GPX To Features, KML To Layer and PDF To TIFF Tools
GPX To Features
How to use GPX To Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
GPX To Features |
Path to access the tool
GPX To Features Tool, From GPX Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
GPX To Features
Converts the point
information inside a GPX file to features.
GPX File
The GPX file to convert.
Feature class
The feature class to create.
KML To Layer
How to use KML To Layer Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
KML To Layer |
Path to access the tool
To Layer Tool, From KML Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
KML To Layer
Converts a KML or KMZ
file into feature classes and a layer file. The layer file maintains the
symbology found within the original KML or KMZ file.
1. Input KML File
The KML or KMZ file to
Output Location
The destination folder
for the file geodatabase and layer (.lyr) file.
Output Data Name (optional)
The name of the output
file geodatabase and layer file. The default is the name of the input KML file.
Include Ground Overlay (optional)
Include ground overlays from the KML (raster, air photos, and so on). Use caution if the KMZ points to a service that serves raster imagery. The tool will attempt to translate the raster imagery at all available scales. This process could be lengthy and possibly overwhelm the service.
- Checked—Ground overlay is included in the output.
- Unchecked—Ground overlay is not included in the output. This is the default.
How to use PDF To TIFF Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
Path to access the tool
PDF To TIFF Tool, From PDF Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
Exports an existing PDF
file to a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). If the PDF has georeference
information, the TIFF can be a GeoTIFF. These TIFFs can be used as a source for
heads-up digitizing and viewing in ArcMap. Both GeoPDF and ISO standards of georeferenced
PDFs are supported.
Input PDF File
The path and name of the
PDF file that is going to be converted into a TIFF.
Output TIFF File
The path and name of the
output TIFF file.
PDF Password (optional)
If the PDF is password protected the tool requires an appropriate password for processing. Different passwords can be provided based on the security setting embedded in the PDF. If the PDF is protected by restricting access to
- Open the document—enter the PDF open password.
- Copy contents—enter the PDF file's permission password.
- Open and to copy contents—enter the PDF file's permission password.
4. PDF Page Number (optional)
The page number containing the content you want
to export to TIFF. You can only enter one page, not a range of pages.
PDF Map (optional)
In a PDF file, a map is
a defined container of graphics on the PDF page that has a spatial reference. A
PDF map is equivalent to an ArcMap data frame in that it is the container for
spatial data. A PDF may have one or more maps. For example, a page may have a
main map and an additional smaller overview or key map.
The PDF Map is used for
setting the output spatial reference of the TIFF, if the Write GeoTIFF Tags
setting is enabled.
The PDF Map is also used
to define the extent of the output TIFF, if the Clip Output to Map option is
If the page does contain
more than one map, each unique map inside the PDF page is listed. A default
choice of LARGEST is also available and represents the largest map in the PDF.
If the page only
contains one map, this parameter will remain blank.
Clip Output to Map (optional)
Specifies what should be clipped/extracted.
- Checked—Only extracts the map you choose in the PDF Map parameter.
- Unchecked—Converts the entire page you specified into a TIFF. This is the default.
7. Resolution in dpi (optional)
A number that defines the resolution of the
exported TIFF in DPI (dots per inch). The default is 250.
Color Mode (optional)
This value specifies the number of bits used to describe color. The default is RGB_TRUE_COLOR.
- RGB_TRUE_COLOR—32-bit RGBA color. When you choose this option with the JPEG compression, it will produce a 24-bit RGB color.
- CMYK_TRUE_COLOR—32-bit CMYK color.
- RGB_PALETTE—8-bit RGB palette.
9. Compression (optional)
The compression scheme for the output TIFF. The default is LZW.
- LZW—Lempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression.
- DEFLATE —A lossless data compression.
- JPEG —JPEG lossy compression. Quality setting is 100 and cannot be changed.
- NONE—Compression is not applied.
- PACK_BITS—Pack bits lossless compression.
10. Write GeoTIFF Tags (optional)
If the PDF contains a spatial reference, you can choose to add GeoTIFF tags.
- Checked—Adds GeoTIFF tags to the output. This is the default if the PDF contains a spatial reference.
- Unchecked—Does not add GeoTIFF tags, even if the PDF contains a spatial reference.
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