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Geostatistical Analyst Tools

Geostatistical Analyst Tools

Geostatistical Analyst Tools in Arc Toolbox
Geostatistical Analyst Tools

  • With Geostatistical Analyst, you can easily create a continuous surface or map from measurements stored in a point feature layer or raster layer or by using polygon centroids. The sample points may be measurements such as elevation, depth to the water table, or levels of pollution. Geostatistical Analyst provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating surfaces that can be used to visualize, analyze, and understand spatial phenomena.
  • The Geostatistical Analyst toolbox consists of groups of tools, they will be explained with an explanation of all the tools as follows:

Interpolation Toolset:

Tools for predicting values at unmeasured locations:

Diffusion Interpolation With Barriers

Interpolates a surface using a kernel that is based upon the heat equation and allows one to use raster and feature barriers to redefine distances between input points.

Empirical Bayesian Kriging

Empirical Bayesian kriging is an interpolation method that accounts for the error in estimating the underlying semivariogram through repeated simulations.

Global Polynomial Interpolation

Fits a smooth surface that is defined by a mathematical function (a polynomial) to the input sample points.


Uses the measured values surrounding the prediction location to predict a value for any unsampled location, based on the assumption that things that are close to one another are more alike than those that are farther apart.

Kernel Interpolation With Barriers

A moving window predictor that uses the shortest distance between points so that points on either side of the line barriers are connected.

Local Polynomial Interpolation

Fits the specified order (zero, first, second, third, and so on) polynomial, each within specified overlapping neighborhoods, to produce an output surface.

Moving Window Kriging

Recalculates the Range, Nugget, and Partial Sill semivariogram parameters based on a smaller neighborhood, moving through all location points.

Radial Basis Functions

Uses one of five basis functions to interpolate a surfaces that passes through the input points exactly.

Sampling Network Design Toolset:

Contains the tools used to help place new sampling sites. The Densify Sampling Network tool can also be used to identify sampling locations that are no longer required:

Create Spatially Balanced Points

Generates a set of sample points based on inclusion probabilities, resulting in a spatially balanced sample design. This tool is generally used for designing a monitoring network by suggesting locations to take samples, and a preference for particular locations can be defined using an inclusion probability raster.

Densify Sampling Network

Uses a predefined geostatistical kriging layer to determine where new monitoring stations should be built. It can also be used to determine which monitoring stations should be removed from an existing network.

Simulation Toolset:

The tools in this toolkit are used to perform geostatistical simulations and to aid in the analysis of results:

Extract Values To Table

Extracts cell values from a set of rasters to a table, based on a point or polygon feature class.

Gaussian Geostatistical Simulations

Performs a conditional or unconditional geostatistical simulation based on a Simple Kriging model. The simulated rasters can be considered equally probable realizations of the kriging model.

Utilities toolset:

Tools for pre- and post-processing when developing interpolation models using the Geostatistics Analyzer:

Cross Validation

Removes one data location then predicts the associated data using the data at the rest of the locations. The primary use for this tool is to compare the predicted value to the observed value in order to obtain useful information about some of your model parameters.

Neighborhood Selection

Creates a layer of points based on a user-defined neighborhood.

For example, you might wish to create a selection of points in a circular neighborhood around a location defined by the Input point. The illustration above demonstrates that the output will be the 10 points, colored blue, that fall within the circle.

Semivariogram Sensitivity

This tool performs a sensitivity analysis on the predicted values and associated standard errors by changing the model's semivariogram parameters (the nugget, partial sill, and major/minor ranges) within a percentage of the original values. The tool takes a geostatistical model source in order to populate these initial values of the nugget, partial sill, and major/minor ranges. The tool's output is a table indicating which parameter values were used and what the resulting predicted and standard error values were. If there are large fluctuations in the output with small changes in the model's parameter values, then you cannot have much confidence in the output. On the other hand, if changes in the output are small, then you can be confident in the model's predictions and make decisions based on its output.

Subset Features

Divides the original dataset into two parts: one part to be used to model the spatial structure and produce a surface, the other to be used to compare and validate the output surface.

Working With Geostatistical Layers toolset:

This toolkit contains tools used to create, modify, export, and manipulate geostatistics layer properties:

Areal Interpolation Layer To Polygons

Reaggregates the predictions of an Areal Interpolation layer to a new set of polygons.

Calculate Z-value

Uses the interpolation model in a geostatistical layer to predict a value at a single location.

Create Geostatistical Layer

Creates a new geostatistical layer. An existing geostatistical layer or geostatistical model is required to populate the initial values for the new layer. The input to this tool can be created using the Geostatistical Wizard.

GA Layer To Contour

Creates a feature class of contours from a geostatistical layer. The output feature class can be either a line feature class of contour lines or a polygon feature class of filled contours.

GA Layer To Grid

Exports a Geostatistical layer to a raster.

GA Layer To Points

Exports a geostatistical layer to points. The tool can also be used to predict values at unmeasured locations or to validate predictions made at measured locations.

Get Model Parameter

Gets model parameter value from an existing geostatistical model source.

Set Model Parameter

Sets parameter values in an existing geostatistical model source.

  • The same topic is available in Arabic from here

Watch this video from the YouTube channel.

In the same way, as described through this site. Watch the video first, then you can search for any tool by writing its name in the search, the language of the video is Arabic, but English subtitles and any language in the world are available. Good luck and God bless you.


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