Decimate TIN Nodes, Extrude Between Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch Tools
Decimate TIN Nodes
How to use Decimate TIN Nodes Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Decimate TIN Nodes |
Decimate TIN Nodes Tool, Triangulated Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox
Decimate TIN Nodes
Creates a triangulated
irregular network (TIN) dataset using a subset of nodes from a source TIN.
1. Input TIN
The TIN dataset to
2. Output TIN
The TIN dataset that
will be generated.
3. Decimation Method
Specifies the decimation
method for selecting a subset of nodes from the input TIN.
Z Tolerance—Generalizes TIN within a specified vertical accuracy.
An optional node limit can also be specified. This is the default.
Count—Generalizes TIN by constraining its size to a specified node
4. Copy Breaklines (optional)
Indicates whether
breaklines from the input TIN are copied over to the output.
Unchecked—Breaklines will not be copied. This is the default.
· Checked—Breaklines will be copied.
Extrude Between
How to use Extrude Between Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Extrude Between |
Extrude Between TIN Nodes Tool, Triangulated Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox
Extrude Between
Creates 3D features by
extruding each input feature between two triangulated irregular network (TIN)
1. Input TIN
The first input TIN.
2. Input TIN
The second input TIN.
3. Input Feature Class
The features that will
be extruded between the TINs.
4. Output Feature Class
The output that will store
the extruded features.
Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch
How to use Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch |
Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch Tool, Triangulated Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox
Interpolate Polygon to Multipatch
surface-conforming multipatch features by draping polygon features over a
1. Input Surface
The input triangulated
irregular network (TIN) or terrain dataset surface.
2. Input Feature Class
The input polygon
3. Output Feature Class
The output multipatch
feature class.
4. Maximum Strip Size (optional)
Controls the maximum
number of points used to create an individual triangle strip. Note that each
multipatch is usually composed of multiple strips. The default value is 1,024.
5. Z Factor (optional)
The factor by which
z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert Z linear units
to match XY linear units. The default is 1, which leaves elevation values unchanged.
This parameter is disabled if the spatial reference of the input surface has a
Z datum with a specified linear unit.
6. Area Field (optional)
The name of the output
field containing the planimetric, or 2D, area of the resulting multipatches.
7. Surface Area Field (optional)
The name of the output
field containing the 3D area of the resulting multipatches. This area takes the
surface undulations into consideration and is always larger than the
planimetric area unless the surface is flat, in which case, the two are equal.
8. Pyramid Level Resolution (optional)
The z-tolerance or window-size resolution of the terrain pyramid level that will be used by this tool. The default is 0, or full resolution.
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