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Basin, Fill, Flow Accumulation and Direction and Distance and Length

Basin, Fill, Flow Accumulation and Direction and Distance and Length Tools


How to use Basin Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Basin Tool
Basin Tool

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Basin Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox



Creates a raster delineating all drainage basins.

1. Input flow direction raster

The input raster that shows the direction of flow out of each cell.

A flow direction raster can be created with the Flow Direction tool, using the default D8 flow direction type.

2. Output raster

The output raster that delineates the drainage basins.

This output is of integer type.


How to use Fill Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Fill Tool
Fill Tool

Path to access the tool


Fill Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox



Fills sinks in a surface raster to remove small imperfections in the data.

1. Input surface raster

The input raster representing a continuous surface.

2. Output surface raster

The output surface raster after the sinks have been filled.

If the surface raster is integer, the output filled raster will be integer type. If the input is floating point, the output raster will be floating point.

3. Z limit (optional)

Maximum elevation difference between a sink and its pour point to be filled.

If the difference in z-values between a sink and its pour point is greater than the z_limit, that sink will not be filled.

The value for z-limit must be greater than zero.

Unless a value is specified for this parameter, all sinks will be filled, regardless of depth.

Flow Accumulation

How to use Flow Accumulation Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Flow Accumulation Tool
Flow Accumulation

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Flow Accumulation Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Flow Accumulation

Creates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell. A weight factor can optionally be applied.

1. Input flow direction raster

The input raster that shows the direction of flow out of each cell.

The flow direction raster can be created using the Flow Direction tool.

The flow direction raster can be created using D8, Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) and D-Infinity methods. Use the Input flow direction type parameter to specify which method was used when the flow direction raster was created.

2. Output accumulation raster

The output raster that shows the accumulated flow to each cell.

3. Input weight raster (optional)

An optional input raster for applying a weight to each cell.

If no weight raster is specified, a default weight of 1 will be applied to each cell. For each cell in the output raster, the result will be the number of cells that flow into it.

4. Output data type (optional)

The output accumulation raster can be integer, floating point, or double type.

  1. FLOAT—The output raster will be floating point type. This is the default.
  2. INTEGER—The output raster will be integer type.
  3. DOUBLE—The output raster will be double type.

5. Flow direction type (optional)

The input flow direction raster can be of type D8, Multi Flow Direction (MFD) or D-Infinity (DINF).

  1. D8—The input flow direction raster is of type D8. This is the default.
  2. MFD—The input flow direction raster is of type Multi Flow Direction (MFD).
  3. DINF—The input flow direction raster is of type D-Infinity (DINF).

Flow Direction

How to use Flow Direction Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Flow Direction Tool

Flow Direction

Path to access the tool


Flow Direction Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Flow Direction

Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its downslope neighbor, or neighbors, using D8, Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) or D-Infinity (DINF) methods.

1. Input surface raster

The input raster representing a continuous surface.

2. Output flow direction raster

The output raster that shows the flow direction from each cell to its downslope neighbor(s) using D8, Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) or D-Infinity (DINF) methods.

This output is of integer type.

3. Force all edge cells to flow outward (optional)

Specifies if edge cells will always flow outward or follow normal flow rules.

  1. Unchecked—If the maximum drop on the inside of an edge cell is greater than zero, the flow direction will be determined as usual; otherwise, the flow direction will be toward the edge. Cells that should flow from the edge of the surface raster inward will do so. This is the default.
  2. Checked—All cells at the edge of the surface raster will flow outward from the surface raster.

4. Output drop raster (optional)

An optional output drop raster.

The drop raster returns the ratio of the maximum change in elevation from each cell along the direction of flow to the path length between centers of cells, expressed in percentages.

This output is of floating-point type.

5. Flow direction type (optional)

Specifies the type of flow method to use while computing flow directions.

  1. D8—Assign a flow direction based on the D8 flow method. This method assigns flow direction to the steepest downslope neighbor. This is the default.
  2. MFD—Assign a flow direction based on the MFD flow method. This method assigns multiple flow directions towards all downslope neighbors.
  3. DINF—Assign a flow direction based on the D-Infinity flow method using the steepest slope of a triangular facet.

Flow Distance

How to use Flow Distance Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Flow Distance Tool
Flow Distance

Path to access the tool


Flow Distance Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Flow Distance

Computes, for each cell, the horizontal or vertical component of downslope distance, following the flow path(s), to cell(s) on a stream into which they flow. In case of multiple flow paths, minimum, weighted mean, or maximum flow distance can be computed.

If an optional flow direction raster is provided, the down slope direction(s) will be limited to those defined by the input flow direction raster.

1. Input stream raster

An input stream raster that represents a linear stream network.

2. Input surface raster

The input raster representing a continuous surface.

The output flow distance raster.

4. Input flow direction raster (optional)

The input raster that shows the direction of flow out of each cell.

When a flow direction raster is provided, the down slope direction(s) will be limited to those defined by the input flow directions.

The flow direction raster can be created using the Flow Direction tool.

The flow direction raster can be created using D8, Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) and D-Infinity methods. Use the Input flow direction type parameter to specify which method was used when the flow direction raster was created.

5. Distance type (optional)

Determines if the vertical or horizontal component of flow distance is calculated.

  1. VERTICAL—The flow distance calculations represent the vertical component of flow distance, following the flow path, from each cell in the domain to cell(s) on the stream into which they flow. This is the default.
  2. HORIZONTAL—The flow distance calculations represent the horizontal component of flow distance, following the flow path, from each cell in the domain to cell(s) on the stream into which they flow.

6. Flow direction type (optional)

The input flow direction raster can be of type D8, Multi Flow Direction (MFD) or D-Infinity (DINF).

  1. D8—The input flow direction raster is of type D8. This is the default.
  2. MFD—The input flow direction raster is of type Multi Flow Direction (MFD).
  3. DINF—The input flow direction raster is of type D-Infinity (DINF).

7. Statistics Type (optional)

Determines the statistics type used to compute flow distance over multiple flow paths. If there is only a single flow path from each cell to a cell on the stream, all statistics types produce the same result.

  1. MINIMUM—Where multiple flow paths exist, minimum flow distance in computed. This is the default.
  2. WEIGHTED_MEAN—Where multiple flow paths exist, a weighted mean of flow distance is computed. Flow proportion from a cell to its downstream neighboring cells are used as weights for computing weighted mean.
  3. MAXIMUM—When multiple flow paths exist, maximum flow distance is computed.

Flow Length

How to use Flow Length Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Flow Length Tool
Flow Length

Path to access the tool


Flow Length Tool, Hydrology Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Flow Length

Calculates the upstream or downstream distance, or weighted distance, along the flow path for each cell.

1. Input flow direction raster

The input raster that shows the direction of flow out of each cell.

The flow direction raster can be created using the Flow Direction tool.

2. Output raster

The output raster that shows for each cell the upstream or downstream distance along a flow path.

3. Direction of measurement (optional)

The direction of measurement along the flow path.

  1. DOWNSTREAM—Calculates the downslope distance along the flow path, from each cell to a sink or outlet on the edge of the raster.
  2. UPSTREAM—Calculates the longest upslope distance along the flow path, from each cell to the top of the drainage divide.

4. Input weight raster (optional)

An optional input raster for applying a weight to each cell.

If no weight raster is specified, a default weight of 1 will be applied to each cell. For each cell in the output raster, the result will be the number of cells that flow into it.


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