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Calculate Distance Band, Collect Events and Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

Calculate Distance Band, Collect Events and Export Feature Attribute to ASCII Tools

Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count

How to use Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count Tool
Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count

Path to access the tool


Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count Tool, Utilities Toolset, Spatial Statistics Tools Toolbox


Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count

Returns the minimum, the maximum, and the average distance to the specified Nth nearest neighbor (N is an input parameter) for a set of features. Results are written as tool execution messages.

1.    Input Features

The feature class or layer used to calculate distance statistics.

2.    Neighbors

The number of neighbors (N) to consider for each feature. This number should be any integer between one and the total number of features in the feature class. A list of distances between each feature and its Nth neighbor is compiled, and the maximum, minimum, and average distances are output to the Results window.

3.    Distance Method

Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring features.

  1. EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow flies)
  2. MANHATTAN_DISTANCE—The distance between two points measured along axes at right angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between the x- and y-coordinates

Collect Events

How to use Collect Events Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Collect Events Tool
Collect Events

Path to access the tool


Collect Events Tool, Utilities Toolset, Spatial Statistics Tools Toolbox


Collect Events

Converts event data, such as crime or disease incidents, to weighted point data.

1.    Input Incident Features

The features representing event or incident data.

2.    Output Weighted Point Feature Class

The output feature class to contain the weighted point data.

Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table

How to use Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table Tool
Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table

Path to access the tool


Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table Tool, Utilities Toolset, Spatial Statistics Tools Toolbox


Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to Table

Converts a binary spatial weights matrix file (.swm) to a table.

1.    Input Spatial Weights Matrix File

The full pathname for the spatial weights matrix file (.swm) you want to convert.

2.    Output Table

A full pathname to the table you want to create.

Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

How to use Export Feature Attribute to ASCII Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Feature Attribute to ASCII Tool
Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

Path to access the tool


Export Feature Attribute to ASCII Tool, Utilities Toolset, Spatial Statistics Tools Toolbox


Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

Exports feature class coordinates and attribute values to a space, comma, or semicolon-delimited ASCII text file.

1.    Input Feature Class

The feature class from which to export feature coordinates and attribute values.

2.    Value Field

The field or fields in the input feature class containing the values to export to an ASCII text file.

3.    Delimiter

Specifies how feature coordinates and attribute values will be separated in the output ASCII file.

  1. SPACE—Feature coordinates and attribute values will be separated by a space in the output.
  2. COMMA—Feature coordinates and attribute values will be separated by a comma in the output.
  3. SEMI-COLON—Feature coordinates and attribute values will be separated by a semicolon in the output.

4.    Output ASCII File

The ASCII text file that will contain the feature coordinate and attribute values.

5.    Add Field Names to Output

Specifies whether field names should be included as the first line in the output text file.

· Checked—Field names will be written to the output text file.

· Unchecked—No field names will be written to the output text file.


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