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Inside 3D, Intersect 3D and Line With Multipatch

Inside 3D, Intersect 3D and Line With Multipatch

Inside 3D

How to use Inside 3D Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Inside 3D Tool
Inside 3D

Inside 3D Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Inside 3D

Determines if 3D features from an input feature class are contained inside a closed multipatch, and writes an output table recording the features that are partially or fully inside the multipatch.

1.    Input Features

The input multipatch or 3D point, line, or polygon feature class.

2.    Input Multipatch Features

The closed multipatch features that will be used as the containers for the input features.

3.    Output Table

The output table providing a list of 3D Input Features that are inside or partially inside the Input Multipatch Features which are closed. The output table contains an OBJECTID (object ID), Target_ID, and Status field. The Status field will state if the input feature (Target_ID) is inside or partially inside a multipatch.

4.    Complex Output Table (optional)

Specifies if the output table will identify the relationship between the Input Features and the Input Multipatch Features through the creation of a Contain_ID field that identifies the multipatch feature that contains the input feature.

· Checked—The multipatch feature that contains an input feature will be identified.

· Unchecked—The multipatch feature that contains an input feature will not be identified. This is the default.

Intersect 3D

How to use Intersect 3D Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Intersect 3D Tool
Intersect 3D

Intersect 3D Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Intersect 3D

Computes the intersection of multipatch features to produce closed multipatches encompassing the overlapping volumes, open multipatch features from the common surface areas, or lines from the intersecting edges.

1.    Input Multipatch Features

The multipatch features that will be intersected. When only one input feature layer or feature class is provided, the output will indicate the intersection of its own features.

2.    Input Multipatch Features (optional)

The optional second multipatch feature layer or feature class to be intersected with the first.

3.    Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced by this tool.

4.    Output Geometry Type (optional)

Determines the type of intersection geometry created.

· SOLID—Creates a closed multipatch representing the overlapping volumes between input features. This is the default.

· SURFACE—Creates a multipatch surface representing shared faces between input features.

· LINE— Creates lines representing shared edges between input features.

Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch

How to use Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch Tool
Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch

Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch

Returns the number of geometric intersections between 3D line and multipatch features and also provides optional features that represent points of intersection and also divide the 3D lines at such points.

1.    Input Line Features

The line features that will be intersected with the multipatch features.

2.    Input Multipatch Features

The multipatch features that the lines will be intersected against.

3.    Join Attributes (optional)

The input line feature attributes that will be stored with the optional output features.

· IDS_ONLY— Only feature identification numbers will be stored. This is the default.

· ALL—All attributes will be stored.

4.    Output Points (optional)

Optional features that represent points of intersection between the 3D line and multipatch.

5.    Output Lines (optional)

Optional line features that divide the input lines at each point of intersection with a multipatch feature


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