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Add and Drop Representation, Calculate Representation Rule and Remove Override

Add and Drop Representation, Calculate Representation Rule and Remove Override Tools

Add Representation

How to use Add Representation Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Add Representation Tool
Add Representation Tool

Path to access the tool


Add Representation Tool, Representation Management Toolset, Cartography Toolbox 

Add Representation

Adds a feature class representation to a geodatabase feature class.

1.    Input Features

The input geodatabase feature class to which a new feature class representation will be added.

2.    Representation Name

The name of the feature class representation to be added.

3.    Rule ID Field Name (optional)

The name of the RuleID field, which will hold a reference to the representation rule for each feature.

4.    Override Field Name (optional)

The name of the Override field, which will hold overrides to representation rules for each feature.

5.    Geometry Editing Option (optional)

Specifies what will happen to the supporting feature class geometry when features are modified with the representation editing tools.

  1. STORE_CHANGE_AS_OVERRIDE—Geometry modification made to features with the representation editing tools or using any of the geoprocessing tools in the Cartography toolbox will be stored as shape overrides in the Override field. Supporting feature class geometry (stored in the Shape field of the feature class) will be unaffected. This is the default.
  2. MODIFY_FEATURE_SHAPE—Geometry modifications made to features with the representation editing tools, or using any of the geoprocessing tools in the Cartography toolbox, will modify the supporting feature class geometry (stored in the Shape field of the feature class.) No shape overrides will be stored. 

6.    Import Rule Layer (optional)

A feature layer that symbolizes features with a feature class representation, from which the representation rules are imported.

7.    Assign Rule IDs (optional)

Specifies whether or not to assign representation rules to features to match the RuleID assignments of the import rule layer. This option applies only when Import Rule Layer is specified.

  1. ASSIGN—assign RuleIDs to features to match the import rule layer. This is the default.
  2. NO_ASSIGN—Specifies not to match RuleIDs to features from the import rule layer. Features will be assigned to the default representation rule instead.

Calculate Representation Rule 

How to use Calculate Representation Rule Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Calculate Representation Rule Tool
Calculate Representation Rule Tool

Path to access the tool


Calculate Representation Rule Tool, Representation Management Toolset, Cartography Toolbox 

Calculate Representation Rule

Applies existing representation rules to features in a feature class representation by calculating the RuleID field.

1.    Input Features

The feature class that contains the features for which representation rules will be calculated.

2.    Representation

The feature class representation that contains the representation rules that will be applied to features. This feature class representation must belong to the input feature class.

3.    Representation Rule

The representation rule to be applied to the input features by calculating the RuleID field.

Drop Representation

How to use Drop Representation Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Drop Representation Tool
Drop Representation Tool

Path to access the tool


Drop Representation Tool, Representation Management Toolset, Cartography Toolbox

Drop Representation

Deletes a feature class representation from a geodatabase feature class.

1.    Input Features

The input feature layer containing representation(s).

2.    Representation

The feature class representation to be deleted.

Remove Override

How to use Remove Override Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

Remove Override Tool
Remove Override Tool
Path to access the tool


Remove Override Tool, Representation Management Toolset, Cartography Toolbox 

Remove Override

Removes geometry and/or property representation overrides from features participating in a feature class representation.

1.    Input Features

The input feature layer containing at least one representation.

2.    Representation

The representation from which representation overrides will be removed.

3.    Remove Option (optional)

Specifies which types of overrides will be removed.

  1. BOTH—Remove both geometry and property representation overrides. This is the default.
  2. GEOMETRY_OVERRIDE—Remove representation geometry overrides only.
  3. REPRESENTATION_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE—Remove representation property overrides only.


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