WFS To Feature Class, Features To JSON, JSON To Features and Esri Metadata TranslatorEsri Metadata Translator tools
WFS To Feature Class
How to use WFS To Feature Class Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
WFS To Feature Class |
Path to access the tool
WFS To Feature Class Tool, From WFS Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
WFS To Feature Class
Imports a feature type
from a web feature service (WFS) to a feature class in a geodatabase.
1. WFS Server
Type in the URL and
press the Enter key and the feature types from the service will be listed in
the Select Feature Type to Extract parameter
2. Select Feature Type to Extract
Select from the list of
feature types published from the WFS service.
3. Output Location
The output location can
be the root level of a geodatabase or a feature dataset within a geodatabase.
If the output location is a feature dataset, the coordinates are converted from
the source coordinate system to the coordinate system of the feature dataset.
4. Feature Class Name
The name of the feature
class to create within the output location. If the feature class name already
exists in the geodatabase, the name will be auto-incremented. By default, the
feature type name is used.
Features To JSON
How to use Features To JSON Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
Features To JSON |
Path to access the tool
To JSON Tool, From JSON Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
Features To JSON
Converts features to
JSON format. The fields, geometry, and spatial reference of features will be
converted to their corresponding JSON representation and written to a file with
a .json extension.
1. Input features
The features to convert
to JSON.
Output JSON
The output JSON file.
Formatted JSON (optional)
If checked, the JSON will be formatted to improve readability similar to the ArcGIS REST API specification's PJSON (Pretty JSON) format.
- Unchecked—The features will not be formatted. This is the default.
- Checked—The features will be formatted to the PJSON specification.
Include Z values (optional)
Include z-values of the features to the JSON.
- Unchecked—The z-values will not be included in geometries and the hasZ property of the JSON will not be included. This is the default.
- Checked—The z-values will be included in geometries and the hasZ property of the JSON will be set to True.
Include M values (optional)
Include m-values of the features to the JSON.
- Unchecked—The m-values will not be included in geometries and the hasM property of the JSON will not be included. This is the default.
- Checked—The m-values will be included in geometries and the hasM property of the JSON will be set to True.
(optional) GeoJSON
If checked, output will be created as GeoJSON.
- Unchecked—The output will be created as Esri JSON. This is the default.
- Checked—The output will be created in the GeoJSON format.
JSON To Features
How to use JSON To Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
JSON To Features |
Path to access the tool
JSON To Features Tool, From JSON Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
JSON To Features
Converts JSON features
based on ArcGIS REST API specification into a feature class. The feature class
will have fields, geometry type, and spatial reference as defined in the JSON.
Input JSON
The JSON file (.json) to
Output feature class
The output feature class to create.
Esri Metadata TranslatorEsri Metadata TranslatorHow to use Esri Metadata TranslatorEsri Metadata Translator
Esri Metadata TranslatorEsri Metadata Translator |
Metadata TranslatorEsri Metadata Translator Tool, Metadata Toolset, Conversion
Esri Metadata Translator
Uses the ArcGIS metadata
translation engine or an XSLT transformation to export metadata content from
ArcGIS to a stand-alone metadata XML file. The exported metadata will be
formatted to satisfy the metadata standard associated with the specified translation.
Metadata for items in
ArcGIS is stored in the ArcGIS metadata format. Use the ArcGIS to translations
to export ArcGIS metadata to another metadata XML format. For example, do this
to share information outside of ArcGIS by publishing it to a metadata catalog.
Different metadata catalogs accept information in different XML formats. ArcGIS
metadata can be exported to different formats if you must publish your
information to metadata catalogs with different requirements.
When using a to ISO
19139 translation, the exported metadata will be formatted following the rules
defined in ISO standard 19139, Geographic information — Metadata — XML schema
implementation, and its associated XML Schemas. The same translation is used to
export metadata according to an ISO metadata profile. The translation accounts
for the metadata style selected in ArcGIS. For example, when the selected
metadata style is North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 – Geographic
information – Metadata, the output file will be formatted appropriately for
that ISO metadata profile.
When using the ArcGIS to
FGDC translation, the exported metadata will be formatted following the Federal
Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial
Metadata (CSDGM) XML format. The resulting file can be published to, for example.
FGDC to translations
handle information in the item's metadata, which is formatted according to the
FGDC CSDGM XML format. This content appears under the FGDC Metadata (read-only)
heading in the Description tab when you are using a metadata style that gives
you full access to the item's metadata. This content may have been provided
with the current release of ArcGIS Desktop using the FGDC metadata editor
add-in or using the FGDC metadata editor provided with ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 or
earlier releases.
The to ArcGIS
translations convert other metadata XML formats to the ArcGIS metadata format.
This is an important step in the process of importing metadata that exists in
another format to an ArcGIS item; however, several additional steps are also
required to achieve the best results. Use the Import Metadata tool with the
appropriate translation to complete this task instead.
Source Metadata
The item whose metadata
will be converted or a stand-alone XML file that will be converted.
An XML file that defines
the conversion that will be performed.
The translator files provided with ArcGIS Desktop can be found in the <ArcGIS Installation Location>\Metadata\Translator folder. The following translators are provided:
- ARCGIS2FGDC.xml—Translates content stored in the ArcGIS metadata format to the FGDC CSDGM XML format. This translator is used by default when you export metadata from the Description tab using the FGDC CSDGM Metadata style. Metadata is converted using an XSLT transformation and won't produce a log file.
- ARCGIS2ISO19139.xml—Translates content stored in the ArcGIS metadata format to the ISO 19139 XML format. This translator is used by default when you export metadata from the Description tab using any of the ISO-based metadata styles. It is the preferred translator for exporting metadata to the ISO 19139 XML format. Metadata is converted using an XSLT transformation and won't produce a log file.
- ESRI_ISO2ISO19139.xml—Translates content stored in either the ArcGIS metadata format or the ESRI-ISO metadata format to the ISO 19139 XML format. This translator is provided for backward compatibility to support existing models and Python scripts. It has some known limitations with exporting metadata to the ISO 19139 XML format. Use the ARCGIS2ISO19139.xml translator instead. Metadata is converted using the Esri Metadata Translator tool's translation engine and produces a log file containing messages produced by the translation engine.
- FGDC2ESRI_ISO.xml—Translates content stored in the FGDC CSDGM XML format to the ArcGIS metadata format; that is, it translates metadata content that is visible under the FGDC Metadata (read-only) heading on the Description tab. This translator is used when you import FGDC-formatted metadata by running the Import Metadata tool with the FROM_FGDC type and when you upgrade metadata by running the Upgrade Metadata tool with the FGDC_TO_ARCGIS type. Metadata is converted using the Esri Metadata Translator tool's translation engine and produces a log file containing messages produced by the translation engine.
- FGDC2ISO19139.xml—Translates content stored in the FGDC CSDGM XML format to the ISO 19139 XML format; that is, it translates metadata content that is visible under the FGDC Metadata (read-only) heading on the Description tab. Metadata is converted using the Esri Metadata Translator tool's translation engine and produces a log file containing messages produced by the translation engine.
- ISO19139_2ESRI_ISO.xml—Translates content stored in the ISO 19139 XML format to the ArcGIS metadata format. This translator is used when you import ISO 19139-formatted metadata by running the Import Metadata tool with the FROM_ISO_19139 type. Metadata is converted using the Esri Metadata Translator tool's translation engine and produces a log file containing messages produced by the translation engine.
A translator file must
be specified. This tool does not have a default value for this parameter.
Output File (optional)
A stand-alone XML file
that will be created containing the converted metadata.
Log File (optional)
A text file that will be
created listing the warnings and errors that occurred during the conversion
A log file will not be created when using the ArcGIS to FGDC translation even if a log file name is provided.
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