Classify LAS Overlap and Colorize LAS
Classify LAS Overlap
to use Classify LAS Overlap Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Classify LAS Overlap |
Classify LAS Overlap
Classifies LAS points
from overlapping scans of aerial lidar surveys.
1. Input LAS Dataset
The tiled LAS dataset to process.
2. Sample Distance (optional)
The distance of either dimension of the square area used to evaluate the LAS data. If Unknown is specified as the linear unit, the unit will be defined by the input LAS file's spatial reference.
3. Compute statistics (optional)
Specifies whether
statistics should be computed for the LAS files referenced by the LAS dataset.
Computing statistics provides a spatial index for each LAS file, which improves
analysis and display performance. Statistics also enhance the filtering and
symbology experience by limiting the display of LAS attributes, like
classification codes and return information, to values that are present in the
LAS file.
Checked—Statistics will be computed.
Unchecked—Statistics will not be computed. This is the default.
4. Processing Extent (optional)
Specifies the extent of the data that will be evaluated by this tool.
5. Process entire LAS files that intersect extent (optional)
Specifies how the area
of interest will be used in determining how LAS files will be processed. The
area of interest is defined by the Processing Extent, the Processing Boundary ,
or a combination of both.
Unchecked—Only LAS points that intersect the area of interest will
be processed. This is the default.
· Checked—If any portion of a LAS file intersects the area of interest, all the points in that LAS file, including those outside the area of interest, will be processed.
Colorize LAS
How to use Colorize LAS Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Colorize LAS |
Colorize LAS Tool, LAS Dataset Toolset, Data Management Toolset, 3D
Analyst Toolbox
Colorize LAS
Applies colors and
near-infrared values from orthographic imagery to LAS points.
1. Input LAS Dataset
The LAS dataset to process.
2. Input Image
The image that will be used to assign colors to LAS points.
3. Band Assignment
The bands from the input image that will be assigned to the color channels associated with the output LAS points.
4. Target Folder
The existing folder that the output LAS files will be written to.
5. Output LAS Dataset (optional)
The output LAS dataset referencing the newly created LAS files.
6. Output File Name Suffix (optional)
The text that will be appended to the name of each output LAS file. Each file will inherit its base name from its source file, followed by the suffix specified in this parameter.
7. LAS File Version (optional)
The LAS version of the
output files being created.
1.2—LAS file version 1.2 will be created.
1.3—LAS file version 1.3 will be created.
1.4—LAS file version 1.4 will be created. This is the default.
8. Point Format (optional)
The point record format
of the output LAS files.
2—Point record format 2.
3—Point record format 3 supports the storage of GPS time.
7—Point record format 7. This is the default value and is only
available for LAS version 1.4
8—Point record format 8 supports the storage of near-infrared
values. This is only available for LAS version 1.4.
9. Compression (optional)
Specifies whether the
output LAS file will in a compressed format or the standard LAS format.
NO_COMPRESSION—The output will be in the standard LAS format
(*.las). This is the default.
ZLAS—Output LAS files will be compressed in the zLAS format.
10. Rearrange LAS Points (optional)
Specifies whether to
rearrange points in the LAS files.
Unchecked—The order of the points in the LAS files will remain the
Checked—The points in the LAS files will be rearranged. This is
the default.
11. Compute Statistics (optional)
Specifies whether
statistics should be computed for the LAS files referenced by the LAS dataset.
Computing statistics provides a spatial index for each LAS file, which improves
analysis and display performance. Statistics also enhance the filtering and
symbology experience by limiting the display of LAS attributes, like classification
codes and return information, to values that are present in the LAS file.
Checked—Statistics will be computed.
· Unchecked—Statistics will not be computed. This is the default.
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