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Multidimension Tools ArcToolbox

An overview of the Multidimension toolbox

(ArcGIS, ArcToolbox) Tools

  1. The Multidimension toolbox contains tools that operate on multidimensional data. You can use these tools to make a netCDF raster layer, feature layer, or table view; to convert to netCDF from a raster, feature, or table; to select a dimension of a netCDF layer or table; and to make a raster layer from data stored on a remote OPeNDAP server.

An overview of the Multidimension toolbox

  • Tools of the Multidimension toolbox:

1.  Feature to NetCDF

Converts a point feature class to a netCDF file.

2.  Make NetCDF Feature Layer

Makes a feature layer from a netCDF file.

3.  Make NetCDF Raster Layer

Makes a raster layer from a netCDF file.

4.  Make NetCDF Table View

Makes a table view from a netCDF file.

5.  Make OPeNDAP Raster Layer

Makes a raster layer from data stored on an OPeNDAP server.

6.  Raster to NetCDF

Converts a raster dataset to a netCDF file.

7.  Select by Dimension

Updates the netCDF layer display or netCDF table view based on the dimension value.

8. Table to NetCDF

Converts a table to a netCDF file.


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