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Merge Divided Roads, Simplify Building

Merge Divided RoadsSimplify Building Tools

Merge Divided Roads 

How to use Merge Divided Roads Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Merge Divided Roads Tool
Merge Divided Roads Tool

Merge Divided Roads Tool, Generalization Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Merge Divided Roads

Generates single-line road features in place of matched pairs of divided road lanes.

Matched pairs of roads or lanes are merged if they are the same road class, trend generally parallel to one another, and are within the merge distance apart. The road class is specified by the Merge Field parameter. All nonmerged roads from the input collection are copied to the output feature class.

This tool is frequently used to simplify a larger-scale road collection at a smaller scale, where it is appropriate to depict divided highways and boulevards as a single line. At medium scales, it may be preferable to retain divided roads as separate features. In this case, you can use the Resolve Road Conflicts tool instead to ensure that symbolized lanes are displayed without symbol conflicts. If both the Resolve Road Conflicts and Merge Divided Roads tools will be run on the same collection of roads, use the Merge Divided Roads tool first.

A warning is raised if the input features are not in a projected coordinate system. This tool relies on linear distance units, which will create unexpected results in an unprojected coordinate system. It is strongly suggested that you run this tool on data in a projected coordinate system to ensure valid results. An error is raised and the tool will not process if the coordinate system is missing or unknown.

1.  Input Features

The input linear road features that contain matched pairs of divided road lanes that should be merged together to a single output line feature.

2.  Merge Field

The field that contains road classification information. Only parallel, proximate roads of equal classification will be merged. A value of 0 (zero) locks a feature to prevent it from participating in merging.

3.  Merge Distance

The minimum distance apart, in the specified units, for equal-class, relatively parallel road features to be merged. This distance must be greater than zero. If the units are in points, millimeters, centimeters, or inches, the value is considered as page units and takes into account the reference scale.

4.  Output Features

The output feature class containing single-line merged road features and all unmerged road features.

5.  Output Displacement Feature Class (optional)

The output polygon features containing the degree and direction of road displacement to be used by the Propagate Displacement tool to preserve spatial relationships.

6.  Road Character Field (optional)

Specify a numeric field that indicate the character of road segments, independent of their road classification. These values help the tool to refine the assessment of candidate feature pairs for merging. Use this parameter in unusual or complex road networks to improve the quality of the output. Where there are null values (or if this parameter is not specified at all), the road character (and merge candidacy) is based only on the shapes and arrangement of features. Use value 999 to lock features from participating in a merge at all.

Field values are assessed as follows:

  1. 0—Traffic circles or roundabouts
  2. 1—Carriageways, boulevards, dual-lane highways, or other parallel trending roads
  3. 2—On- or off-ramps, highway intersection connectors
  4. 999—Features that should not merge

7.  Output Table (optional)

A many-to-many relationship table that links the merged road features to their source features. This table contains two fields, OUTPUT_FID and INPUT_FID, storing the merged feature IDs and their source feature IDs, respectively. Use this table to derive necessary attributes for the output features from their source features. No table is created when this parameter is left blank. 

Simplify Building 

How to use Simplify Building Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Simplify Building Tool
Simplify Building Tool

Simplify Building Tool, Generalization Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Simplify Building

Simplifies the boundary or footprint of building polygons while maintaining their essential shape and size.

1. Input Features

The building polygons to be simplified.

2. Output Feature Class

The output feature class to be created.

3. Simplification Tolerance

Sets the tolerance for building simplification. A tolerance must be specified, and it must be greater than zero. You can choose a preferred unit; the default is the feature unit.

4. Minimum Area (optional)

Sets the minimum area for a simplified building to be retained in feature units. The default value is zero, that is, to keep all buildings. You can specify a preferred unit; the default is the feature unit.

5. Check for spatial conflicts (optional)

Specifies whether or not to check for potential conflicts; that is, overlapping or touching, among buildings. A field named SimBldFlag is added to the output to store conflict flags. A value of 0 means no conflict; a value of 1 means conflict.

  1. Unchecked—Specifies not to check for potential conflicts; the resulting buildings may overlap. This is the default.
  2. Checked—Specifies to check for potential conflicts; the conflicting buildings will be flagged.

6. Input Barriers Layers (optional)

The input layers containing features to act as barriers for simplification. Resulting simplified buildings will not touch or cross barrier features. For example, when simplifying buildings, the resulting simplified building areas do not cross road features defined as barriers.


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