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Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons, Calculate Z-value, Create Geostatistical Layer, GA Layer to Contour and Grid and Points and Points, Get and Set Model Parameter

Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons, Calculate Z-value, Create Geostatistical Layer, GA Layer to Contour and Grid and Points and Points, Get and Set  Model Parameter Tools

Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons

How to use Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons Tool
Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons

Path to access the tool


Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Areal Interpolation Layer to Polygons

Reaggregates the predictions of an Areal Interpolation layer to a new set of polygons.

1.    Input areal interpolation geostatistical layer

Input geostatistical layer resulting from an Areal Interpolation model.

2.    Input polygon features

The polygons where predictions and standard errors will be aggregated.

3.    Output polygon feature class

The output feature class containing the aggregated predictions and standard errors for the new polygons.

4.    Append all fields from input features (optional)

Determines whether all fields will be copied from the input features to the output feature class.

  1. Checked—All fields from the input features will be copied to the output feature class. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Only the feature ID value will be copied, and it will be named Source_ID on the output feature class.

Calculate Z-value

How to use Calculate Z-value Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Z-value Tool
Calculate Z-value

Path to access the tool


Calculate Z-value Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Calculate Z-value

Uses the interpolation model in a geostatistical layer to predict a value at a single location.

1.    Input geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer to be analyzed.

2.    Input point

The x,y coordinate of the point for which the Z-value will be calculated.

Create Geostatistical Layer

How to use Create Geostatistical Layer Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Create Geostatistical Layer Tool
Create Geostatistical Layer

Path to access the tool


Create Geostatistical Layer Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Create Geostatistical Layer

Creates a new geostatistical layer. An existing geostatistical layer or geostatistical model is required to populate the initial values for the new layer. The input to this tool can be created using the Geostatistical Wizard.

1.    Input geostatistical model source

The geostatistical model source to be analyzed.

2.    Input dataset(s)

The name of the input datasets and field names used in the creation of the output layer.

When checked, the Always reset input datasets when the geostatistical model source changes parameter ensures that when a different geostatistical model source is specified, its associated datasets are automatically inserted into the tool.

If unchecked and the geostatistical model source is changed, the displayed input datasets remain unchanged. This can lead to problems if the model is incompatible with the dataset; for example, a model was created to predict temperature, and a new dataset with rainfall data is specified.

3.    Output geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer produced by the tool.Output geostatistical layer The geostatistical layer produced by the tool.

GA Layer to Contour

How to use GA Layer to Contour Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

GA Layer to Contour Tool
GA Layer to Contour

Path to access the tool


GA Layer to Contour Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


GA Layer to Contour

Creates a feature class of contours from a geostatistical layer. The output feature class can be either a line feature class of contour lines or a polygon feature class of filled contours.

1.    Input geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer to be analyzed.

2.    Contour type

Type of contour to represent the geostatistical layer.

  1. CONTOUR— The contour or isoline representation of the geostatistical layer. Displays the lines in either draft or presentation quality.
  2. FILLED_CONTOUR—The polygon representation of the geostatistical layer. It assumes for the graphical display that the values between contour lines are the same for all locations within the polygon. Displays the lines in either draft or presentation quality.
  3. SAME_AS_LAYER—Use the current renderer of the input geostatistical layer. If the geostatistical layer is not rendered as either contour or filled contour, this option will created filled contours. Similarly, if the geostatistical layer is rendered as both contour and filled contour, this option will create filled contours.

3.    Output feature class

The output feature class will either be a polyline or a polygon, depending on the selected contour type.

4.    Contour quality (optional)

Determines the smoothness of contour line representation.

  1. DRAFT— The default Draft quality presents a generalized version of isolines for faster display.
  2. PRESENTATION—The Presentation option ensures more detailed isolines for the output feature class.

5.    Classification type (optional)

Specifies how the contour breaks will be calculated.

  1. GEOMETRIC_INTERVAL—Contour breaks are calculated based on geometric intervals.
  2. EQUAL_INTERVAL—Contour breaks are calculated based on equal intervals.
  3. QUANTILE—Contour breaks are calculated from quantiles of the input data.
  4. MANUAL—Specify your own break values.

6.    Number of classes (optional)

Specify the number of classes in the output feature class.

If Contour type is set to output filled contour polygons, the number of polygons created will equal the value specified in this parameter. If it is set to output contour polylines, the number of polylines will be one less than the value specified in this parameter (because N class intervals define N-1 contour break values).

This parameter does not apply if the Classification type is set to Manual.

7.    Class breaks (optional)

The list of break values if the Classification type is set to Manual.

  1. For contour output, these are the values of the contour lines.
  2. For filled contour, these are the upper limits of each class interval. Note that if the largest break value is less than the maximum of the geostatistical layer, the output feature class will not fill up the entire rectangular extent; all locations with predicted values above the largest break will not receive filled contours.

GA Layer to Grid

How to use GA Layer to Grid Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

GA Layer to Grid Tool
GA Layer to Grid

Path to access the tool


GA Layer to Grid Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


GA Layer to Grid

Exports a Geostatistical layer to a raster.

1.    Input geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer to be analyzed.

2.    Output surface raster

The raster to be created.

3.    Output cell size (optional)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

4.    Number of points in the cell (horizontal) (optional)

The number of predictions for each cell in the horizontal direction for block interpolation.

5.    Number of points in the cell (vertical) (optional)

The number of predictions for each cell in the vertical direction for block interpolation.

GA Layer to Points

How to use GA Layer to Points Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

GA Layer to Points Tool
GA Layer to Points 

Path to access the tool


GA Layer to Points Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


GA Layer to Points

Exports a geostatistical layer to points. The tool can also be used to predict values at unmeasured locations or to validate predictions made at measured locations.

1.    Input geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer to be analyzed.

2.    Input point observation locations

Point locations where predictions or validations will be performed.

3.    Field to validate on (optional)

If this field is left blank, predictions are made at the location points. If a field is selected, predictions are made at the location points, compared to their Z_value_field values, and a validation analysis is performed.

4.    Output statistics at point locations

The output feature class containing either the predictions or the predictions and the validation results.

The fields in this feature class can include the following fields (where applicable):

  1. Source_ID (Source ID)—The object ID of the source feature in the Input point observation locations.

  • The feature or object identifier of the input dataset that was used.
 Included (Included)—Indicates whether a prediction was calculated for this feature. The values in this field can be one of the following:

  • Yes—There are no problems making a prediction at this point.
  • Not enough neighbors—There are not enough neighbors to make a prediction.
  • Weight parameter is too small—The weight parameter is too small.
  • Overfilling—Overflow of floating-point calculations.
  • Problem with data transformation—The value to be transformed is outside of the supported range for the selected transformation (only in kriging).
  1. Predicted (Predicted)—The prediction value at this location.
  2. Error (Error)—The predicted value minus the value in the validation field.
  3. StdError (Standard Error)—The kriging standard error.
  4. Stdd_Error (Standardized Error)—The standardized prediction errors. Ideally, the standardized prediction errors are distributed normally.
  5. NormValue (Normal Value)—The normal distribution value (x-axis) that corresponds to the standardized prediction errors (y-axis) in the normal QQplot.

5.    Append all fields from input features (optional)

Determines whether all fields will be copied from the input features to the output feature class.

  1. Checked—All fields from the input features will be copied to the output feature class. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Only the feature ID value will be copied, and it will be named Source_ID on the output feature class.

Get Model Parameter

How to use Get Model Parameter Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Get Model Parameter Tool
Get Model Parameter

Path to access the tool


Get Model Parameter Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Get Model Parameter

Gets model parameter value from an existing geostatistical model source.

1.    Input geostatistical model source

The geostatistical model source to be analyzed.

2.    Parameter XML Path

XML path to the required model parameter.

Set Model Parameter

How to use Set Model Parameter Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Set Model Parameter Tool
Set Model Parameter

Path to access the tool


Set Model Parameter Tool, Working with Geostatistical Layers Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Set Model Parameter

Sets parameter values in an existing geostatistical model source.

1.    Input geostatistical model source

The geostatistical model source to be analyzed.

2.    Parameter XML Path

XML path to the required model parameter.

3.    Parameter value

Value for the parameter defined by the XML path.

4.    Output model

Geostatistical model created with the parameter value defined in the XML path.


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