simplification method to use to simplify the boundary.
- NONE—No simplification method will be implemented. This is the default.
- CONVEX_HULL—The minimum bounding geometry of the mosaic dataset will be used to simplify the boundary. If there are any footprints that are disconnected, a minimum bounding geometry for each continuous group of footprints will be used to simplify the boundary.
- ENVELOPE—The envelope of the mosaic dataset will provide a simplified boundary. If there are any footprints that are disconnected, an envelope for each continuous group of footprints will be used to simplify the boundary.
Build Footprints
How to Build Footprints Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Build Footprints |
Path to access the tool
Footprints Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset,
Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Build Footprints
Computes the extent of
every raster in a mosaic dataset. This tool is used when you have added or
removed raster datasets from a mosaic dataset and want to recompute the
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset that
contains the raster datasets whose footprints you want to compute.
2. Query Definition (optional)
An SQL expression to
select specific raster datasets within the mosaic dataset.
3. Computation Method (optional)
Refine the footprints using one of the following methods:
- RADIOMETRY— Exclude pixels with a value outside of a defined range. This option is generally used to exclude border areas, which do not contain valid data. This is the default.
- GEOMETRY— Restore the footprint to its original geometry.
- COPY_TO_SIBLING— Replace the panchromatic footprint with the multispectral footprint when using a pan-sharpened raster type. This can occur when the panchromatic and multispectral images do not have identical geometries.
- NONE—Do not redefine the footprints.
4. Minimum Data Value (optional)
Exclude pixels with a
value less than this number.
5. Maximum Data Value (optional)
Exclude pixels with a
value greater than this number.
6. Approximate number of vertices (optional)
Choose between 4 and
10,000. More vertices will improve accuracy but can extend processing time. A
value of -1 will calculate all vertices. More vertices will increase accuracy
but also the processing time.
7. Shrink distance (optional)
Clip the footprint by
this distance. This can eliminate artifacts from using lossy compression, which
causes the edges of the image to overlap into NoData areas.
Shrinking of the polygon
is used to counteract effects of lossy compression, which causes edges of the
image to overlap into NoData areas.
8. Maintain sheet edges (optional)
Alter the footprints of raster datasets that have been tiled and are adjacent (line up along the seams with little to no overlap).
- Unchecked—Remove the sheet edges from all the footprints. This is the default.
- Checked—Maintain the footprints in their original state.
9. Skip overviews (optional)
Adjust the footprints of overviews.
- Checked—Do not adjust the footprints of overviews. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Adjust the footprints of overviews and associated raster datasets.
10. Update Boundary (optional)
Update the boundary of the mosaic dataset if you have added or removed imagery that changes the extent.
- Checked—Update the boundary. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Do not update the boundary.
11. Simplification Method (optional)
Reduce the number of vertices in the footprint to improve performance.
- NONE—Do not limit the number of vertices. This is the default.
- CONVEX_HULL—Use the minimum bounding box to simplify the footprint.
- ENVELOPE—Use the envelope of each mosaic dataset item to simplify the footprint.
12. Edge tolerance (optional)
- Snap the footprint to the sheet edge if it is within this tolerance. Units are the same as those in the mosaic dataset coordinate system.
- By default, the value is empty for which the tolerance is computed based on the pixel size corresponding to the requested resampled raster.
- A value of -1 will compute the tolerance using the average pixel
size of the mosaic dataset.
Request Size (optional)
Set the resampled extent
(in columns and rows) for the raster when building footprints. Greater image
resolution provides more detail in the raster dataset but increases the
processing time. A value of -1 will compute the footprint at the original
14. Minimum Region Size (optional)
Avoid small holes in
your imagery when using pixel values to create a mask. For example, your
imagery may have a range of values from 0 to 255, and to mask clouds, you've
excluded values from 245 to 255, which may cause other, noncloud pixels to be
masked as well. If those areas are smaller than the number of pixels specified
here, they will not be masked out.
15. Minimum Thinness Ratio (optional)
Define the thinness of
slivers on a scale from 0 to 1.0, where 1.0 represents a circle and 0.0
represents a polygon that approaches a straight line.
Polygons that are below
both the Maximum Sliver Size and Minimum Thinness Ratio will be removed from
the footprint.
16. Maximum Sliver Size (optional)
Identify all polygons
that are smaller than the square of this value. The value is specified in
pixels and is based on the Request Size, not the spatial resolution of the
source raster.
Regions less than the
(Maximum Sliver Size)^2 and less than the Minimum Thinness Ratio are considered
slivers and will be removed.
Build Mosaic Dataset Item Cache
How to Build Mosaic Dataset Item Cache Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Build Mosaic Dataset Item Cache |
Path to access the tool
Mosaic Dataset Item Cache Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data
Management Tools Toolbox
Build Mosaic Dataset Item Cache
Inserts the Cached
Raster function as the final step in all function chains within a mosaic
1. Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset where
you want to apply the cache function.
2. Query Definition (optional)
An SQL expression to
select specific raster datasets within the mosaic dataset on which you want the
item cache built.
3. Define Cache (optional)
Enable editing on the Cache properties.
- Checked—Add the Cached Raster function to the selected items. If an item already has this function, it will not add another one. This is the default.
- Unchecked—No raster cache will be defined.
4. Generate Cache (optional)
Choose to generate the cache files based on the properties defined in the Cached Raster function, such as the location and the compression of the cache.
- Checked—Cache will be generated. This is the default.
- Unchecked—Cache will not be generated.
5. Cache Path (optional)
Choose to overwrite the
default location to save your cache. If the mosaic dataset is inside of a file
geodatabase, by default, the cache is saved in a folder with the same name as
the geodatabase and a .cache extension. If the mosaic dataset is inside of an
enterprise geodatabase, by default, the cache will be saved inside of that
geodatabase. Once created, the cache will always save to the same location. To
save the cache to a different location, you need to first use the Repair Mosaic
Dataset tool to specify a new location and run this tool again.
Once an item cache is
created, regenerating an item cache to a different location is not possible by
specifying a different cache path and rerunning this tool. It will still
generate the item cache in the location where it was generated the first time.
you can remove this function and insert a new one with the new path or
use the Repair Mosaic Dataset tool to modify the cache path and run this tool
to generate the item cache in a different location.
6. Compression Method (optional)
Choose how you want to compress your data for faster transmission.
- LOSSLESS— Retain the values of each pixel when generating cache. Lossless has a compression ratio of approximately 2:1.
- LOSSY— Appropriate when your imagery is only used as a backdrop. Lossy has the highest compression ratio (20:1) but groups similar pixel values to achieve higher compression.
- NONE— Do not compress imagery. This will make your imagery slower to transmit but faster to draw because it will not need to be decompressed when viewed.
7. Compression Quality (optional)
Set a compression
quality when using the lossy method. The compression quality value is between 1
and 100 percent, with 100 compressing the least.
8. Maximum Allowed Rows (optional)
Limit the size of the
cache dataset by number of rows. If value is more than the number of rows in
the dataset, the cache will not generate.
9. Maximum Allowed Columns (optional)
Limit the size of the
cache dataset by number of columns. If value is more than the number of columns
in the dataset, the cache will not generate.
10. Request Size Type (optional)
Resample the cache using one of these two methods:
- PIXEL_SIZE_FACTOR— Set a scaling factor relative to the pixel size. To not resample the cache, choose Pixel size factor and set the Request Size parameter to 1.
- PIXEL_SIZE— Specify a pixel size for the cached raster.
11. Request Size (optional)
Set a value to apply to the Request Size Type.
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