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Cell Statistics, Combine, Equal to Frequency, Greater Than Frequency and Highest Position

Cell Statistics, Combine, Equal to Frequency, Greater Than Frequency and Highest Position Tools

Cell Statistics

How to use Cell Statistics Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Cell Statistics Tool
Cell Statistics

Path to access the tool


Cell Statistics Tool, Local Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Cell Statistics

Calculates a per-cell statistic from multiple rasters.

The available statistics are Majority, Maximum, Mean, Median, Minimum, Minority, Range, Standard deviation, Sum, and Variety.

1.    Input rasters or constant values

A list of input rasters for which a statistic will be calculated for each cell within the Analysis window.

A number can be used as an input; however, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

2.    Output raster

The output raster.

For each cell, the value is determined by applying the specified statistic type to the input rasters at that location.

3.    Overlay statistic (optional)

Statistic type to be calculated.

  1. MEAN—Calculates the mean (average) of the inputs.
  2. MAJORITY—Determines the majority (value that occurs most often) of the inputs.
  3. MAXIMUM—Determines the maximum (largest value) of the inputs.
  4. MEDIAN—Calculates the median of the inputs.
  5. MINIMUM—Determines the minimum (smallest value) of the inputs.
  6. MINORITY—Determines the minority (value that occurs least often) of the inputs.
  7. RANGE—Calculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value) of the inputs.
  8. STD—Calculates the standard deviation of the inputs.
  9. SUM—Calculates the sum (total of all values) of the inputs.
  10. VARIETY—Calculates the variety (number of unique values) of the inputs.

The default statistic type is Mean.

4.    Ignore NoData in calculations (optional)

Denotes whether NoData values are ignored by the statistic calculation.

  1. Checked—At the processing cell location, if any of the input rasters has NoData, then that NoData value will be ignored. The statistics will be computed by only considering the cells with valid data. This is the default.
  2. Unchecked—If the processing cell location for any of the input rasters is NoData, then the output for that cell will be NoData.


How to use Combine Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Combine Tool
Combine Tool

Path to access the tool


Combine Tool, Local Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox



Combines multiple rasters so that a unique output value is assigned to each unique combination of input values.

1.    Input rasters

The list of input rasters to be combined.

2.    Output raster

The output combined raster.

A unique integer value is assigned to each unique combination of input values.

Equal to Frequency

How to use Equal to Frequency Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Equal to Frequency Tool

Equal to Frequency

Path to access the tool


Equal to Frequency Tool, Local Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Equal to Frequency

Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times the values in a set of rasters are equal to another raster.

1.    Input value raster

For each cell location in the input value raster, the number of occurrences (frequency) where a raster in the input list has an equal value is counted.

2.    Input rasters

The list of rasters that will be compared against the value raster.

3.    Output raster

The output raster.

For each cell in the output raster, the value represents the number of times that the corresponding cells in the list of rasters are the same as the value raster.

Greater Than Frequency

How to use Greater Than Frequency Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Greater Than Frequency Tool
Greater Than Frequency

Path to access the tool


Greater Than Frequency Tool, Local Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Greater Than Frequency

Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times a set of rasters is greater than another raster.

1.    Input value raster

For each cell location in the input value raster, the number of occurrences (frequency) where a raster in the input list has a greater value is counted.

2.    Input rasters

The list of rasters that will be compared against the value raster.

3.    Output raster

The output raster.

For each cell in the output raster, the value represents the number of times that the corresponding cells in the list of rasters is greater than the value raster.

Highest Position

How to use Highest Position Tool in Arc Toolbox??

Highest Position Tool
Highest Position

Path to access the tool


Highest Position Tool, Local Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox


Highest Position

Determines on a cell-by-cell basis the position of the raster with the maximum value in a set of rasters.

1.    Input rasters or constant values

The list of input rasters for which the position of the input with the highest value will be determined.

A number can be used as an input; however, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

2.    Output raster

The output raster.

For each cell in the output raster, the value represents the position of the raster with the highest value.


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