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LAS Dataset to TIN

LAS Dataset to TIN

How to use LAS Dataset to TIN Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ?? 
LAS Dataset to TIN Tool
LAS Dataset to TIN

LAS Dataset to TIN Tool, From LAS Dataset Toolset, Conversion Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

LAS Dataset to TIN

Exports a triangulated irregular network (TIN) from a LAS dataset.

1.    Input LAS Dataset

The LAS dataset to process.

2.    Output TIN

The TIN dataset that will be generated.

3.    Thinning Type (optional)

Specifies the type of thinning to be used to reduce the LAS data points saved as the nodes in the resulting TIN.

· NONE—No thinning is applied. This is the default.

· RANDOM—LAS data points are randomly selected based on the corresponding Thinning Method selection and Thinning Value entry.

· WINDOW_SIZE—The LAS dataset is divided into square tiles defined by Thinning Value and LAS points are selected using Thinning Method.

4.    Thinning Method (optional)

Specifies the technique to be used to reduce the LAS data points, which impacts the interpretation of Thinning Value. The available options depend on the selected Thinning Type.

  1. PERCENT—Thinning value will reflect the percentage of LAS points that will be preserved in the output
  2. NODE_COUNT—Thinning value will reflect the total number of nodes that are allowed in the output
  3. MIN—Selects the LAS data point with the lowest elevation in each window size area
  4. MAX—Selects the LAS data point with the highest elevation in each of the automatically determined window size areas
  5. CLOSEST_TO_MEAN—Selects the LAS data point with the elevation closest to the average value found in the automatically determined window size areas

5.    Thinning Value (optional)

The thinning value's interpretation depends on the selection made for Thinning Type.

If Thinning Type is set to Window Size, this value represents the sampling area by which the LAS dataset will be divided.

If Thinning Type is set to Random and Thinning Method is set to Percent, this value represents the percentage of LAS points that will be exported to the TIN.

If Thinning Type is set to Random and Thinning Method is set to Node Count, this value represents the total number of LAS points that can be exported to the TIN.

6.    Maximum Number of Output Nodes (optional)

The maximum number of nodes permitted in the output TIN. The default is 5 million.

7.    Z Factor (optional) 

The factor by which z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert Z linear units to match XY linear units. The default is 1, which leaves elevation values unchanged. This parameter is disabled if the spatial reference of the input surface has a Z datum with a specified linear unit.

8.    Clip to Extent (optional)

Specifies whether the resulting TIN will be clipped against the analysis extent. This only has an effect if the analysis extent is a subset of the input LAS dataset.Checked—Clips the output TIN against the analysis extent. This is the default.

· Unchecked—Does not clip the output TIN against the analysis extent.


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