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Difference 3D, Enclose Multipatch, Feature To 3D By Attribute

Difference 3D, Enclose Multipatch, Feature To 3D By Attribute

Difference 3D 

How to use Difference 3D Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Difference 3D Tool
Difference 3D

Difference 3D Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Difference 3D

Eliminates portions of multipatch features in a target feature class that overlap with enclosed volumes of multipatch features in the subtraction feature class.

1.    Input Features

The multipatch features that will have its features removed by the subtrahend features.

2.    Subtract Features

The multipatch features that will be subtracted from the input.

3.    Output Feature Class

The output multipatch feature class that will contain the resulting features.

4.    Output Table (optional)

An optional table that stores information about the relationship between the input features and the difference output. The following fields are present in this table:

· Output_ID—The ID of the output feature.

· Minuend_ID—The ID of the input feature.

· Subtrahend—The ID of the subtract feature.

Enclose Multipatch

How to use Enclose Multipatch Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Enclose Multipatch Tool
Enclose Multipatch

Enclose Multipatch Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Enclose Multipatch

Creates closed multipatch features from open multipatch features.

1.    Input Multipatch Features

The multipatch features that will be used to construct closed multipatches.

2.    Output Multipatch Feature Class

The output closed multipatch features.

3.    Grid Size (optional)

The resolution that will be used to construct the closed multipatch features. This value is defined using the linear units of the input feature's spatial reference.

Feature To 3D By Attribute

How to use Feature To 3D By Attribute Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Feature To 3D By Attribute Tool
Feature To 3D By Attribute

Feature To 3D By Attribute Tool, 3D Features Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Feature To 3D By Attribute

Creates 3D features using height values derived from the attribute of the input features.

1.    Input Features

The features that will be used to create 3D features.

2.    Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced by this tool.

3.    Height Field

The field whose values will define the height of the resulting 3D features.

4.    To Height Field (optional)

An optional second height field used for lines. When using two height fields, each line will start at the first height and end at the second (sloped).


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