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Feature Class to Coverage, Import from E00, Table to dBASE and Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase

Feature Class to Coverage, Import from E00, Table to dBASE and Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase Tools

Feature Class to Coverage

How to use Feature Class to Coverage Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature Class to Coverage Tool
Feature Class to Coverage

Path to access the tool


Feature Class to Coverage Tool, To Coverage Toolset, Conversion Toolbox


Feature Class to Coverage

Creates a single ArcInfo Workstation coverage from one or more input feature classes or layers.

1.    Input Feature classes

The input feature classes or layers used to create a single ArcInfo Workstation coverage, including the type of features of which the coverage will be composed. See the Usage notes in the Tool Help for more information on when and why to use ROUTE and REGION instead of ARC and POLYGON.

  1. POINT
  2. LABEL
  3. NODE
  4. ARC
  5. ROUTE
  8. ANNO

2.    Output Coverage

The output coverage to be created.

3.    XY Tolerance (optional)

The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both). You can set the value to be higher for data that has less coordinate accuracy and lower for datasets with extremely high accuracy.

4.    Double Precision (optional)

The precision of the output coverage.

  1. Checked—The Output Coverage will have double precison. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—The Output Coverage will have single precision.

Import from E00

How to use Import from E00 Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Import from E00 Tool
Import from E00

Path to access the tool


Import from E00 Tool, To Coverage Toolset, Conversion Toolbox


Import from E00

Imports an ArcInfo Workstation interchange file (.e00). An interchange file is used to transport coverages, INFO tables, text files such as AML macros, and other ArcInfo files. For coverages, grids, and tins, it contains all information, including appropriate INFO table information. Interchange files are designated with the .e00 file suffix. This is the ArcView GIS version of the utility for importing e00 files.

1.    Input interchange file

ArcInfo Workstation interchange file to convert. The name of this file cannot contain spaces.

2.    Output folder

The location in which the output will be created.

3.    Output name

The name of the output. This string cannot contain any spaces. If this output already exists, the tool will not overwrite it, even if the geoprocessing overwrite output setting is set to true.

Table to dBASE (multiple)

How to use Table to dBASE (multiple) Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Table to dBASE (multiple) Tool
Table to dBASE (multiple)

Path to access the tool


Table to dBASE (multiple) Tool, To dBASE Toolset, Conversion Toolbox


Table to dBASE (multiple)

Converts one or more tables to dBASE tables.

1.    Input Table

The list of tables to be converted to dBASE.

2.    Output Folder

The destination folder where the output dBASE tables will be placed.

CAD to Geodatabase

How to use CAD to Geodatabase Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

CAD to Geodatabase Tool
CAD to Geodatabase

Path to access the tool


CAD to Geodatabase Tool, To Geodatabase Toolset, Conversion Toolbox


CAD to Geodatabase

Reads a CAD dataset and creates feature classes of the drawing. The feature classes are written to a geodatabase feature dataset.

1.    Input CAD Datasets

The collection of CAD files to convert to geodatabase features.

2.    Output Geodatabase

The geodatabase where the output feature dataset will be created. This geodatabase must already exist.

3.    Dataset

The name of the feature dataset to be created.

4.    Reference scale

Enter the scale to use as a reference for the annotation. This sets the scale to which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be made relative.

5.    Spatial Reference (optional)

The spatial reference of the output feature dataset. If you wish to control other aspects of the spatial reference, such as the xy, z, m domains, resolutions, and tolerances, set the appropriate geoprocessing environments.

Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase

How to use Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase Tool
Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase

Path to access the tool


Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase Tool, To Geodatabase Toolset, Conversion Toolbox


Copy Runtime Geodatabase to File Geodatabase

Copies the contents of a Runtime geodatabase into a new file geodatabase.

1.  Input Runtime Geodatabase

Runtime geodatabase that will be copied to a file geodatabase.

2.  Output File Geodatabase

The output file geodatabase name and location. For example: c:/temp/outputGeodatabases/copiedFGDB.gdb.


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