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LAS to Multipoint, Point File Information

LAS to Multipoint, Point File Information

LAS to Multipoint

How to use LAS to Multipoint Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ?? 

LAS to Multipoint Tool
LAS to Multipoint

How to use LAS to Multipoint Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
LAS to Multipoint

LAS to Multipoint Tool, From File Toolset, Conversion Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox:


LAS to Multipoint

Creates multipoint features using one or more lidar files.

The LAS or ZLAS files that will be imported to a multipoint feature class. If a folder is specified, all the LAS files that reside therein will be imported.

In the tool dialog window, a folder can also be specified as an input by selecting the desired folder in Windows Explorer and dragging it into the parameter's input box.

Include Subfolders (optional)

Scans through subfolders when an input folder is selected containing data in a subfolders directory. The output feature class will be generated with a row for each file encountered in the directory structure.

Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced by this tool.

Average Point Spacing

The average 2D distance between points in the input file or files. This can be an approximation. If areas have been sampled at different densities, specify the smaller spacing. The value needs to be provided in the projection units of the output coordinate system.

Input Class Codes (optional)

The classification codes to use as a query filter for LAS data points. Valid values range from 1 to 32. No filter is applied by default.

Input Return Values (optional)

The return values that will be used to filter the LAS points that get imported to multipoint features.

Input Attribute Names (optional)

The LAS point properties whose values will be stored in binary large object (BLOB) fields in the attribute table of the output. If the resulting features will participate in a terrain dataset, the stored attributes can be used to symbolize the terrain. The Name column indicates the name of the field that will be used to store the specified attributes. The following LAS properties are supported:

Coordinate System (optional)

The coordinate system of the input LAS file.

File Suffix (optional)

The suffix of the files to import from an input folder. This parameter is required when a folder is specified as input.

Z Factor (optional)

The factor by which z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert Z linear units to match XY linear units. The default is 1, which leaves elevation values unchanged. This parameter is disabled if the spatial reference of the input surface has a Z datum with a specified linear unit.

1.    Input

The LAS or ZLAS files that will be imported to a multipoint feature class. If a folder is specified, all the LAS files that reside therein will be imported.

In the tool dialog window, a folder can also be specified as an input by selecting the desired folder in Windows Explorer and dragging it into the parameter's input box.

2.    Include Subfolders (optional)

Scans through subfolders when an input folder is selected containing data in a subfolders directory. The output feature class will be generated with a row for each file encountered in the directory structure.

· Unchecked—Only LAS files found in an input folder will be converted to multipoint features. This is the default.

· Checked—All LAS files residing in the subdirectories of an input folder will be converted to multipoint features.

3.    Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced by this tool.

4.    Average Point Spacing

The average 2D distance between points in the input file or files. This can be an approximation. If areas have been sampled at different densities, specify the smaller spacing. The value needs to be provided in the projection units of the output coordinate system.

5.    Input Class Codes (optional)

The classification codes to use as a query filter for LAS data points. Valid values range from 1 to 32. No filter is applied by default.

6.    Input Return Values (optional)

The return values that will be used to filter the LAS points that get imported to multipoint features.

· ANY_RETURNS—Any returns

· 1—1

· 2—2

· 3—3

· 4—4

· 5—5

· 6—6

· 7—7

· 8—8

· LAST_RETURNS—Last returns

7.    Input Attribute Names (optional)

The LAS point properties whose values will be stored in binary large object (BLOB) fields in the attribute table of the output. If the resulting features will participate in a terrain dataset, the stored attributes can be used to symbolize the terrain. The Name column indicates the name of the field that will be used to store the specified attributes. The following LAS properties are supported:

· INTENSITY—Intensity

· RETURN_NUMBER—Return number

· NUMBER_OF_RETURNS—Number of returns per pulse

· SCAN_DIRECTION_FLAG —Scan direction flag

· EDGE_OF_FLIGHTLINE—Edge of flightline

· CLASSIFICATION—Classification

· SCAN_ANGLE_RANK—Scan angle rank

· FILE_MARKER—File marker

· USER_BIT_FIELD—User data value


· COLOR_RED—Red band

· COLOR_GREEN—Green band

· COLOR_BLUE—Blue band

8.    Coordinate System (optional)

The coordinate system of the input LAS file.

9.    File Suffix (optional)

The suffix of the files to import from an input folder. This parameter is required when a folder is specified as input.

10. Z Factor (optional)

The factor by which z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert Z linear units to match XY linear units. The default is 1, which leaves elevation values unchanged. This parameter is disabled if the spatial reference of the input surface has a Z datum with a specified linear unit.

 Point File Information

How to use Point File Information Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Point File Information Tool
Point File Information

Point File Information Tool, From File Toolset, Conversion Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox:


Point File Information

Generates statistical information about one or more point files in a polygon or multipatch output.Point Data One or more point data files or folders that will be analyzed.In the tool dialog window, a folder can also be specified as an input by selecting the desired folder in Windows Explorer and dragging it into the parameter’s input box.

1.    Point Data

One or more-point data files or folders that will be analyzed.

In the tool dialog window, a folder can also be specified as an input by selecting the desired folder in Windows Explorer and dragging it into the parameter's input box.

2.    Include Subfolders (optional)

Scans through subfolders when an input folder is selected containing data in a subfolders directory. The output feature class will be generated with a row for each file encountered in the directory structure.

· Unchecked—Only the data found in the input folder will be used to generate the results. This is the default.

· Checked—Any data found in the input folder and its subdirectories will be used to generate results.

3.    Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced by this tool.

4.    File Format

The format of the input files.

· LAS—Airborne lidar format defined by the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).

· XYZ—XYZ file.

· XYZI—XYZI file.


5.    File Suffix (optional)

The suffix of the files to import when a folder is specified in the input. This parameter is required if an input folder is provided.

6.    Coordinate System (optional)

The coordinate system of the input data.

7.    Summarize by Class Code (optional)

Specifies if the results will summarize LAS files per class code or LAS file. This option will require an intensive scan of the LAS file.

· Unchecked—Each output feature will represent all the data found in a lidar file. This is the default.

· Checked—Each output feature will represent a single class code found in a lidar file.

8.    Extrude Geometry Shapes (optional)

Specifies whether to create a 2D polygon or multipatch feature class with extruded features that reflect the elevation range found in each file.

  1. Unchecked—The output will be created as a 2D polygon feature class. This is the default.
  2. Checked—The output will be created as a multipatch feature class.

9.    Decimal Separator (optional)

The decimal character used in the text file to differentiate the integer of a number from its fractional part.

  1. DECIMAL_POINT—A point is used as the decimal character. This is the default.
  2. DECIMAL_COMMA—A comma is used as the decimal character.

10. Improve LAS Files Point Spacing Estimate (optional)

Provides enhanced assessment of the point spacing in LAS files that can reduce over-estimation caused by irregular data distribution.

  1. Unchecked—Regular point spacing estimate is used for LAS files, where the extent is equally divided by the number of points. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Binning will be used to obtain a more precise point spacing estimate for LAS files. This may increase the tool's execution time.


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