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Grid Index Features, Strip Map Index Features

Grid Index Features, Strip Map Index Features Tools

Grid Index Features 

How to use Grid Index Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Grid Index Features Tool
Grid Index Features Tool

Grid Index Features Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Grid Index Features

Creates a grid of rectangular polygon features that can be used as an index to specify pages for a map book using Data Driven Pages. A grid can be created that only includes polygon features that intersect another feature layer.

1.  Output Feature Class

Resulting feature class of polygon index features.

The coordinate system of the ouput feature class is determined in this order.

  1. If a coordinate system is specified by the Output Coordinate System variable in the Environment Settings the output feature class will use this coordinate system.
  2. If a coordinate system is not specified by the Output Coordinate System the output feature class will use the coordinate system of the active data frame (ArcMap is open).
  3. If a coordinate system is not specified by the Output Coordinate System and there is no active data frame (ArcMap is not open) the ouput feature class will use the coordinate system of the first input feature.
  4. If a coordinate system is not specified by the Output Coordinate System, there is no active data frame (ArcMap is not open) and there is no specified input features the coordinate system of the ouput feature class will be unknown.

2.  Input Features (optional)

Input features can be used to define the extent of the polygon grid that is created.

3.  Generate Polygon Grid that intersects input feature layers or datasets (optional)

Limits the output grid feature class to only areas that intersect input feature layers or datasets. When input features are specified and the default is checked, the intersection of input features will be used to create index features.

  1. Checked—Limits the output grid feature class to only areas that intersect input feature layers or datasets.
  2. Unchecked—Output grid feature class is created using specified coordinates, rows, and columns.

4.  Use Page Unit and Scale (optional)

Indicates whether index polygon size input is in page space. The default is unchecked. The tool uses map units by default.

  1. Checked—Index polygon height and width are calculated in page units.
  2. Unchecked—Index polygon height and width are calculated in map units.

5.  Map Scale (optional)

Scale must be specified if the index polygon height and width are to be calculated in page units. If the tool is being used outside of an active ArcMap session the default scale value is 1.

6.  Polygon Width (optional)

Width of the index polygon specifed in either map or page units. If page units are being used the default value is 1 inch. If map units are being used the default is 1 degree.

7.  Polygon Height (optional)

Height of the index polygon specifed in either map or page units. If page units are being used the default value is 1 inch. If map units are being used the default is 1 degree.

8.  Polygon Grid Origin Coordinate (optional)

Coordinate for the lower left origin of the output grid feature class. If input features are specified the default value is determined by the extent of the union of extents for these features. If there are no input features specified, the default coordinates are 0 and 0.

9.  Number of Rows (optional)

Number of rows to create in the y direction from the point of origin. The default is 10.

10. Number of Columns (optional)

Number of columns to create in the x direction from the point of origin. The default is 10.

11. Starting Page Number (optional)

Each grid index feature is assigned a sequential page number starting with a specified starting page number. The default is 1.

12.  Start labeling from the Origin (optional)

Page numbers (labels) starting with the specified starting page number (default is 1) begins with the cell in the lower left corner of the output grid. The default is unchecked.

  1. Checked—Page numbers (labels) starting with the specified starting page number (default is 1) begins with the polygon feature in the lower left corner of the output grid.
  2. Unchecked—Page numbers (labels) starting with the specified starting page number (default is 1) begins with the polygon feature in the upper left corner of the output grid.

Strip Map Index Features 

How to use Strip Map Index Features Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Strip Map Index Features Tool
Strip Map Index Features Tool

Strip Map Index Features Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Strip Map Index Features

Creates a series of rectangular polygons, or index features, that follow a single linear feature or a group of linear features. These index features can be used with Data Driven Pages to define pages in a strip map or a set of maps that follow a linear feature. The resulting index features contain attributes that can be used to rotate and orient the map on the page and determine which index features, or pages, are next to the current page (to the left and right or to the top and bottom).

1.  Input Line Features

The input polyline features defining the path of the strip map index features.

2.  Output Feature Class

The output feature class of polygon index features.

3.  Use Page Unit and Scale (optional)

Indicates whether index feature size input is in page units.

  1. Checked—Index polygon height and width are calculated in page units.
  2. Unchecked—Index polygon height and width are calculated in map units. This is the default.

4.  Map Scale (optional)

Map scale must be specified if index feature lengths (along the line and perpendicular to the line) are to be calculated in page units. If you're using ArcMap, the default value will be the scale of the active data frame; otherwise, the default will be 1.

5.  Length Along the Line (optional)

The length of the polygon index feature along the input line feature specified in either map or page units. The default value is determined by the spatial reference of the input line feature or features. This value will be 1/100 of the input feature class extent along the x axis.

6.  Length Perpendicular to the Line (optional)

The length of the polygon index feature perpendicular to the input line feature specified in either map or page units. The default value is determined by the spatial reference of the input line feature or features. This value will be one-half the number used for the length along the line.

7.  Page Orientation (optional)

Specifies the orientation of the input line features on the layout page.

  1. VERTICAL—The direction of the strip map series on the page is top to bottom.
  2. HORIZONTAL—The direction of the strip map series on the page is left to right. This is the default.

8.  Percentage of Overlap (optional)

The approximate percentage of geographic overlap between an individual map page and its adjoining pages in the series. The default is 10.

9.  Starting Page Number (optional)

Each grid index feature is assigned a sequential page number beginning with a specified starting page number. The default is 1.

10.  Strip Map Direction (optional)

Index features are created in a sequential order and require a starting point. Setting the direction type for the strip map provides a starting point. The default is WE_NS. This means that the starting point for the strip map is either at the western end of the line feature if the line feature's directional trend is West to East/East to West or, if the directional trend is North to South/South to North, the starting point will be the northernmost point of the line feature. The direction type is also applied to secondary line features.


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