Extract LAS
How to use Extract LAS Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Extract LAS |
Extract LAS Tool, LAS Dataset Toolset, Data Management Toolset, 3D
Analyst Toolbox
Extract LAS
Filters, clips, and
reprojects the collection of lidar data referenced by a LAS dataset.
1. Input LAS Dataset
The LAS dataset to process.
2. Target Folder
The existing folder that the output LAS files will be written to.
3. Output LAS Dataset (optional)
The output LAS dataset referencing the newly created LAS files.
4. Processing Extent (optional)
Specifies the extent of the data that will be evaluated by this tool.
5. Extraction Boundary (optional)
A polygon boundary that defines the area of the LAS files that will be clipped.
6. Process entire LAS files that intersect extent (optional)
Specifies how the area
of interest will be used in determining how LAS files will be processed. The
area of interest is defined by the Processing Extent, the Processing Boundary ,
or a combination of both.
Unchecked—Only LAS points that intersect the area of interest will
be processed. This is the default.
Checked—If any portion of a LAS file intersects the area of
interest, all the points in that LAS file, including those outside the area of
interest, will be processed.
7. Output File Name Suffix (optional)
The text that will be appended to the name of each output LAS file. Each file will inherit its base name from its source file, followed by the suffix specified in this parameter.
8. Compression (optional)
Specifies whether the
output LAS file will in a compressed format or the standard LAS format.
SAME_AS_INPUT—The compression will be the same as the input. This
is the default.
NO_COMPRESSION—The output will be in the standard LAS format
ZLAS—Output LAS files will be compressed in the zLAS format.
9. Remove Variable Length Records (optional)
Each LAS file may
potentially contain a set of variable length records (VLRs) added by the
software that produced it. The meaning of these records is typically only known
by the originating software. Unless the output LAS data will be processed by an
application that understands this information, retaining the VLRs may not
provide any value-added functionality. Removing the VLRs could potentially save
significant disk space depending on their total size and the number of files
containing them.
Unchecked—The variable length records in the input LAS files will
remain in the output LAS files. This is the default.
Checked—The variable length records in the input LAS files will be
removed from the output LAS files.
10. Rearrange LAS Points (optional)
Specifies whether to
rearrange points in the LAS files.
Unchecked—The order of the points in the LAS files will remain the
Checked—The points in the LAS files will be rearranged. This is
the default.
11. Compute Statistics (optional)
Specifies whether
statistics should be computed for the LAS files referenced by the LAS dataset.
Computing statistics provides a spatial index for each LAS file, which improves
analysis and display performance. Statistics also enhance the filtering and
symbology experience by limiting the display of LAS attributes, like
classification codes and return information, to values that are present in the
LAS file.
Checked—Statistics will be computed.
· Unchecked—Statistics will not be computed. This is the default.
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