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Flip and Trim Line, Generalize, Snap

Flip and Trim Line, Generalize, Snap Tools

Flip Line

How to Flip Line Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Flip Line Tool
Flip Line

Path to access the tool


Flip Line Tool, Editing Tools Toolbox


Flip Line

Reverses the from-to direction of line features.

You can view the orientation of line features by symbolizing line features with arrowheads.

1.    Input Features

The input line feature class or layer.


How to Generalize Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Generalize Tool
Generalize Tool

Path to access the tool


Generalize Tool, Editing Tools Toolbox



Simplifies the input features using a specified maximum offset tolerance. The output features will contain a subset of the original input vertices.

1.    Input Features

The polygon or line features to be generalized

2.    Tolerance (optional)

The tolerance sets the maximum allowable offset, which will determine the degree of simplification. This value limits the distance the output geometry can differ from the input geometry. You can specify a preferred unit of measurement. The default is the feature unit.


How to Snap Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Snap Tool
Snap Tool

Path to access the tool


Snap Tool, Editing Tools Toolbox



Moves points or vertices to coincide exactly with the vertices, edges, or end points of other features. Snapping rules can be specified to control whether the input vertices are snapped to the nearest vertex, edge, or endpoint within a specified distance.

1.    Input Features

The input features whose vertices will be snapped to the vertices, edges, or end points of other features. The input features can be points, multipoints, lines, or polygons.

2.    Snap Environment

Enter the feature classes or feature layers containing the features you wish to snap to.

Snapping Environment Components:

  1. Features — Features that the input features' vertices will be snapped to. These features can be points, multipoints, lines, or polygons.
  2. Type — Type of feature part that the input features' vertices can be snapped to (END | VERTEX | EDGE).
  3. Distance — Distance within which the input features' vertices will be snapped to the nearest vertex, edge, or end point.

  • Snapping Environment Type Options:

  1. END — Input feature vertices will be snapped to feature ends.
  2. VERTEX — Input feature vertices will be snapped to feature vertices.
  3. EDGE — Input feature vertices will be snapped to feature edges.

In the Snap Environment parameter, if no unit is entered with the Distance (i.e., 10 instead of 10 Meters), the linear or angular unit from the input feature's coordinate system will be used as default. If the input features have a projected coordinate system, its linear unit will be used.

Trim Line

How to Trim Line Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Trim Line Tool
Trim Line

Path to access the tool


Trim Line Tool, Editing Tools Toolbox


Trim Line

Removes portions of a line that extend a specified distance past a line intersection (dangles). Any line that does not touch another line at both endpoints can be trimmed, but only the portion of the line that extends past the intersection by the specified distance will be removed.

Tool use is intended for quality control tasks such as cleaning up topology errors in features that were digitized without having set proper snapping environments.

1.    Input Features

The line input features to be trimmed.

2.    Dangle Length (optional)

Line segments that are shorter than the specified Dangle Length and do not touch another line at both endpoints (dangles) will be trimmed.

If no Dangle Length is specified, all dangling lines (line segments that do not touch another line at both endpoints), regardless of length, will be trimmed back to the point of intersection.

3.    Delete Short Features (optional)

Controls whether line segments which are less than the dangle length and are free-standing will be deleted.

  1. Checked—Delete short free-standing features. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—Do not delete short free-standing features.


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