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Align Marker, Calculate Line Caps and Calculate Polygon Main Angle

Align Marker, Calculate Line Caps and Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tools

Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill

How to use Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill Tool
Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill Tool

Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill Tool, Cartographic Refinement Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Align Marker To Stroke Or Fill

Aligns the representation marker symbols of a point feature class to the nearest stroke or fill representation symbols in a line or polygon feature class within a specified search distance.

1.  Input Point Features With Marker Representations

The input point feature layer containing marker representations.

2.  Input Features With Stroke Or Fill Representations

The input line or polygon feature layer containing stroke or fill representations.

3.  Search Distance

The search distance from graphical marker edge to graphical stroke or fill edge. A distance greater than or equal to zero must be specified.

4.  Marker Orientation (optional)

Specifies how to orient the representation marker relative to the stroke or fill edge.

  1. PERPENDICULAR—Aligns representation markers perpendicularly to the stroke or fill edge. This is the default.
  2. PARALLEL—Aligns representation markers parallel to the stroke or fill edge.

Calculate Line Caps

How to use Calculate Line Caps Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Line Caps Tool
Calculate Line Caps Tool

Calculate Line Caps Tool, Cartographic Refinement Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate Line Caps

Modifies the cap type (ending style) for representation stroke symbols and stores it as a representation override.

1.  Input Features With Representations

The input feature layer containing line representations.

2.  Cap Type (optional)

Defines how the ends of representation stroke symbols are drawn. The default cap type of representation strokes is round, where the symbol is terminated with a semicircle of radius equal to stroke width is centered at the line endpoint. This tool changes cap type to BUTT or SQUARE.

  1. BUTT—Specifies to end the stroke symbol exactly where the line geometry ends. This is the default.
  2. SQUARE—Specifies to end the stroke symbol with closed, square caps that extend past the endpoint of the line by half of the symbol width.

3.  Dangle Option (optional)

Controls how line caps are calculated for adjoining line features that share an endpoint but are drawn with different symbology.

  1. CASED_LINE_DANGLE—Modifies the cap style for dangling lines (those not connected at their endpoints to another line) and also for the lines where a cased-line symbol is joined at the endpoint of a single-stroke layer line symbol. This is the default.
  2. TRUE_DANGLE—Modifies the cap style only for endpoints that are not connected to another feature.

Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tool in ArcToolbox 

How to use Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tool
Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tool

Calculate Polygon Main Angle Tool, Cartographic Refinement Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Calculate Polygon Main Angle

Calculates the dominant angles of input polygon features and assigns the values to a specified field in the feature class.

1.  Input Features

The input polygon features.

2.  Angle Field

The field that will be updated with the polygon main angle values.

3.  Rotation Method (optional)

Controls the method and origin point of rotation.

  1. GEOGRAPHIC—Angle is calculated clockwise with 0 at top/north.
  2. ARITHMETIC—Angle is calculated counterclockwise with 0 at the right/east.
  3. GRAPHIC—Angle is calculated counterclockwise with 0 at top/north. This is the default.


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