Add Raster to GeoPackage, Layer To KML Tools
Add Raster to GeoPackage
How to use Add Raster to GeoPackage Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
Add Raster to GeoPackage |
Path to access the tool
Raster to GeoPackage Tool, To GeoPackage Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
Add Raster to GeoPackage
Load raster datasets
into an OGC GeoPackage raster pyramid.
1. Input Raster
The raster dataset to
load into the OGC GeoPackage raster pyramid.
2. Target GeoPackage
The target GeoPackage.
3. Raster Name
The name of the output
GeoPackage raster pyramid.
4. Tiling Scheme (optional)
The tiling scheme used.
- TILED—The spatial reference of the input raster will be maintained and tiles will be generated consistent with the GeoPackage standard. This is the default.
- ARCGISONLINE_SCHEME— Generate raster tiles in a Web Mercator coordinate reference (the same scheme developed for the Army Geospatial Center).
- NSGPROFILE_SCALED_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR—A scaled transverse Mercator is used.
- NSGPROFILE_WGS84_GEOGRAPHIC—WGS84 Geographic is used.
- GOOGLE_EARTH_WEB_MERCATOR—Create raster tiles using the parameters in the Web Mercator coordinate reference.
- FROM_FILE—Uses a custom tiling scheme from a file using an XML schema definition created using the Generate Tile Cache Tiling Scheme tool.
5. Tiling Scheme File (optional)
A custom tiling scheme file that is required
when Tiling Scheme is set to FROM_FILE.
6. Area of Interest (optional)
Specify an area to limit
the area of where you the raster loaded, rather than the entire dataset.
Layer To KML
How to use Layer to KML Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
Layer to KML |
Path to access the tool
to KML Tool, To KML Toolset, Conversion Toolbox
Layer To KML
This tool converts a
feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri
geometries and symbology. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, has a
.kmz extension, and can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Earth,
ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.
1. Layer
The feature or raster
layer or layer file (.lyr) to be converted to KML.
2. Output File
The KML file to write.
This file is compressed and has a .kmz extension. It can be read by any KML
client including ArcGIS Earth, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.
3. Layer Output Scale (optional)
The scale at which to
export the layer. This parameter is used with any scale dependency, such as
layer visibility or scale-dependent rendering. If the layer is not visible at
the export scale, it will not be included in the created KML file. Any value, such
as 0, can be used if there are no scale dependencies.
A scale value of 0 is an
override switch to ignore scale dependencies set on the layer. Any actual scale
value will produce a KML with the layers visible at the given input.
If exporting a layer that
is to be displayed as 3D vectors and the Return single composite image
parameter is unchecked, you can set this parameter to any value, as long as
your features do not have any scale-dependent rendering.
Only numeric characters
should be entered; for example, enter 20000 as the scale, not 1:20000 or
This parameter does not
control the output resolution of a raster.
4. Clamped features to ground (optional)
- Checked—You can override the Z-values inside your features or force them to be clamped to the ground. You should use this setting if you are not working with 3D features or have features with Z-values that might not honor values relative to sea level. This is the default.
- Unchecked—The output KML file will be created, which respects the Z-values of features. Your output KML features will be set to the absolute value, which could place features below the earth's surface in some KML clients. Most KML clients allow you to set the display mode for features when viewing the KML file.
Most KML viewers set absolute as sea level and draw features with
elevation (Z-values) based on that value.
5. Return single composite image (optional)
- Checked—The output KML file will be a single composite image representing the raster or vector features in the source layer. The raster is draped over the terrain as a KML GroundOverlay. Select this option to reduce the size of the output KMZ file. When you check this box, individual features and layers in the KML are not selectable.
- Unchecked—If your layer has vector features, they are preserved as KML vectors. If your layer is a raster, you can choose either option for this parameter without any visual difference.
6. Extent to Export (optional)
The geographic extent of the area to be
exported. Either define the extent box (in the WGS84 coordinate system) or
choose a layer or dataset that defines an extent.
7. Size of returned image (pixels) (optional)
- Defines the vertical and horizontal resolution when the Return single composite image parameter is used. Use this parameter with the DPI parameter to control output image resolution.
- This parameter does not provide the ability to resample source rasters. Any input rasters will have a snapshot taken and included in the KML output as a simple .png image.
8. DPI of output image (optional)
- Defines the device resolution for KML output when the Return single composite image parameter is used. Use this parameter with the image_size parameter to control output image resolution.
- This parameter does not provide the ability to resample source rasters. Any input rasters will have a snapshot taken and included in the KML output as a simple .png image.
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