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Tools Trigonometric Toolset

ACos, ACosH, ASin, ASinH, ATan, ATanH, Cos, CosH, Sin, SinH, Tan, TanH Tools

How to use Tools Trigonometric Toolset in Arc Toolbox??

Path to access the Tools


Trigonometric Toolset, Math Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Explanation of the tool interface (Trigonometric Tools):

Trigonometric Tools
Trigonometric Tools

  1. ACos: Calculates the inverse cosine of cells in a raster.
  2. ACosH: Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
  3. ASin: Calculates the inverse sine of cells in a raster.
  4. ASinH: Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
  5. ATan: Calculates the inverse tangent of cells in a raster.
  6. ATanH: Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.
  7. Cos: Calculates the cosine of cells in a raster.
  8. CosH: Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
  9. Sin: Calculates the sine of cells in a raster.
  10. SinH: Calculates the hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
  11. Tan: Calculates the tangent of cells in a raster.
  12. TanH: Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.

1. Input raster or constant value

The input values for which to find the base e exponential.

In order to use a number as an input for this parameter, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

2. Output raster

The output raster.

The cell values are the base e exponential of the input values.

Explanation of the tool interface ATan2



Calculates the inverse tangent (based on x,y) of cells in a raster.

1.    Input raster or constant value 1

The input that specifies the numerator, or y value, to use when calculating the inverse tangent.

A number can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for the other parameter. To be able to specify a number for both inputs, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

2.    Input raster or constant value 2

The input that specifies the denominator, or x value, to use when calculating the inverse tangent.

A number can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for the other parameter. To be able to specify a number for both inputs, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.Output raster

3.    Output raster

The output raster.

The cell values are the result of a Bitwise Not operation on the input.


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