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Delete and Export and Import Generate Globe and Map Server Cache

Delete and Export and Import  Generate Globe and Map Server Cache Tools

Delete Globe Server Cache

How to use Delete Globe Server Cache Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Delete Globe Server Cache Tool
Delete Globe Server Cache

Path to access the tool


Delete Globe Server Cache Tool, Caching Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Delete Globe Server Cache

Deletes a layer or layers of an existing globe service cache and all tiles in them.

This is a deprecated tool.

1.    Input Service

The globe service whose layer caches you want to delete.

2.    Input Layers

The layers in the globe service whose caches will be deleted. All layers of the service are included by default. If a layer is excluded the layer's cache will not be deleted.

Delete Map Server Cache

How to use Delete Map Server Cache Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Delete Map Server Cache Tool
Delete Map Server Cache

Path to access the tool


Delete Map Server Cache Tool, Caching Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Delete Map Server Cache

Deletes an existing map or image service cache, including all associated files on disk.

Parameters have changed for this tool at version 10.1. Models and scripts written prior to 10.1 that use this tool will need to be modified to work in 10.1.

1.    Input Service

The map or image service whose cache will be deleted. You can drag and drop a map or image service from the Catalog tree to supply this parameter.

2.    Number of caching service instances (optional)

The total number of instances of the System/CachingTools service that you want to dedicate toward running this tool. You can increase the maximum number of instances per machine of the System/CachingTools service using the Service Editor window available through an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server. Ensure your server machines can support the chosen number of instances.

The Delete Map Server Cache tool requires a minimum of two instances to run successfully.

Export Map Server Cache

How to use Export Map Server Cache Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Export Map Server Cache Tool
Export Map Server Cache

Path to access the tool


Export Map Server Cache Tool, Caching Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Export Map Server Cache

Exports tiles from a map or an image service cache as a cache dataset or tile package to a folder on disk. The tiles can be imported into other caches, or they can be accessed from ArcGIS Desktop or mobile devices as a raster dataset, independent from their parent service.

1.    Input Service

The map or image service with the cache tiles to be exported. You can drag a map or an image service from the Catalog tree to supply this parameter.

2.    Target Cache Path

The folder into which the cache will be exported. This folder does not have to be a registered server cache directory. The ArcGIS Server account must have write access to the target cache folder. If the server account cannot be granted write access to the destination folder but the ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro client has write access to it, choose the Copy data from server parameter.

3.    Export cache type

Exports a cache as a cache dataset or a tile package. Tile packages are suitable for ArcGIS Runtime and ArcGIS Mobile deployments.

  1. CACHE_DATASET—A map or image service cache that is generated using ArcGIS Server. It can be used in ArcGIS Desktop and by ArcGIS Server map or image services. This is the default.
  2. TILE_PACKAGE—A single compressed file where the cache dataset is added as a layer and consolidated so that it can be shared. In can be used in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Runtime, and mobile apps.

4.    Copy data from server

Check this parameter only if the ArcGIS Server account cannot be granted write access to the target folder and the ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro client has write access to it. The software exports the tiles in the server output directory before moving them to the target folder.

  1. Checked—Tiles are placed in the server output directory and are then moved to the target folder. The ArcGIS Desktop client must have write access to the target folder.
  2. Unchecked—Tiles are exported directly into the target folder. The ArcGIS Server account must have write access to the target folder.

5.    Scales

A list of scale levels at which tiles will be exported.

By default, the scales listed in the tool dialog box are between the minimum and maximum cached scales for the service. To update the scale range, go to the Service EditorCaching tab and use the sliders to update the minimum and maximum cached scales.

6.    Overwrite Tiles (optional)

Specifies whether the images in the receiving cache will be merged with the tiles from the originating cache or overwritten by them.

  1. Checked—The export replaces all pixels in the area of interest, effectively overwriting tiles in the destination cache with tiles from the originating cache.
  2. Unchecked—When the tiles are exported, transparent pixels in the originating cache are ignored by default. This results in a merged or blended image in the destination cache. This is the default.

7.    Number of caching service instances (optional)

The total number of instances of the System/CachingTools service that you want to dedicate toward running this tool. You can increase the maximum number of instances per machine of the System/CachingTools service using the Service Editor window available through an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server. Ensure your server machines can support the chosen number of instances.

8.    Area Of Interest (Polygon) (optional)

An area of interest that spatially constrains where tiles are exported from the cache. This parameter is useful if you want to export irregularly shaped areas, as the tool clips the cache dataset at pixel resolution.

If you do not specify an area of interest, the full extent of the map is exported.

9.    Export Extent (optional)

A rectangular extent defining the tiles to be exported. By default, the extent is set to the full extent of the map service into which you are importing. Note that the optional parameter on this tool, Area Of Interest, allows you to alternatively import using a polygon. It is recommended that you not provide values for both parameters for a job. If values are provided for both parameters, the Area Of Interest parameter takes precedence over Import Extent.

Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme

How to use Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme Tool
Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme

Path to access the tool


Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme Tool, Caching Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme

Generates an XML tiling scheme file that defines the scale levels, tile dimensions, and other properties for a map service cache. This tool is useful when creating a tiling scheme to use in multiple caches. You can load the tiling scheme file when you create a cache in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Server Manager, or you can run Create Map Server Cache and pass in the tiling scheme file as a parameter.

A tiling scheme describes how clients should reference the tiles in a cache and is a mapping between the spatial reference of the source map document and the tiling grid. The tiling grid uses a level of detail (scales), row, and column reference scheme. The scheme also defines the scale levels (levels of detail) at which the cache has tiles, the size of the tiles in pixels, and the screen resolution for which the tiles are intended to be most commonly displayed. A tiling scheme is needed to generate a map cache.

1.    Map Document

The source map document to be used for the tiling scheme.

2.    Data Frame

The data frame to be used for the tiling scheme.

3.    Output Tiling Scheme

Path and file name of the tiling scheme file to create.

4.    Tiling origin in map units

The upper left corner of the tiling scheme, in coordinates of the spatial reference of the source data frame.

5.    Number of Scales

Number of scale levels in the tiling scheme.

6.    Scales

Scale levels to include in the tiling scheme. These are not represented as fractions. Instead, use 500 to represent a scale of 1:500, and so on.

7.    Dots(Pixels) Per Inch

The dots per inch of the intended output device. If a DPI is chosen that does not match the resolution of the output device, the scale of the map tile will appear incorrect. The default value is 96.

8.    Tile Size

The width and height of the cache tiles in pixels. The default is 256 by 256. For the best balance between performance and manageability, avoid deviating from standard dimensions of 256 by 256 or 512 by 512.

  • 128 x 128—128 by 128 pixels
  • 256 x 256—256 by 256 pixels
  • 512 x 512—512 by 512 pixels
  • 1024 x 1024—1024 by 1024 pixels 

Import Map Server Cache

How to use Import Map Server Cache Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Import Map Server Cache Tool
Import Map Server Cache

Path to access the tool


Import Map Server Cache Tool, Caching Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox


Import Map Server Cache

Imports tiles from a folder on disk into a map or an image service cache.

The source folder can be a child of a registered server cache directory, a folder into which a cache has been previously exported, or a tile package (.tpk). The target service must have the same tiling scheme and the storage format as the source cache.

1.    Input Service

The map or image service into which tiles will be imported. You can drag a map or an image service from the Catalog tree to supply this parameter.

2.    Source Cache Type

Imports a cache from a cache dataset or tile package to a cached map or image service running on the server.

  1. CACHE_DATASET—A map or image service cache that is generated using ArcGIS Server. It can be used in ArcGIS Desktop and by ArcGIS Server map or image services.
  2. TILE_PACKAGE—A single compressed file where the cache dataset is added as a layer and consolidated so that it can be shared. It can be used in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Runtime, and mobile apps.

3.    Source Cache Dataset (optional)

The path to the tiles that will be imported. This is represented by a raster dataset icon when you are browsing. You do not have to specify a registered server cache directory; most of the time you'll specify a location on disk where tiles have been previously exported. This location should be accessible to the ArcGIS Server account. If the ArcGIS Server account cannot be granted access to this location, check the Upload data to server parameter.

4.    Upload data to server (optional)

Check this parameter if the ArcGIS Server account does not have read access to the source cache. The tool will upload the source cache to the ArcGIS Server uploads directory before moving it to the ArcGIS Server cache directory.

  1. Checked—Tiles are placed in the server uploads directory and are then moved to the server cache directory. This is active by default when the Source Cache Type parameter is set to TILE_PACKAGE.
  2. Unchecked—Tiles are imported directly into the server cache directory. The ArcGIS Server account must have read access to the source cache.

5.    Scales (optional)

A list of scale levels at which tiles will be imported.

By default, the scales listed in the tool dialog box are between the minimum and maximum cached scales for the service. To update the scale range, go to the Service EditorCaching tab and use the sliders to update the minimum and maximum cached scales.

6.    Overwrite Tiles (optional)

Specifies whether the images in the destination cache will be merged with the tiles from the originating cache or overwritten by them.

Checked—The import replaces all pixels in the area of interest, effectively overwriting tiles in the destination cache with tiles from the originating cache.

Unchecked—When the tiles are imported, transparent pixels in the originating cache are ignored by default. This results in a merged or blended image in the destination cache. This is the default.

7.    Number of caching service instances (optional)

The total number of instances of the System/CachingTools service that you want to dedicate toward running this tool. You can increase the maximum number of instances per machine of the System/CachingTools service using the Service Editor window available through an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server. Ensure your server machines can support the chosen number of instances.

8.    Area Of Interest (Polygon) (optional)

An area of interest polygon that spatially constrains where tiles are imported into the cache. This parameter is useful if you want to import tiles for irregularly shaped areas, as the tool clips the cache dataset, which intersects the polygon at pixel resolution and imports it to the service cache directory.

If you do not provide a value for this parameter, the value of the Import Extent parameter will be used. The default is to use the full extent of the map.

9.    Import Extent (optional)

A rectangular extent defining the tiles to be imported into the cache. By default, the extent is set to the full extent of the map service into which you are importing. Note that the optional parameter on this tool, Area Of Interest, allows you to spatially constrain the imported tiles using an irregular shape. If values are provided for both parameters, the Area Of Interest parameter takes precedence over Import Extent.


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