Locate Outliers, Polygon Volume Tools
Locate Outliers
How to use Locate Outliers Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Locate Outliers |
Locate Outliers Tool, Triangulated Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox
Locate Outliers
Identifies anomalous
elevation measurements from terrain, TIN, or LAS datasets that exceed a defined
range of elevation values or have slope characteristics that are inconsistent
with the surrounding surface.
1. Input Surface
The terrain, TIN, or LAS
dataset that will be analyzed.
2. Output Feature Class
The feature class that
will be produced by this tool.
3. Apply Hard Limit (optional)
Specifies use of
absolute z minimum and maximum to find outliers.
Unchecked—Do not use the absolute z minimum and maximum to find
outliers. This is the default.
Checked—Use the absolute z minimum and maximum to find outliers.
4. Absolute Z Minimum (optional)
If hard limits are applied, any point with an elevation below this value will be considered an outlier. The default is 0.
5. Absolute Z Maximum (optional)
If hard limits are applied, any point with an elevation above this value will be considered an outlier. The default is 0.
6. Apply Comparison Filter (optional)
The comparison filter
consists of three parameters for determining outliers: Z Tolerance, Slope
Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio.
Unchecked—Do not use the three comparison parameters (Z Tolerance,
Slope Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio) in assessing points.
Checked—Use the three comparison parameters (Z Tolerance, Slope
Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio) in assessing points. This is the
7. Z Tolerance (optional)
Compares z-values of neighboring points if the comparison filter is applied. The default is 0.
8. Slope Tolerance (optional)
The threshold of slope variance between consecutive points that will be used to identify outlier points. Slope is expressed as a percentage, with the default being 150.
9. Exceed Tolerance Ratio (optional)
Defines the criteria for determining each outlier point as a function of the ratio of points in its natural neighborhood that must exceed the specified comparison filters. For example, the default value of 0.5 means at least half of the points surrounding the query point must exceed the comparison filters for the query point to be considered an outlier. A value of 0.7 means at least 70 percent of the neighbor points must exceed the tolerances.
10. Outlier Cap (optional)
The maximum number of outlier points that can be
written to the output. Once this value is reached, no further outliers are
sought. The default is 2,500.
Polygon Volume
How to use Polygon Volume Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Polygon Volume |
Polygon Volume Tool, Triangulated Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox
Polygon Volume
Calculates the volume
and surface area between a polygon of a constant height and a surface.
1. Input Surface
The TIN, terrain, or LAS
dataset surface to process.
2. Input Feature Class
The polygon features
that define the region being processed.
3. Height Field
The field in the
polygon's attribute table that defines the height of the reference plane used
in determining volumetric calculations.
4. Reference Plane (optional)
The direction from the
reference plane that volume and surface area will be calculated.
ABOVE—Volume and surface area are calculated above the reference plane
height of the polygons.
BELOW—Volume and surface area are calculated below the reference
plane height of the polygons. This is the default.
5. Volume Field (optional)
Specifies the name of the field that will contain volumetric calculations. The default is Volume.
6. Surface Area Field (optional)
Specifies the name of the field that will contain the surface area calculations. The default is SArea.
7. Pyramid Level Resolution (optional)
The z-tolerance or window-size resolution of the terrain pyramid level that will be used by this tool. The default is 0, or full resolution.
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