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Stack Profile, Surface Volume

Stack Profile, Surface Volume

Stack Profile

How to use Stack Profile Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Stack Profile Tool
Stack Profile

Stack Profile Tool, Functional Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Stack Profile

Creates a table and optional graph denoting the profile of line features over one or more multipatch, raster, TIN, or terrain surfaces.

1. Input Line Features

The line features that will be profiled over the surface inputs.

2. Profile Targets

The data being profiled, which can be comprised from any combination of multipatch features, raster, and triangulated surface models.

3. Output Table

The output table that will store the height interpolated for each profile target that intersects the input line.

4. Output Graph Name (optional)

The name of the output graph that can be viewed in ArcMap, ArcScene, or ArcGlobe.

Surface Volume

How to use Surface Volume Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Surface Volume Tool
Surface Volume

Surface Volume Tool, Functional Surface Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Surface Volume

Calculates the area and volume of the region between a surface and a reference plane.

1. Input Surface

The raster, TIN, or terrain surface to process.

2. Output Text File (optional)

A comma-delimited ASCII text file containing the area and volume calculations. If the file already exists, the new results will be appended to the file.

3. Reference Plane (optional)

The direction from the reference plane for which to calculate the results.

· ABOVE—Volume and area calculations will represent the region of space between the specified plane height and the portions of the surface that are above the plane. This is the default.

· BELOW—Volume and area calculations will represent the region of space between the specified plane height and portions of the surface that are below the plane.

4. Plane Height (optional)

The Z value of the plane that will be used to calculate area and volume.

5. Z Factor (optional)

The factor by which z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert Z linear units to match XY linear units. The default is 1, which leaves elevation values unchanged. This parameter is disabled if the spatial reference of the input surface has a Z datum with a specified linear unit.

6. Pyramid Level Resolution (optional)

The z-tolerance or window-size resolution of the terrain pyramid level that will be used by this tool. The default is 0, or full resolution.


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