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Feature to NetCDF, Make NetCDF Feature Layer

Feature to NetCDF, Make NetCDF Feature Layer Tools

Feature to NetCDF

How to use Feature to NetCDF Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Feature to NetCDF Tool
Feature to NetCDF Tool

Path to access the tool


Feature to NetCDF Tool, Multidimension Tools Toolbox


Feature to NetCDF

Converts a point feature class to a netCDF file.

1.    Input Features

The input point feature class.

2.    Fields to Variables

The field or fields used to create variables in the netCDF file.

Four special fields—Shape.X, Shape.Y, Shape.Z, and Shape.M—can be used for exporting x-coordinates or longitude, y-coordinates or latitude, Z values, and M values of input features, respectively.

· Field—A field in the input feature attribute table.

· Variable—The netCDF variable name.

· Units—The units of the data represented by the field.

3.    Output netCDF File

The output netCDF file. The file name must have a .nc extension.

4.    Fields to Dimensions (optional)

The field or fields used to create dimensions in the netCDF file.

· Field—A field in the input feature attribute table.

· Dimension—The netCDF dimension name.

· Units—The units of the data represented by the field.

Make NetCDF Feature Layer

How to use Make NetCDF Feature Layer Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Make NetCDF Feature Layer Tool
Make NetCDF Feature Layer Tool

Path to access the tool


Make NetCDF Feature Layer Tool, Multidimension Tools Toolbox


Make NetCDF Feature Layer

Makes a feature layer from a netCDF file.

1.    Input netCDF File

The input netCDF file.

2.    Variables

The netCDF variable, or variables, that will be added as fields in the feature attribute table.

3.    X Variable

A netCDF coordinate variable used to define the x, or longitude, coordinates of the output layer.

4.    Y Variable

A netCDF coordinate variable used to define the y, or latitude, coordinates of the output layer.

5.    Output Feature Layer

The name of the output feature layer.

6.    Row Dimensions (optional)

The netCDF dimension, or dimensions, used to create features with unique values in the feature layer. The dimension or dimensions set here determine the number of features in the feature layer and the fields that will be presented in the feature layer's attribute table.

For instance, if StationID is a dimension in the netCDF file and has 10 values, by setting StationID as the dimension to use, 10 features will be created (10 rows will be created in the feature layer's attribute table). If StationID and time are used, and there are 3 time slices, 30 features will be created (30 rows will be created in the feature layer's attribute table). If you will be animating the netCDF feature layer, it is recommended, for efficiency reasons, to not set time as a row dimension. Time will still be available as a dimension that you can set to animate through, but the attribute table will not store this information.

7.    Z Variable (optional)

A netCDF variable used to specify elevation values (z-values) for features.

8.    M Variable (optional)

A netCDF variable used to specify linear measurement values (m-values) for features.

9.    Dimension Values (optional)

The value (such as 01/30/05) of the dimension (such as Time) or dimensions to use when displaying the variable in the output layer. By default, the first value of the dimension or dimensions will be used. This default value can also be altered on the netCDF tab of the Layer Properties dialog box.

· Dimension—A netCDF dimension.

· Value—The value of the dimension to use.

10. Value Selection Method (optional)

Specifies the dimension value selection method.

· BY_VALUE—The input value is matched with the actual dimension value.

· BY_INDEX—The input value is matched with the position or index of a dimension value. The index is 0 based; that is, the position starts at 0.


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