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Export Web Map, Get Layout Templates Info, MXD to Web map and Sign In To Portal

Export Web Map, Get Layout Templates Info, MXD to Web map and Sign In To Portal Tools

Export Web Map

How to use Export Web Map Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Web Map Tool
Export Web Map

Path to access the tool


Export Web Map Tool, Printing Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Export Web Map

This tool takes the state of a web application (for example, included services, layer visibility settings, and client-side graphics) and returns a printable page layout or basic map of the specified area of interest.

The input for Export Web Map is a piece of text in JavaScript object notation (JSON) format describing the layers, graphics, and other settings in the web map. The JSON must be structured according to the ExportWebMap specification in the ArcGIS Help.

This tool is shipped with ArcGIS Server to support web services for printing, including the preconfigured service named PrintingTools. The ArcGIS web APIs for JavaScript, Flex and Silverlight use the PrintingTools service to generate images for simple map printing.

1.    Web Map as JSON

A JSON representation of the state of the map to be exported as it appears in the web application. See the ExportWebMap specification in the ArcGIS Help to understand how this text should be formatted. The ArcGIS web APIs (for JavaScript, Flex, Silverlight, etc.) allow developers to easily get this JSON string from the map.

2.    Output File

Output file name. The extension of the file depends on the output file format.

3.    Format (optional)

The format in which the map image for printing will be delivered. The following strings are accepted.

For example:

  1. PNG8
  2. PNG32
  3. JPG
  4. GIF
  5. EPS
  6. SVG
  7. SVGZ

4.    Layout Templates Folder (optional)

Full path to the folder where map documents (.MXDs) to be used as Layout Templates are located. The default location is <install_directory>\Templates\ExportWebMapTemplates.

5.    Layout Template (optional)

Either a name of a template from the list or the keyword MAP_ONLY. When MAP_ONLY is chosen or an empty string is passed in, the output map does not contain any page layout surroundings (for example title, legends, scale bar, and so forth)

Get Layout Templates Info

How to use Get Layout Templates Info Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Get Layout Templates Info Tool
Get Layout Templates Info

Path to access the tool


Get Layout Templates Info Tool, Printing Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Get Layout Templates Info

Returns the content of layout templates in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Map documents (.mxd files) located in a folder are used as layout templates.

1.    Layout Templates Folder (optional)

Full path to the folder where map documents (.mxd files) to be used as layout templates are located. The default location is <install_directory>\Templates\ExportWebMapTemplates.

MXD to Web map

How to use MXD to Web map Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

MXD to Web map Tool
MXD to Web map

Path to access the tool


MXD to Web map Tool, Publishing Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


MXD to Web map

Creates a web map within a portal (Portal for ArcGIS or a local portal) from an MXD (map document). Requires an account that can authenticate with or a local portal to publish services and create the web map.

1.    Input map document

The input map document of layers to convert to a web map in the portal.

2.    Web map name

The name of the output web map to be created.

3.    Summary

The summary for the web map. The summary will provide information about the web map itself when found through a search.

4.    Tags

Identifying tags for the web map. The tags will help make your web map more discoverable through searches. Enter multiple tags by using a comma to separate terms.

5.    Layers to be published (optional)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.

6.    Basemap

The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

7.    Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

8.    Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

9.    Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

10. Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

  1. Checked—Webmap will be shared within your organization.
  2. Unchecked—Webmap will not be shared. This is the default.

11. Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

  1. Checked—Webmap will be shared with everyone.
  2. Unchecked—Webmap will only be available to the publisher and any selected group within your organization. This is the default.

12. Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

Sign In To Portal

How to use Sign In To Portal Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Sign In To Portal Tool
Sign In To Portal

Path to access the tool


Sign In To Portal Tool, Publishing Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Sign In To Portal

Allows you to sign in to portals. If you are publishing to an ArcGIS Online portal you need to be signed in to ArcGIS Online in order to publish. For those organizations that would like to use ArcGIS Online behind the firewall or in their own private cloud, there is a version that you can install and use on your own computer networks. It is called Portal for ArcGIS.

Signing in to ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS through ArcGIS Desktop has changed in the ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 release. You may receive Warning 1561 when executing this tool. If you receive this message you cannot use the Sign In To Portal tool to authenticate, but must sign in to ArcGIS Online or Portal by clicking File Sign In. See Signing in to ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Desktop applications for more information.

1.    Username

Portal for ArcGIS username. This parameter is optional for portals with Integrated Windows Authentication.

2.    Password

Portal for ArcGIS password. This parameter is optional for portals with Integrated Windows Authentication.

3.    Portal

The Sign In To Portal tool reads the URL set in Desktop Administrator. Any user entered value is ignored. The default value is URL for the ArcGIS portal currently chosen by the user in Desktop Administrator.


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