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Export To 3D Web Scene, Features From CityEngine Rules, Feature Class Z to ASCII

Export To 3D Web Scene, Features From CityEngine Rules,  Feature Class Z to ASCII

Export To 3D Web Scene

How to use Export To 3D Web Scene Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Export To 3D Web Scene Tool
Export To 3D Web Scene

Export To 3D Web Scene Tool, CityEngine Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Export To 3D Web Scene

Exports ArcScene documents (.sxd) to Esri CityEngine Web Scene (.3ws) format to display them in the CityEngine Web Viewer.

The CityEngine Web Viewer uses HTML5 and WebGL technology to draw 3D content in a web browser. There is no need for a plug-in or a Esri CityEngine license to view 3D scenes in browsers that support WebGL.

1.    Scene Document

The input ArcScene document (.sxd) to be exported to a CityEngine Web Scene.

2.    Web Scene

The output 3D Web Scene (.3ws) that will be created from the ArcScene document.

Features From CityEngine Rules

How to use Features From CityEngine Rules Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??
Features From CityEngine Rules Tool
Features From CityEngine Rules

Features From CityEngine Rules Tool, CityEngine Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Features From CityEngine Rules

Generates 3D geometries from existing 2D and 3D input features using rules authored in Esri CityEngine.

1.    Input Features

Input polygon, or multipatch features.

2.    Rule Package

The CityEngine rule package *.rpk file containing CGA rule information and assets.

3.    Output Features

The output feature class containing multipatch features with CGA rules applied.

 Feature Class Z to ASCII

How to use Feature Class Z to ASCII Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Feature Class Z to ASCII Tool
Feature Class Z to ASCII


Feature Class Z to ASCII Tool, From Feature Class Z to ASCII Toolset, Conversion Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox


Feature Class Z to ASCII

Exports 3D features to ASCII text files storing GENERATE, XYZ, or profile data.

1.    Input Feature Class

The 3D point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon feature class that will be exported to an ASCII file.

2.    Output Location

The folder to which output files will be written.

3.    Output Text File

The name of the resulting ASCII file.

If a line or polygon feature class is exported to XYZ format, the file name is used as a base name. Each feature will have a unique file output, since the XYZ format only supports one line or polygon per file. Multipart features will also have each part written to a separate file. The file name will be appended with the OID of each feature, as well as any additional characters needed to make each file name unique.

4.    File Format (optional)

Specifies the format of the ASCII file being created.

· GENERATE—Writes output in the GENERATE format. This is the default.

· XYZ—Writes XYZ information of input features. One file will be created for each line or polygon in the input feature.

· PROFILE—Writes profile information for line features that can be used in external graphing applications.

5.    Delimiter (optional)

Specifies the delimiter that will indicate the separation of entries in the columns of the text file table.

· SPACE—A space will be used to delimit field values. This is the default.

· COMMA—A comma will be used to delimit field values. This option is not applicable if the decimal separator is also a comma.

6.    Decimal Notation (optional)

Specifies the method that will determine the number of significant digits stored in the output files.

· AUTOMATIC—The number of significant digits needed to preserve the available precision, while removing unnecessary trailing zeros, is automatically determined. This is the default.

· FIXED—The number of significant digits is defined in the Digits after Decimal parameter.

7.    Digits after Decimal (optional)

The number of digits written after the decimal for floating-point values written to the output files. This parameter is used when the Decimal Notation parameter is set to Specified Number (decimal_format=FIXED in Python).

8.    Decimal Separator (optional)

Specifies the decimal character that will differentiate the integer of a number from its fractional part.

· DECIMAL_POINT—A point is used as the decimal character. This is the default.

· DECIMAL_COMMA—A comma is used as the decimal character.


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