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Calculate Fields, Central Meridian, Grid Convergence and UTM Zone

Calculate Fields, Central Meridian, Grid Convergence and UTM Zone Tools

Calculate Adjacent Fields 

How to use Calculate Adjacent Fields Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Adjacent Fields Tool
Calculate Adjacent Fields Tool

Calculate Adjacent Fields Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate Adjacent Fields

Creates fields and calculates values for the neighboring pages (polygon) of a grid polygon feature class.

The most common use case for this tool is to populate fields that can be used to label the adjacent pages in a map book. This tool appends eight new fields (each field representing one of the eight points of the compass: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest) to the input feature class and calculates values that identify the adjacent (neighboring) polygons, in each cardinal direction, for each feature in the input feature class.

1.  Input Features

The polygon grid index features that will be appended with adjacent field data.

2.  Field Name

The field whose values will be used to populate adjacent field data.

Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels 

How to use Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels Tool
Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels

Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate Central Meridian And Parallels

Calculates the central meridian and optional standard parallels based on the center point of a feature's extent; stores this coordinate system as a spatial reference string in a specified text field; and repeats this for a set, or subset, of features. This field can be used with Data Driven Pages to update the data frame coordinate system for each page.

1.  Input Features

The input feature layer.

2.  Coordinate System Field

The text field where the coordinate system string will be stored.

3.  Standard Parallel Offset (optional)

Specifies the percentage of the height of the input feature used to offset the standard parallels from the center latitude of the input feature. The default is 25 percent or 0.25. Negative values and values greater than 1 are acceptable inputs.

Calculate Grid Convergence Angle 

How to use Calculate Grid Convergence Angle Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Grid Convergence Angle Tool
Calculate Grid Convergence Angle

Calculate Grid Convergence Angle Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate Grid Convergence Angle

Calculates the rotation angle for true north based on the center point of each feature in a feature class and populates this value in a specified field. This field can be used in conjunction with Data Driven Pages to rotate each map to true north.

1.  Input Features

The input feature class (points, multipoints, lines, and polygons).

2.  Angle Field

The existing field that will be populated with the true north calculation value in decimal degrees.

3.  Rotation Method (optional)

Specifies the method used to calculate the rotation value.

  1. GEOGRAPHIC—The angle is calculated clockwise with 0 at top. This is the default.
  2. ARITHMETIC—The angle is calculated counterclockwise with 0 at right.
  3. GRAPHIC—The angle is calculated counterclockwise with 0 at top.

4.  Coordinate System Field (optional)

The field containing a projection engine string for a projected coordinate system to be used for angle calculation. The angle calculation for each feature will be based on the projected coordinate system projection engine string for the specific feature. In cases of an invalid value, the tool will use the Cartographic coordinate system specified in the Cartography environment settings. The default is none, or no field specified. When no field is specified, the projected coordinate system used for calculation will be taken from the Cartography environment settings.

Calculate UTM Zone

How to use Calculate UTM Zone Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate UTM Zone Tool
Calculate UTM Zone Tool

Calculate UTM Zone Tool, Data Driven Pages Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate UTM Zone

Calculates a UTM zone of each feature based on the center point and stores this spatial reference string in a specified field. This field can be used in conjunction with Data Driven Pages to update the spatial reference to the correct UTM zone for each map.

1.  Input Features

The input feature layer.

2.  UTM Zone Field

The string field that stores the spatial reference string for the coordinate system. The field should have sufficient length (more than 600 characters) to hold the spatial reference string.


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