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Skyline Barrier and Graph, Sun Shadow Volume

Skyline Barrier and Graph, Sun Shadow Volume Tools

Skyline Barrier

How to use Skyline Barrier Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Skyline Barrier Tool
Skyline Barrier Tool

Skyline Barrier Tool, Visibility Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Skyline Barrier

Generates a multipatch feature class representing a skyline barrier or shadow volume.

1. Input Observer Point Features

The point feature class containing the observer points.

2. Input Features

The input line feature class which represents the skylines, or the input multipatch feature class which represents the silhouettes.

3. Output Feature Class

The output feature class into which the skyline barrier or shadow volume is placed.

4. Minimum Radius (optional)

The minimum radius to which triangle edges should be extended from the observer point. The default is 0, meaning no minimum.

5. Maximum Radius (optional)

The maximum radius to which triangle edges should be extended from the observer point. The default is 0, meaning no maximum.

6. Closed (optional)

Whether to close the skyline barrier with a skirt and a base so that the resulting multipatch will appear to be a solid.

· Unchecked—No skirt or base is added to the multipatch; just the multipatch representing the surface going from the observer to the skyline is represented. This is the default.

· Checked— A skirt and a base are added to the multipatch so as to form what appears to be a closed solid.

7. Base Elevation (optional)

The elevation of the base of the closed multipatch; it is ignored if the barrier is not to be closed. The default is 0.

8. Project to Plane (optional)

Whether the front (nearer to the observer) and back (farther from the observer) ends of the barrier should each be projected onto a vertical plane. This is typically checked (turned on) in order to create a shadow volume.

· Unchecked—The barrier will extend from the observer point to the skyline (or nearer or farther if nonzero values are provided for minimum and maximum radius). This is the default.

· Checked—The barrier will extend from a vertical plane to a vertical plane.

Skyline Graph

How to use Skyline Graph Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Skyline Graph Tool
Skyline Graph Tool

Skyline Graph Tool, Visibility Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Skyline Graph

Calculates sky visibility and generates an optional table and polar graph.

The table and graph represent the horizontal and vertical angles going from the observer point to each of the vertices on the skyline.

1. Input Observer Point Features

The input features containing one or more observer points.

2. Input Line Features

The line features that represent the skyline.

3. Base Visibility Angle (optional)

The baseline vertical angle that is used for calculating the percentage of visible sky. 0 is the horizon, 90 is straight up; -90 is straight down. The default is 0.

4. Additional Fields (optional)

Indicates whether additional fields will be added to the angles table.

· Unchecked—Additional fields will not be added. This is the default.

· Checked—Additional fields will be added.

5. Output Angles Table (optional)

The table to be created for outputting the angles.

6. Output Graph Name (optional)

Specifying a name will create a polar graph of the skyline delineation of the first observer. The graph represents the potential sky that can be seen from the position of the observer, and has its origin defined by the observer. A table has to be generated in order for the graph to be made, and the graph will only display if the tool is executed in ArcMap, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene.

Sun Shadow Volume

How to use Sun Shadow Volume Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ??

Sun Shadow Volume Tool
Sun Shadow Volume

Sun Shadow Volume Tool, Visibility Toolset, 3D Analyst Toolbox

Sun Shadow Volume

Creates closed volumes that model shadows cast by each feature using sunlight for a given date and time.

1. Input Features

The multipatch features that will be used to model shadows. Polygon and line features can also be used if they are added as an extruded 3D layer.

2. Start Date and Time

The date and time that the trajectory of sunlight will be calculated for modeling the shadows.

3. Output Feature Class

The multipatch feature class that will store the resulting shadow volumes.

4. Adjusted for Daylight Savings Time (optional)

Specifies if time value is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time (DST).

· Unchecked—DST is not observed. This is the default.

· Checked—DST is observed.

5. Time Zone (optional)

The time zone in which the participating input is located. The default setting is the time zone to which the operating system is set.

6. End Date and Time (optional)

The final date and time for calculating sun position. If only a date is provided, the final time is presumed to be sunset.

7. Iteration Interval (optional)

The value used to define the iteration of time from the start date.

8. Iteration Unit (optional)

The unit that defines the iteration value applied to the Start Date and Time.

· DAYS—Iteration value will represent days. This is the default.

· HOURS—Iteration value will represent one or more hours.

· MINUTES—Iteration value will represent one or more minutes.


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